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Everything posted by budado

  1. My experience in forex is this. No matter how long you trade and make money theirs always a month that you going to loss money. For the last three months I'm making money and I'm happy. But this july I end up getting hit by a big drop in eur/usd that I don't know how to recover from it unless eur/usd will going to be bullish this weak and return to its older rate.
  2. Its really frustrating if you going to lower your guard down. My advice and tips is always follow your strategy no matter what. If you trade don't think just do what your strategy is no matter what your guts feel say or what you think is right. Because what the use of strategy if you don't follow it? That's what happen to me. last thursday and friday I trade emotionally and I end up with great loss. But now that its monday I'm back trying to trade using my strategy again. Hope I can recover.
  3. I notice that my account loss about 400 pips already but I'm happy that its still holding with much more fre marging to spare as I'm using low leverage. My plan is long term so I'm hoping that a one week volatility will not going to make me loss money. But same time I'm of course worried as I don't have infinite funds to sustain my position if the price of eur/usd is keep on falling.
  4. Thanks for the link. Anyway I found out that the contest will start this august. so that's three weeks from now. I'm excited to join. I'm not expecting to win. I just want to test my skills against other contestant. I hope if its not bother some to instaforex they also post all the results of the one who join. At least they can know what is their rank even if they don't win. Also if this going to be a regular contest a point system also that can be accomulated and earn some cash for being active etc. But this is just my dream for instaforex.
  5. I request payments in here and I'm happy that I got paid fast again. I do some experiement and I request payments via paypal and I found out that paypal charge me like 25% fees in here. I'm so disappointed with myself. I don't blame IP for this as this is all mine. I want to try to get paid in paypal and I now know that its cost me a lot in term of fees.
  6. Problem in here is that when you reply to someone who's post got deleted your post will be deleted also. So its frustrating. Better not to quote the one your posting so that if his post is deleted at least your post will not be deleted. I have 50 post in here right now. I minimize my post in here to 15 post three times a week only or 45 post per week maximum.
  7. Now its just a waiting game. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here soon. My request of payments has been approved also. But this month I don't have any earnings or payments from any site except IP and MTV so I'm hoping that this week theirs will be lots of ptp forums that going to pay me included dmt.
  8. Me too. I trust admin of mtw and dmt. Even I'm waiting for like three weeks already for pending payments in here I still keep on posting. In fact I reach 800 points in here already in just one week I will going to reach 1,000 points in here. And I'm going to request another payments in here. I always request payments each time I reach 500 points in here. I'm happy and not worried.
  9. 50 points is a good amount. I also do 50 points in here but I do that only three times a week and I make sure that I spread my post in many section as possible. Anyway we need to follow the rules of proof of payments not only in hyip section but in gpt section as gpt has its own proof of payments section already.
  10. Stop as ptp? Can you give us the link for that? As far as I know its only updating the rules and points system that's why theirs some delays in payments and payments will resume once the upgrade is done. But it does not say that this site has stop being a ptp forum at all. In fact you can request payments in here if you want and you will get paid when the upgrade is done.
  11. I'm posting in ptp section right now so I'm sure theirs still ptp section. DCP only remove other GPT section and leave ptp section, I guess its because ptp is also good to get more posters in here. if they going to remove ptp section I'm sure their will be no more poster in here as members really not willing to post in forex section or if ever they will its not really getting much attention.
  12. Just imagine that. In a ptp forum we need to post 100 post to earn 3 dollars and that is if we post in mtv that gives 3 cents per post. But in here if we post 100 post we already earn 30 dollars A very good amount and if we can post 400 post a month in here we can only earn 120 dollars in here. I think its better that we spend more time posting and learning in here. If we can have 1,000 dollars in here we can earn 100 dollars a month in here as passive income. Not bad at all.
  13. I'm surprise that I earn 50 dollars plus in here. I'm happy that I earn that much and I have total of 150 dollars worth of funds in my account in instaforex already. Problem is that its seems I'm going to get MC if eur/usd will still going to continue going down. I invest too much in buy position because I though the problem in euro is almost over. But its seems its going to be long way to recovery.
  14. This is a new site so we can check if this site is good to do hit and run or not. I don't mind investing minimum in here just to have some proof of payments to post in other ptp forums that I'm posting. Even if I only get break even or with some good earnings in here. Its much better than having no hyip site to invest on. Its been many months now since I last taste profit in hyip investing.
  15. I guess we see another hyip site that going to turn to red if its already not yet turn to red. The way I see this site is already a scam site because theirs no way this site can sustain itself that long. Lets face it. A hyip site is only good as a hyip site if its going to be good and paying hyip site. But once its stop paying then its a scam site and no matter what we do we can't get back our money.
  16. So far I still see this site has paying status so I don't know if theirs some problem with payments in this site. Anyway this site is running for 79 days already. A very long paying hyip in term of its plan and just look at goldpoll and I found out that this site has earn back 2133% of its investments in here. A very good and big turn around don't you agree?
  17. I'm just wondering if we can get some stats from this site like how many investors invested in here already and how many deposits and withdrawals do this site receive. In this way we can find out if this site is getting popular or not. its seems good but same time I don't see much information like proof of payments from common hyip site investors.
  18. If only I know this site yesterday I can take 20 dollars risk in 1 hour plan. In this way in just one hour I can double my money. Problem is that if I invest that much I may end up getting scammed as its only going to pay the lowest plan and not the highest plan. And even if I cry out that I got scammed in here who going to care as this site will end up scam in two to three days anyway.
  19. I guess its turn out to to be profitable site in deed. But I guess its only good for a admin and not to investors. I look for banners in ptp forum and I don't see one yet. So I guess admin of this site does not bother to spend money to promote his good site as he says. And I don't see any hyip review sites that give thumb up to this site. A clear sign that this site is not good site at all.
  20. I guess its now a reality that we can't get our money back in here now. Its not suprising that this site has many hyip monitoring site scam status, theirs also some that has pending status and the funny thing I still see one hyip monitoring site that has this site status as paying. lols. I don't know if this hyip monitoring site notice that its last payments has been done on june 28. lols.
  21. Hyip investing is much more risky than gambling. At least in gambling like poker you can decide when to fold and when to raise and when to give up. Unlike in hyip that even if you want to withdraw you can't since you need to wait for the duration of your plan before you can even manage to withdraw your funds. I guess its better to play in casino than play in hyip.
  22. I agree a I just open the site and theirs SSL protection. I don't know what make you say that theirs no SSL protection in this site. Can you elaborate? How did you check that turn out that this site has no SSL protection to you? While when I check this site has SSL protection. But I don't think this site will not going to last that long. If a hyip site think its can last that long then its good to see advertising banners in ptp forums.
  23. Their just like one or two hyip monitoring site that monitor this site. I don't know if this two sites has invested in here or even monitor this site. The only thing I know is that they added this site in their list of hyip to monitor but if they really monitor this site that' still remain to be seen as until now theirs still no status if this site is paying or not.
  24. I don't think its worth a worry for this site ROI right now. As its expected for a site like this to have high ROI. This site is paying good as a short term hyip and that's what make this site important. It does not matter if its going to pay just in a week or two what matters is that this site can be good to do hit and run as a short term hyip is always a good site to do hit and run.
  25. too many plans means its has many ways to convince investors to invest. But the big question is this. Can this site last long? I don't think this hyip site is build to last long. This site may even turn out to be a scam site after a week or two. In short this site is only build by admin to scam investors. But we can still earn in here by doing something like hit and run also.
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