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Everything posted by budado

  1. If you withdraw via CC do you not pay any fees also? Just wondering why its not allowed in your country to withdraw via bank but its allowed via CC. Usually its the other way around. you can withdraw using bank transfer or bank wire but you can't withdraw via CC. But I guess different country has different rules to use.
  2. Actually LR has no value unlike payza. Because LR value is only depends on the person who is willing to buy it. So for example if we decide to sell our LR and theirs no buyers then the price will going to go lower and lower and lower until someone is willing to buy at that price. But in payza its has fix price. Its value is base on real U.S. dollar value and you don't need exchanger to convert it to cash. You can withdraw it to your bank. Problem is the high fees. lols.,
  3. Its usually depends on type of account you have. But one thing for sure if you invest money in forex your broker earn. Some forex broker site already give fees when you invest money. While other do charge when you withdraw money. Other charge commission fees, other earn via pair spread. Other don't charge spread but charge fix fees per amount of trade you make. In short theirs so many ways a broker site can earn.
  4. So far I'm earnign good doing scalping in eur/usd. eur/usd is so volatile that either way I can earn money if I only know how to put timing in my trading strategy. So far so good in one of my account that I'm using scalping. I'm hoping that in two to three months I will have an establish position in which either way my scalping strategy will going to make me money.
  5. In demo we are in demo to practice our strategy and not to trade money. This is the problem of most newbies they use demo account not because they have strategy in mind. Ask this newbies what indicators they use and what strategy they are trying to practice and most of them don't have solid strategy at all. Also if they have strategy they don't usually concentrate on their strategy. They are more concentrate in how to earn money.
  6. PC or laptop can't be open for 24/5. Its need to be turn off from time to time to keep it from over heating. Unlike cellphone that you can keep in on without fearing that its going to go overheat. that's why I prefer to trade using mobile phone if I'm earning good and just use my computer to do or study fundamental and technical analsyiss.
  7. I'm thinking to use my N95. I know its an old cellphone but I'm hoping that its compatible with mt4 also. Because if its compatible then I'm going to try to use my cellphone instead of my computer. I'm just wondering though if my cellphone battery can hold it that long. I mean if its going to eat up my battery life or not. Because if its going to eat up my battery then for me its useless.
  8. I already report this. Hope that all of his post will be combine so that we can read the whole topic without any problem. And I do agree this is a clear sign of splicing. author is thinking that he can maximize his earning by doing this he don't know that he is putting himself in trouble for spamming instead. But the topic is some how informative also. its just the way or the intention that is not good.
  9. Its seems this month I have hard time earning. I just earn 1.85 dollars compare to 24 dollars last month. But I guess its have to do with my strategy. I'm hoping that I can some how stabilize my strategy. As right now I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in forex trading but until now I'm only getting breakeven. I don't know when will this next good profit will come.
  10. Why is it unimaginable? its nothing like horror to earn 1,000 dollars a day. If I earn 1,000 dollars a day I have lots of thing to imagine. Just imagine big houses, cars. Fancy things that I can own if I earn 1,000 dollars a day. that's about earning 40,000 pesos a day. But I guess if I want to earn 1,000 dollars a day I need to have 500,000 dollars capital also.
  11. @murali603 In our country theirs no fee if we send funds as long the person we are sending funds is not a business account. Secondly if you send personal and others type of payments theirs also no fees charge. theirs also no fees charge if we withdraw our funds from paypal account to our bank account if you withdraw 180 dollars and above. Below 180 dollars we pay 1.10 dollars fee. regardless if its 10 dollars or 150 dollars.
  12. Date: 2012-05-06 14:17:41 Batch: 98082788 From Account: U7671442 Amount: $1.85 Memo: 1142430-WITHDRAW-liberty: 1.85 Thank you.
  13. I don't recommend this site at all. At this rate I don't think even if we going to click for the next three months in here we going to reach 4 dollars minimum in here. I really doubt that its going to happen. That's why its important to finds much lower minimum ptc site. At least if the site turn to scam we know it in less than two months.
  14. In other ptp forum I found some negative comments about canadabux and I'm surprise that in this thread theirs a proof of payments. So I guess what I read in other forums are lies and not true. I do recommend this site right now simply because I believe that the proof of payments is much better proof that canadabux is stable than what I read in other ptp forum.
  15. Its means that we need to promote the site if we want to earn more in here. I guess theirs some question of minimum amount to withdraw in here since theirs a limits of minimum amount in payza to send funds. I guess admin of this site knows that but he still put zero as minimum amount and only make a defense that its payza that has 1 dollar minimum ruling and not him.
  16. I guess theirs still lot of room to get free upgrade in here. But to be honest I don't think this site will going to last long. Because usually a ptc site that offers this kind of free upgrades has no intention to last long. I don't recommend that we spend our time in here right now. Or if you want to. Just don't try to invest in here.
  17. At least some how you got paid on first attempt to withdraw in here. Compare to other clickers that never been paid. But I know how you feel. Before or four years ago I do the same thing. I joined like 100 ptc and after two months only 10 are left that pays me. the rest turn to scam. That's why I decided not to join ptc sites anymore. I just let the paying one turn to scam one after another.
  18. 5.23 dollars? Wow!.. I really want to earn that much in here also. I'm just wondering how did you do it. Can you share your stats to us right now and how long and how it take to earn 5.23 dollars in here? I'm excited that this site is paying good and I'm hoping that I'm going to earn in here also. But I'm just wondering how this site really works.
  19. Best think always come with quantity in ptc right now. Having more referrals and having more ptc sites to click means good earning in ptc sites. I'm happy to see proof of payments. Its really convince me that this site is still stable until now. I'm now thinking of joining this site and if I do join this site I'm thinking when in a day I will going to click in here since I'm active posting in ptp forums.
  20. 1.20 dollars minimum is some how a one month minimum. I'm hoping that with 1 cent rate per click we can get 4 ads to click worth 1 cent in here so that we can earn 4 cents daily. In this way after 30 days of clicking we can earn 1.20 dollars in here or the minimum amount to request payments. I don't mind at all to wait and see if this site is paying. As long I only need to click for 30 days.
  21. Its the first time I request payments in here worth 5 dollars and its a disaster. When I request payments in here I donate 5 points only not 500 points. Now I send another donation worth 495 points and put a note to add 5 points so that I have total of 500 points in here. I'm hoping that I will earn 4 dollars or more in here.
  22. Sad to say I only have 474 points in here right now. I'm hoping to reach 500 points tomorrow or on monday. Then I will going to request payments in here. I'm hoping that I will be paid before the end of the month if I'm going to request payments on monday. I know usually EP only pays twice a month. So I'm still hoping that I can get paid on third to last week of June.
  23. Tomorrow I will going to request another payments in here. I'm really happy that I'm earning good in here so far. My rate in here is 5 cents per post last time I request payments in here. I'm hoping that I can maintain that. I'm happy that even though GT is losing members its still paying good. And I think GT is the oldest paying ptp right now.
  24. I just the contest but I'm wondering why can't I trade? Does the contest start already or do I need to wait for june 18 to start trading? I Don't think I can win but I'm hoping to check if my strategy is good as other trader also. I want to see my standing to have a clear view on how effective my strategy is.
  25. Finally after a long delay I request payments in here. I'm hoping that I can reach another 500 points before june 15 so that I can request payments in here again. Last month I do earn 15 dollars in here. I want to repeat it in here again. Although I doubt that I can sustain that in here. I'm hoping that I can. Money is still money and the more money I earn in mtv the more I can pay back my creditcard debt.
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