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Everything posted by budado

  1. Don't worry we all goign to get paid in TCC as TCC is the most stable ptp forums right now. Just look at the site advertisers. its almost full. In short TCC is earning good right now. Theirs only some delays but we all going to get paid in here without any problem at all. Its been paying for many years now and not a single month TCC does not pay and does not give deductions simply because its short of funds.
  2. I forgot to request payments in here. I'm going to request payments in here right now and hope that I'm going to be paid this month. I know its really disappointing to post and earn in here because of the low rate but right now I think its better to post in here and spam the site and earn good money in here than posting in higher ptp forum rate that does not pay at all.
  3. So far this site is paying directly and yet activity those not improved. So I don't think its not going to happen that what we earn is needed to put in a broker site like bonus. Because their will be no poster who going to post in here. Right now I even decided to lower my expection as activity in here decrease again. I'm hoping to spend like two to three times a week and post just 5 post each time I visit this site.
  4. I don't know but its seems not only ME has a problem. Theirs 15 other ptp forums that I'm posting right now that has pending paymentsd for more than three weeks. I don't know what happen to this ptp forums that I'm posting right now but I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in this ptp forums soon or else I have no income. Last month I only earn 90 dollars. this month only 5 dollars. And its already july 4.
  5. I have 410 points in here right now. I will just going to request payments worth 500 points. Its just going to take me three to four days to reach it. I know its hard to reach my goal points in here but I'm hoping that in a week or two theirs going to be a good paying day for me. 500 points for sure is a good amount to earn each month.
  6. I notice that I don't or has less post deleted right now. So I guess this only shows that my post right now are good. I agree with you. I need to post 3 liners in here to earn good amount. If only I know or realize that before I post three liners right away. I think I loss more than 80 post already simply because of posting two liners. I'm sure its two liners because I don't post less than two liners.
  7. That's good. me I concentrate all of my bonuses in one account so that I can earn more in one account. I'm thinking of long term and right now I do earn on average about 10% a month on my account. I'm still hoping to stabilize m stratedy and in the last four months I'm making profit so I'm happy. But once I reach 200 dollars bonuses in one of my account or after three months limits I will again open another account. In short each three months I'm going to open another account.
  8. Its easy to understand but hard to predict. lols. Forex is like a woman. You know here and yet she is a stranger, you can hold her close to you and yet she want to be free if she want. that's forex market. What you only need to know is how to please her to get rewarded. Forex trading is combination of talent and self learned. Talent because even if you try hard if you really does not have mental capacity to interpret different trend you will going to loss money.
  9. I do trade every day but it does not not mean I have open a position. I just put a pending position on that day depends on what is the daily good rate is. If I can earn good amount each month then I'm happy if not then better try to improve your skills in forex trading. But so far I do earn 5 to 25% a month in forex trading and its really rewarding to trade daily.
  10. If I earn 1,000 dollars a month in forex trading then I can say that I will try to trade in mobile. I really like to earn 1,000 dollars a month in forex trading. that's the minimum amount I want to earn each month. Right now I only earn at the highest amount in a month is 25 dollars. That's just too far away from my target. But I'm hoping that some how I can really earn good amount.
  11. One thing I like in demo account is that I can do experiment. I can push myself to limits without thinking that I'm taking risk. And the good thing is that so far I have good weeks earning in demo account. Just imagine that I do earn 5 to 100% a week in demo account. while I only earn 5 to 25% a month in real account. But I guess its because in demo I take more risk than in real account.
  12. Most of newbies mistakes always has to do with lots size. the more they trade in demo account the more they should realize the risk they are taking when trading with high lots size. Problem is this. They prefer to trade in real account right away also. that's result to double jeopardy. As they end up getting too much risk that they get MC and they will thinkg forex is a very risk way to earn money.
  13. Its depends on the person not in winnings or losing. If you keep on winning and want to maintain your winning you will try to do more hard work in trying to develop or enhance your strategy to maintain your earnings. While loses sometimes going to result to feeling down that you will going to end up losing appitite to trade in forex anymore. In short losing is not necessary. its all in the person's mind.
  14. The only tip I can think of right now that I still don't yet share is that. If you are newbies its better that you don't try to trade in demo or in real account. Try to go to bookstores and try to find books about forex. Its better if you visit second hand books in this way you can find cheap books but still informative. Just read about history of forex and every thing about forex.
  15. I agree. I'm happy to say that I have doubled my 50,000 dollars virtual funds in uwcfx fx last week. Meaning I reach 100,000 dollars in here. I'm happy but same time sadden because I know I can do better than that. I still don't know how to trade with most lots right now. Does it means I'm just going to do high lots scalping in here just to make sure that I can win in high lots.
  16. You can vist LR blog and read previous news in LR. You can find LR and HD story in their. I don't know what happen but its seems HD just died out. I guess LR realize that no matter what they do they can't clone another LR as theirs only going to be one LR. I guess HD was made as back up LR only. But still its just my speculation.
  17. Not yet but I will not be surprise if after 5 years they will. Just look at LR. six years ago LR is just a small processor that is only popular in hyip and unknown to other industry. Now LR is used in broker sites, in ptc sites and in other online industries and the best part is that LR now has overtake AP or payza in term of popularity.
  18. Theirs no rules in skrill that we need to use static isp address and does not allow dynamic isp address. Theirs no such violations rules in MB so I doubt that case. Because I myself is using different isp address and different server but I never get warned because of that. Simply because isp address has nothing to do with any rules violations. What MB does not like most is fraudelant transaction.
  19. Its your choice to send that funds in the first place and you know the risk so we don't have anyone to blame but ourself if we get scammed online. I'm happy that some how I'm earning good via LR and I'm hoping that LR will be the most stable processor. But same time I'm really want that some day LR will going to add withdrawals in LR also.
  20. Just 10 pesos fees? That's still good if its only 10 pesos fees without any more yearly fees etc. If that is the case then I will also going to prefer to use rcbc mywallet instead than eoncard. But same time. eoncard is much popular. But lets see we never knows if rcbc is the best if I'm not going to use it also. Just wondering how much is rcbc mywallet? Is it free to join so that I can add it in my paypal also.
  21. I want to join the scalping contest but when I click the link I can't find the registration button. I'm wondering if anyone can give me the direct link to registration button. Also what if I already have an account can I still join this contest? As right now I'm already a member of instaforex. I just don't want to make things complicated. I know I will have hard time winning this contest but I want to check if I have a chance against other scalpers.
  22. Yeah I agree. But I have some conspiracy theory about this site. Before theirs a rumor that this site is also owned or some how connected, related or what ever term is good to explain the relationship of LR and HD. If you are an old online poster you will remember that before LR has contes about what you want to have to be upgraded or be put in LR. Guess what? Its seems what is suggested in LR is use to upgrade in HD. But Hd just don't become popular.
  23. I don't see a hyip site that accept okpay yet and I'm not into adult industry so I don't know if its use in adult sites or not. But one thing I'm sure If payza does not try to be aggressive payza will going to be second to okpay. Because okpay is really aggressive in promoting itself. In fact two years ago okpay is not a common processor. Now you can see okpay in forex broker sites and other sites.
  24. Eon card? Yearly we pay 350 pesos if my memory is correct and its expires after three years (the eoncard) But we can renew it also so theirs no problem. Its worth it since 350 pesos is already fix amount. If you withdraw and receive funds in bpi you wil pay 150 pesos per transaction. If you have 5 withdrawals in a year thats; already 750 pesos bank fees you pay to bpi. so in short if you withdraw often using paypal its best to use eoncard.
  25. Ban in mb because of isp address? I don't think so. theirs no rules in skrill that your not allowed to use multiple isp address. As long your isp address is located in the same area its really not a big concern. The big concern will only happen if you login in isp that is located lets say in japan and after ten minutes you open your account and your isp address is base in germany then for sure theirs a big explanation for that.
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