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Everything posted by budado

  1. by the time you see proof of payments chance are theirs no more room for a hit and run strategy in here. If you want to invest and do hit and run in here its better you take risk now than take risk later as the more late you invest in here the more you going to loss in here. Look at the site plan. Its can't even sustain itself.
  2. I guess this admin if indeed they are owned by the same admin like oranges. lols. I guess we see that this site is a short term hyip site both in plan and in its paying capability. I don't think this site will going to last more than two days if ever this site is going to be paying. Just look at the site plan its in hourly and its not getting enough investors to make this site a paying hyip for long.
  3. I notice that their one ptp forum that has HD as processor that we can still withdraw. But I don't know if its their and not been update but already removed or its really their and we can withdraw payments in their without any problem. But I don't dare to withdraw using HD. Lets face it. Is their anyone going to buy my HD? I guess only those exchanger that charge high exchange rate.
  4. Right now I don't use both. But one thing I'm sure. Once theirs one of this two processors going to lower its withdrawal fees I'm sure I'm going to use that to withdraw my funds. Because the only reason why I don't use any of this two processor is that this two processors has high fees in term of withdrawals. But if only they can lower the fee.
  5. I agree. The only reason why liberty reserve has no dispute features is the reason why so many like to use this processor. Because in this processor what you earn is what you keep. theirs no but and if in here. If you loss money because somone scam you its means its your fault because no one has force you to send money in the first place.
  6. When is that? If that is last years about october to december then I guess its because at the time payza or alertpay back then has disabled creditcard uses as they are updating their creditcard features as they are adding their own debit card. But right now as far as I know its already been fixed. So try to get verified using you creditcard again. Just make sure you card is international.
  7. I don't know if calling a bank will make a difference. because you need to check first in paypal if paypal already send your funds. Once you receive your funds you can withdraw the funds in your local bank right away. theirs no delays once the bank receive that funds since its a bank transfer not some check that needed to be cleared.
  8. If its not paying then I guess theirs no use of clicking in here anymore. what the use if this site add more processor if its hard to earn in here? They can add all the processor available online if theirs hard time getting paid in here then those processors has no use at all. I'm hoping that we can find a good ptc site that we can really earn.
  9. All cheap buxhost script right now is doing that. Don't get fooled anymore. I have joined a like of this site for the last three months now and joined like 15 ptc site already and all turn out to be a scam site. But it does not mean I will going to stop joining ptc sites. I still going to join but I will only goint to choose those ptc site that I think will going to last long.
  10. And after you reach 1 dollar minimum you will find out that this site is not paying. Don't bother to be active in a site that keeps on changing its rules from time to time. I know its hard to maintain profit in ptc but its obvious that this site is just playing around. I'm sure that in near future this site is going to turn to scam if not now its already a scam site.
  11. 1 dollar minimum is really a good minimum. If this site is not only a buxhost script site I'm already in here investing my time and effort so that I can earn 1 dollar a month in here. I'm hoping that I can earn 1 dollar a month in here for a long time. But seeing this ptc site using buxhost script already make me thing twice in joining this site because right now 99% of buxhost site turn to scam.
  12. I guess this site is totall mess up ptc site. lols. I really don't understand by so many ptc site right now are cheap not only by the script its use but even by the name its use. Three years ago theirs really lots of good name ptc sites and good script ptc sites and yet many turn to scam early. But now its worse. its uses cheap script and uses cheap name. Its like mass producing ptc site and hope that one will click.
  13. It more of frankenstien ptc if you ask me. Becuase instead of getting many members its scaring members. lols. I really don't know if this site will turn out to be a paying ptc stie but one thing I'm sure this site will not going to last at all. All new ptc site has lesser chance of going to last longer than six months unlike three years ago. I guess time chance for the worse for ptc sites.
  14. That's why I don't spend time joining ptc site that is not old and payint ptc site. BEcause most new ptc site if not all new ptc sites does not last at all. If you see an old ptc site like donkeymails, neobux etc. they are still paying until now. this ptc site are much better as they are run by professional admin. Unlike new ptc site that is run by wannabe admin.
  15. Their really many ways to earn points in a ptc site. But problem is how we going to earn from ptc site. Because we only earn in ptc site if we get paid. what the point of having lets say 10 dollars in our ptc site account when we try to withdraw we don't get paid? that's why its very important that we click to earn and we must make sure that the site is really paying good.
  16. If a ptc site does not reach 10,000 members their no way that site will be stable and will able to get real advertisers. If you notice those buxhost sites all of the ads that you click are just common ads that is interlink with other ptc sites also. Usually the same buxhost script that is owned by the same admin. Meaning what admin does is that he open many ptc sites to get many members.
  17. I'm just confuse with your post. what tiny bux? Can you give me or can you quote this upgrade? Because I only see premium, elite and ultimate in here and I don't see any tiny bux membership in here. And I really don't understand what are you saying that only standard member get highest paid. Its funny that the lowest membership in here going to earn highest rate.
  18. From 4 dollars minimum to zero now? that's good. Now lets wait if theirs proof of payments coming up. I guess theirs many already who reaches at least more than 20 cents in here and since the site has now zero minimum as you say then. I'm sure they can try to request payments now and hope that they will going to get paid. Lets just hope that its true.
  19. Lets face it. This is how ptc sites do earn by fooling its members to click more ads in here. If theirs really true advertisers in here he can get paid. If theirs none then I guess its more on referrals earnings that he is hoping to earn. Buttom line is that admin must earn first before he going to pay its members. Because what the use of opening a ptc site if admin does not earn from it .
  20. I'm not expecting in here anything at all. what I'm expecting is to earn good amount of money in other ptp forum while I'm waiting for lot to increase its rate. I'm posting in here 15 post a week in here just to keep active activity in here also. I don't count my post in here anymore as earning but rather as helping the site to be active until now.
  21. I'm happy that this month I earn 24 dollars in here. Last month I earn 28 dollars. But because I loss some 3 dollars in trade I end up getting less. But that's okay. Over all in other broker sites that I'm trading I'm in profit. the only problem I have in uwcfx is that I have low funds. But If I have 300 dollars in here I'm sure I can earn decently.
  22. Permanent ban? What is the reason for getting permanent ban in here? I have been banned multiple times in here also and most of those ban are not even reasonable. Like ignoring mod request. how can I ignore mod request when mod does not even bother to send notice that he has some thing to us me. How may I know that he posted a question or request in a thread. Just think that I'm active in 30 threads and I only visite 5 thread each time I visit the site. Of course I can't see his post right away.
  23. Too late for? Why start next month if you can start now? I mean theirs no minimum amount to earn bonus in here. Even if you started last week of a month in the next month you still get your funds without any problem. So in short theirs no worry about bonuses in here. So far I'm trying to post more in here to earn more funds. I'm happy that some how I already settled down in here. I'm thinking of long term earning in here.
  24. I will don't know but theirs some how proof of payments still coming in despite the news of delays in payments. I guess this is a clear sign that this site is still paying good. I will going to request payments today. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here as its really hard to earn in ptp forums right now as theirs just too many ptp forums that has pending payments right now.
  25. I still post in here in hyip section only. Theirs no more posters in ptp section so I have no choice but to maintain my post in hyip section. I only post about 30 post a week so its not really that problem for me to pots in hyip section. I'm hoping that this site will going to pay soon as I have hard time earning online right now. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here.
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