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Everything posted by budado

  1. The only reason why I like LR is that once I receive the funds I'm sure its mine. theirs no other way they can get back the funds except if they going to hack my account. For me that's a good sign that I can earn good amount of money an feel safe some how. But one weaknesses of LR is that its does not hav withdrawals option. So each time we want to turn it to cash we need to sell it or exchange it.
  2. Its been three months since I last have funds in payza. I don't know of I want to use payza anymore. Actually the main reason why I don't use payza is that when its still AP and learn that its going to chance name. I don't know what to expect so what I did is that I withdraw all of my funds and hope to play safe. But its seems payza turn out to be fine.
  3. This site has problematic status already. I guess that means this site will going to turn to scam any time soon. I don't recommend that we invest in this site anymore. And if you have investments in here I suggest that you going to try to withdraw and hope that you can make profit in here. Because theirs no way you going to make profit in here if this site turn to scam.
  4. Because this site does not think of going to last long anyway. Just look at the site plan. What the use of adding some security features if this site will going to turn to scam after few days. I doubt that this site will going to be a paying hyip after a week. For me this site plan can't even sustain itself. Its better we hold our funds and look for better hyip site to invest.
  5. For me this site is good for one day only. I don't think its going to be worth it to invest in here more than that. Just look at the site plan. the site plan has high roi. Do you think after 4 days this site will going to pay that much? Or on the 8th day? I don't think so. I think its better that we do hit and run in here in the shortest plan possible.
  6. I see about 15 more or less hyip monitoring site monitoring this site. And since this site is new I think this site has waiting status. The minimum amount to invest in here is 5 dollars but I like the 10 dollars minimum three days plan. I think if I can invest in three days plan I can do hit and run in here. Although the risk is much greater but I feel its better to take that risk than on one day risk only.
  7. I'm in dilemma right now. In the site plan alone I notice that its only one plan that is attractive or affordable. the 10 dollars minimum plan. the next plan is already 500 dollars minimum. So in short I know that other plans is not worth it anymore. I'm happy that this site has many hyip monitoring sites and I'm hoping that this site will going to last longer. But I don't want to take risk in here.
  8. Although I see proof of payments above I notice that this site is not popular. In fact I only see like three hyip monitoring site that monitor this site. That's just too low. Even a hyip site with 130% daily interest has 25 more or less hyip monitoring site that monitor this site. So in short this site is not popular and I guess its not going to be.
  9. I don't like this site. Right now this site should have at least 15 hyip monitoring sites monitoring this site and at least 5 hyip monitoring site monitor this site. But theirs only like 8 so far that monitoring this site and I don't know if one or more even invested in here. Also I don't see this site has paying status. So for me this site is not popular enough.
  10. The problem with the same maturity time to all plans is that the risk is the same regardless of the plan that you invest in. Unlike if theirs 5 days, 10 days, 15 days and so on time of plan. In which if you invest on 5 days plan the risk is much lesser compare to 10 days plan and so on. But still 3planfunds will always be a hyip site that we can invest and take risk and hope that we get paid.
  11. Its good to do hit and run in here in the first few days. But long than that its scary. I think if you think to do hit and run right now the risk is just too great that I want to say that its very risky to invest now. Maybe two to three days ago I can say its good to invest in here and do hit and run. But right now? I don't think its still good.
  12. 10 dollars minimum is some how too big for me. I don't think I can afford to invest that much. Although I do have 10 dollars to invest if I really want to problem is that this site is not that popular that I'm going to risk 10 dollars in here. Maybe if the minimum is 1 dollar I can handle losing 1 dollar. But 10 dollars? Theirs no way I'm willing to risk that much in here.
  13. Problem with referrals is that they don't last. Some just click for matter of weeks some maybe months but none will going to last more than six months. In my experience many just get tired of clicking. And I guess many are students who when graduate simply forget about this ptc clicking. I guess the only reason why I'm still active online is that for the last five years I did not find a job.
  14. Just wondering. the stats above say the minimum is 1 dollar. May I know how did you earn 42 cents? Are you an upgrade member? Or is the minimum now lower? Also is it because of fees? Because I joined a site before that has 1 dollar minimum but has like 15 cents fees. that's why I'm so disappointed and I don't want that experience to happen to me again in ptc.
  15. 40 dollars minimum? I don't bother to check the site but I will going to take your word for it. If the minimum increase to 40 dollars. then how long does it take us to reach minimum if we are standard member of this site? 2 years? I guess if that's how long we going to wait to reach 40 dollars in here I don't think its worth it. I don't even know if after two months I'm still active online.
  16. I notice that you are active in ptc. Just wondering are you active in this site? I have join 8 ptc this month and its turn out that all of the ptc site that I joined did not pay me. I guess I'm not good in picking right ptc for me. that's why if you think this site is good. I will also try to check out this site and hope that I can earn also. I don't want my 9th ptc to turn out scam also.
  17. I'm not a member in here. But I'm planning to. that's why I'm trying to find out more about this site as much as I can. Anyway the site is back. I guess its time for me to join this site also. And hope that I can earn like you do. I really hoping that this one will be my earning ptc. I just joined 8 ptc this month and all turn out paying but when I start clicking they turn out scam. lols. ... Anyway when I joined this is what I found out. Registration is currently disabled
  18. Rate is just too low for me. Time is most important to me. that's why I prefer to spend more time in ptp than in ptc. The reason is that ptp is more a paying type site than ptc. Lets face is 80% of new ptp sites turn out to be a paying ptp. While 95% of ptc turn out to be non paying ptc after two months. So the odds alone already say that I can earn more in ptp.
  19. if you read the post before you will know why. But I do agree that this site can be a scam site now. Usually a ptc site that has bug problem has no choice but to close down as theirs no way theirs going to be someone willing to join this site again. Its the battle of the fittest in here. the more stable a ptc site the more members will join.
  20. Looking at the site click rate I doubt that we can get more than 1 cent ads in here every day. I gues most of the ads we click in here are does low low rate. And only going to give us one 1 cent ads to click each day and even worse. Theirs must even days that we don't have 1 cent ads to click in here. But this is only how I see this site. That's why I don't want to join this site.
  21. 4 ads a day to click and earn 4 cents. In 10 days we get 40 cents. In 20 days we get 80 cents. In 30 days we get 1 dollar. I guess this only shows that this site is paying good and paying right after 30 days or a month. Because if we reach one month and request payments and did not get paid then we know this site is a scam site.
  22. Just wondering even in manual request of payments how long does it take to get paid in here? Is it less than 48 hours or less than 24 hours? its really good if its going to pay less than 24 hours. Even a ptc site that pays manually is okay with me as long its paying. What I don't like are ptc that pays instantly but does not pay.
  23. Lets see this week. If theirs no payments this week then that means this site has stop paying. I just see that theirs a post in chat box that their will be payments soon. How soon? I guess this week. If theirs no payments then that means the soon mean no payments. Because I see that the last request of payments that is still pending is dated may 29.
  24. I don't mind posting two full liners in here. In fact I'm happy that I can aim and make like 30 dollars a month in here plus two other ptp forums that I also earn bonuses for instaforex I will going to end up getting like 90 dollars worth of capital each month. If I can only manage to get 1,000 dollars capital in here and earn 10% monthly that's already 100 dollars profit each month.
  25. I just update all of my accounts in instaforex and make sure that all of my earnings in nigeria forex will go to one instaforex account. The reason why I say this is that I usually chance instaforex account every three months but now I stick to one account only just to make sure that I make good amount of funds in one account only. then I will going to do do or die or aggressive trade.
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