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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm trading six broker sites right now and the advantage is simple. If one broker site does not work well at least you still have other broker site that going to earn you money. I'm happy that while other one is losing I'm earning in the other one so each month I really do earn simple because one out if six broker site that I have earned. Also don't use the same strategy. I use hedging in one account, scalping in another and so on.
  2. And those who don't giving up are still losing in forex. 20 loss is already a lo and its shows that your not going to earn money in forex at all. So I suggest that you stop posting if you have ten loses because its just going to continue. Me in 20 position I open only 1 turn out to be a negative earnings. But still I have hard time earning because that one loss is almost equal to many profitable trade.
  3. I use forexpeople before. But for two months its stop giving bonuses. Now its return but one problem is that they have new rules now if you post in here and earn bonuses its has expiration after 3 months. So in short its continues posting but your capital will just going to go away after three months. I'm still hoping though that even at this restriction I can still continue my earning.
  4. That's why I prefer to use paypal if its going to be available in uwcfx because if I receive funds in paypal I can withdraw my funds straight to my bank account with minimal fees. Anyway right now I'm hoping that uwcfx will going to add paypal although I doubt it since even in instaforex and in liteforex they have hard time adding paypal in their withdrawals.
  5. I already got MC. But that's okay with me. I have another account that I can trade and earn again. At least lesson learned and that is don't be greedy and maintain the lot size that you are comfortable trading with. The one that kills me in here is when I open lot 1 instead of .01 lot size. Its really have a great effect because 1 lot size means 1 pip = 1 dollar while in 0.01 lot size 1 pip is 1 cent.
  6. I don't mind earning in paypal. In fact I do like to earn via paypal. But the main reason why I don't want to join this site is that its has 4 dollars minimum amount to withdraw. that's for me is just a small amount. I don't like how this site is going to pay its members since its going to take 4 months more or less to reach 4 dollars. By the time you reach minimum in here I'm sure this site has turn to scam already.
  7. Its seems payza is getting popular right now as theirs so many proof of payments that is done using payza. I don't know if its has good effect to alertpay now that its name is payza. To be honest its seems better to say payza than to say alertpay. Anyway clixsense is really a stable ptc site. I think right now its even more stable than neobux right now.
  8. Its not a surprise at all. I guess the moral fiber in this country is dead if you ask me in term of online etiquette. Because in my experience most of multiple accounts was been opened in China not only in this ptc site but in other ptc site. Problem is that theirs still some few good honest Chinese PTC members who is also affected by this.
  9. Me I actually want to earn via pp. As I really need to have fund for my PP. Anyway I'm just wondering what they get paid so high while the rate is so low. This is the main reason why I did not pursue my clicking in here. For me I'm not lucky enough to earn good in here. Beside its means I need to spend time finding referrals and this is not my strongest point.
  10. @riddick09 Can you share your stats? Like if you are a standard member and how many dr or rr you have and how much do you earn in here? its seems you have some faith with this site and I see that you got paid and I'm thinking to join also right now. I'm just wondering do you think its still good to join right now? I joined 5 ptc this month and after two weeks all turn out to be a scam site so I'm little reserve in joining ptc again.
  11. I see 10 cents and the amount of earnings is just too low for me. I don't know how long does it take to reach 10 cents in here but in ptp posting I can earn 10 cents in just a matter of 3 to 10 post and that like spending 5 to 10 minutes posting only. I have nothing against cashtream. Its just that in minute wise and earning wise for me its not worth it.
  12. Anyone active in here? Its frustrate me that I joined 5 ptc site this month and its turn out to be a scam site so I stop clicking. I did not join lamabux but I consider to join this site before only to choose a ptc site that has no minimum amount to cashout or have 1 dollar minimum amount to cashout. I don't know why I did not pick this one but I'm wondering if anyone is active in here and if this site do pay.
  13. My monthly target now is in question in here. Since before I do post in forex bb along with italk, myhyip, CFF and ME. But now this four ptp forum I already stop posting for the delays of payments And since Forex-bb only has 1 cent I don't want to spend my time in here posting in this lone ptp forum. But still if those ptp forum I mentioned above returned then I'm going to post again in here.
  14. This is actually admin tactics in here. If you notice and I am a proof of this as I'm a member of CFF for three times already. That means this site has turn to scam twice already and each time its return I join again hoping that this site its going to be stable. But I guess its going to turn to scam again and this time its going to be its third time to turn to scam. If CFF return in the 4th time I will not going to join anymore.
  15. This is a surprise contender in my list of ptp forum. This is new and yet I already earn 9.50 dollars in here. This is the third highest paying ptp in my list right now. Not bad for a new ptp forum in my list right? But I'm still hoping that I can maintain my 10 dollars earning in here. I don't want to push myself to earn more than that in here. Just 10 dollars a month earning.
  16. Today I'm going to reach 450 points in here. In just three or four more days I can reach 500 points in here. I'm interested to request payments when I reach 500 points in here. I know its hard to earn money in MEF because of low activity. But if I can maintain 5 dollars a month earning in here then I'm going to be happy. That's is what is my target in here now. From 3.50 to 4 dollars earning to 5 dollars earning a month.
  17. I think its been five days since I last open my account in here. I don't mind losing my time posting in here as long I can earn good amount in here. Problem is that sometimes I post in here for an hour only to find out that I only earn 10 cents. So its really frustrating if you ask me. That's why I only post in here if I really have some extra time to post in here.
  18. I'm prioritizing this site right now. I don't know how much I'm going to earn in here in a month but my plan is to earn 5 dollars a month in here. As this month I earn total of 3.50 dollars in here. Next month I'm hoping to earn 5 dollars in here. But still its all depends on the activity. But so far the activity in here is good. So I'm sure I can get 5 dollars in here without any problem at all.
  19. I now decided to divide my account into three account. One account I will still going to stick to mt5. I'm hoping that my account in mt5 will not going to get MC. The other account I will going to add nigeria forex and indian forex. the third account what ever earning I got in this two account I will transfer in my third account.
  20. I'm also planning to concentrate in trading discussion to decrease my posting effort in here and same time increase my earnings bonus in here. I open a new instaforex account just for indian-forex right now. I'm hoping that by doing this I can independently earn money trading indian-forex account funds as before I trade this funds along with my mt5 earnings as well.
  21. I'm surprise that even though ME is down I actually have 2 dollars earning in here. I guess its because that I have request payments early this month without me noticing it. I'm happy that I'm earning good in here right now. I'm hoping that I can earn more in here in the next few months more. But that will not going to happen if I can't post in here regularly.
  22. Its really great to see lots of payments in here. Sad to say I don't know what happen to me but its seems I'm slowing down in posting in ptp right now. Yesterday I only manage to post in two ptp forum. Unlike when I'm ultra active that I can post 7 ptp forum in a day. A clear sign that I'm slowing down in posting. I'm happy that even with slow down I have a good earning this month.
  23. Darn my account in instaforex is still hanging on. Its ironic that after I get my funds in mt5 my instaforex get MC. lols. I'm already in negative for few weeks now but still my account is holding on. I'm hoping that its going to hold on for just two more weeks. I'm hoping that with more funds in mt5 I can generate good amount enough to survive market volatility. I'm still hoping for eur/usd to recover.
  24. In liteforex I only have 69 dollars capital when I earn 24 dollars. So Even with 100 dollars I'm sure I can trade without any problem. As 100 dollars using my current strategy I can survive 1 month volatility. 500 dollars about a year volatility. 2,000 the amount I chose for me is good for 10 years volatility. Meaning even if my trading strategy does not go may way for the next ten years my 2,000 dollars can still hold. That's why I choose 2,000 dollars an amount in my long term goal strategy.
  25. I'm hoping that this site also accept paypal but it does not. I'm hoping that I can earn good in here also. I don't know still if I want to be active in here or not as I have already concentrate posting in mt5 and instaforex as my main forex trading site. I guess if instaforex turn to scam or mt5 stop giving bonus then I'm going to join this site.
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