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Everything posted by budado

  1. I really don't understand how you come up this idea that this site launched "yesterday" If you just bother to check this thread has been opened on now if this site just opened yesterday then how come this thread exist 10 days earlier? lols. I guess you just make a mistake in here or I guess theirs a valid explanation in this also. right? like launching and per-launching date?"
  2. @Insomnia Theirs no minimum amount to withdraw in here have you tried to withdraw in here? I'm thinking of joining this site but I don't know if its still advisable to join now or not. Beside my target is just to earn 10 cents in here minimum. I'm hoping that you will try to withdraw just to check if this site is paying or not. I'm happy to join this site if you got paid.
  3. Theirs just too many new ptc right now that has a high minimum amount to request payments. I don't know if its worth it to invest our time in here but I'm sure its better that we don't try this site at all. High minimum means its take lots of time to reach minimum and get paid in here. I guess about four months more or less. And that is if this site is going to be a paying ptc.
  4. My concern in here is the high minimum amount to withdraw in here. I don't like investing in here if theirs a high minimum as this one. Because for me its a waste of time and money. Especially that this site is not even picking up until now and its understandable why. Its because this site has high minimum amount to withdraw. So in short its not appealing to standard members.
  5. Just don't invest money and you are safe. If this site will turn to scam then you just loss some effort but not really money. this is always my strategy. Don't invest. the reason why you join the site is to earn money not loss money. I'm happy that so far with this approach I don't loss anything but my time and effort. So if you have some doubts with this site don't try this site.
  6. Now this site is on its 7th day and still has waiting status. Lets see tomorrow. Maybe admin of hyip monitoring sites either come late or invest late or just not updating its record yet. But if tomorrow theirs still a waiting status then for me this site is a scam site. because we are waiting to get paid in weekly basis and its must pay fast when its time to pay.
  7. This site is just less than two weeks. 12 days running to be exact. Now I guess you will say that this site is new and good site to invest. I also think that way and I also look at the site plan. its look okay to last a month more or less. but when I did a thorough research I found out that this site has turn to scam already. How sad.
  8. Its almost running for a month now and still has good paying status. Not bad at all. I do hope that this site will be good and paying hyip for another month but same time we must check if investors in here is still trying to add more funds or trying to cashout now. Because its still depends on other investors attitude toward this site.
  9. This site is running for 40 days now and before its has good paying status. In fact even today you can still see some hyip monitoring site that has paying status. But I don't recommend that you invest in this site now. And if you do have investments in here I do recommend that you cashout now if this site is still paying. Because I already see some problem status in some hyip monitoring sites.
  10. I just wasted 5 minutes of my time checking this site. this site is running for 11 days now but still inconclusive to say that this site is paying or a scam site because theirs no hyip monitoring site that has invested in this site. But even if this site has no scam record the mare fact that this site has no investors clearly state that this site is not good site to invest.
  11. So far its has paying status. Its running for 9 days now and still look promising. I don't think its going to last more than two weeks so lets see if this site is going to be a paying hyip after two weeks. Its paying now but since investors confidence does not increase I doubt its going to last longer than two weeks.
  12. prosinvestment is running for 10 days only. Who will going to think that this site is as good as a scam site now. Just look at the site plan. Its usually have a paying power to last two weeks but its turn to scam in just one week. That's why its important that if we want to do hit and run in here we try to cashout early. theirs no way we can earn good amount if we get hit.
  13. I can't find a single hyip monitoring site that is monitoring this site. Can anyway give me a hyip monitoring site that has this site monitored? thanks. My assessment of this site so far is weird. Because I like how admin of this site become innovated but same time this site is not that popular really. In fact I can't find a hyip monitoring site that monitor this site.
  14. I'm thinking of doing hit and run in here but I guess its not a surprise that this site has turn to scam already. I almost invest in this site now. I thought this is a new site as I just seen a new thread from other forum that I'm posting. But when I double check I found out that this site is already a week old and has red mark on it.
  15. Its good to be regular poster in here. Now my target earning in this site is 5 dollars a month. Not bad right? I'm hoping that if I post in here regularly I can maintain my 5 dollars earning goal in here. But my other concern in here is that this site is some how still not stable. Or I just have some personal doubt still because its has been paying and not paying two already.
  16. I'm concern right now. Its already june 18 and still not get paid in here. I'm worried because last month I get paid very fast in here. In fact last month I earn 15 dollars in here this month I have zero earning still and has 500 points pending request of payments. I'm little worried and since I already reach 760 points in here. In four days more or less I will going to reach 1,000 points in here already.
  17. @tirus I like the way I earn in here but I don't like how this site has been run. I have been ban in this site like four times already. All of those time I got banned for ignoring mod request of information. But since I don't receive any notification how will I know that a mod need some information from me. That's why I don't post in here regularly. And I really don't count this site as my earning site. But yeah 5 cents rate per post is good rate for me.
  18. I guess you can resumed posting in here if theirs no thread to post in the first place. lols. I only posted in here once when its return but after that I can't open the thread or can't see the threads anymore. I tried to login and logout many times but the same results. I will going to check this site again after two to three days if threads can be open again.
  19. Theirs is words but no payments. Admin Sinip is still active in italk. If you want you can send him pm and I'm sure within a week you will get a reply. But about payments I just have some doubts that its going to happen. Lets face it this site is running for like four months without paying its members. I doubt that suddenly out of the blue its going to pay its members.
  20. Four weeks inaccessible is for me a goner already. I don't think this site will going to return. If admin decided to upgrade or something he should at least email us or update his forum that its just going to up some upgrades but it does not. It just turn to scam right away. A clear sign that this site is really a scam site if you ask me.
  21. Since today is monday I decided to post in here only twice a week. I will not going to post more in here anymore I already have pending request of payments so I will just going to wait to get paid before I increase my activity in here again. Its good to have extra ptp forum to post into and earn some money but same time its better to spend more time in ptp that is paying regularly.
  22. I just wake up early today as I joined the contest in ucwfx. I'm really excited to start trading in this contest. I'm hoping that I can ride and earn some profit in this contest. Also theirs only few winners and its seems theirs no consolidation prices. I don't mind. I just want to know if my trading skills is enough or what will be my rank in the contest.
  23. I really don't feel any slow down of payments in here since my target is to withdraw each time I reach 500 points. So far each time I reach 500 points I got paid before I reach another 500 points. that's why I'm not worried anymore. I'm hoping that I can maintain this earning because this is my monthly target for this site 5 dollars profit each month.
  24. I do agree. This make me feel settled once again. Its really hard to loss 5 ptp forum this last three months that's why when theirs some issues about delays of payments I'm worried right away or got suspicious easily. But now I'm back in posting mood in here. The rate is great and dmt is now my third highest paying ptp forum secondly only to fxfred and mtv.
  25. I'm really happy that dmt is really paying good. I got worried some how when its has some few days delayed of payments but I know its going to be a paying ptp we just need to wait to get our request of payments verified and without a doubt we got paid. that's why I'm really happy and I'm going continue supporting by posting in dmt as regularly as I can.
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