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Everything posted by budado

  1. I check and I can't find ddos protection in here. Can you support your claim that this site has ddos protection? Because when I check I can't find SSL and I can't find ddos protection also and I don't think this site needed this two since this site will just going to turn to scam after few days running so theirs really no use of having ddos in the first place.
  2. I'm not surprise to see proof of payments at all but I'm going to be surprise if this site is going to end up paying for the whole week. I think its better that we just going to invest in this site if this site is less than 24 hours but more than 24 hours for me a hyip site is already a scam site. If not a scam site its already turn to scam.
  3. Its funny that this site offers a stock trading hyip site. I wonder how this site is going ot earn if admin of this site pays that high rate. Because stocks trading does not regularly earn that much profit percentage a day. I short this site is a ponzi scheme hyip site. I know its hard to earn money in forex trading so lets hope and lets see if this site is going to be a paying hyip or not.
  4. 9 days plan and earn 25% a day? that means in 4 days I already reach 100% bep. And in 9 days I will going to get 225% bep. That's some how long interesting. I'm happy that I'm going to earn good amount of money in here if only this site is going to pay for 9 days. And even if its going to pay for 5 days I'm still going to end up in profit.
  5. I don't mind losing money in hyip investing but I make sure that I invest in a hyip site that I think its good and fair enough to do hit and run. But in this kind of hyip site I doubt that I can reach bep in here. the site plan is complicated and maybe you will think its going to last long. But I also notice that admin of this site is not spending money. So for sure its going to turn to scam early.
  6. 15 days plan for me is a long wait already if a site is not well advertise. I visited alexa and its seems this site is not getting any more increase of activity. A clear sign that admin does not bother to promote his site. I know sometimes we need money to earn money. But what the use right? What will we going to do now? This site is a scam site if its not going to pay more than 90 days because this site longest plan is 90 days.
  7. I don't mind about the script. I mind about the plan of this site. Good script or cheap script it does not matter because either way this site will going to turn to scam in just matter of few days. that's why what matter most to me is how many days or hours this site is running. The longer this site run the more its risky to invest. Its only good to invest in this kind of site if its just few hours old.
  8. Its dangerous now to invest in this site. This site has an hourly plan and I doubt that this site will going to last long at all. I think its better that this site be turn to scam right now as this site does not have tendency to last long in the first place. Just imagine a hyip site that pays hourly. How do you think this site can sustain itself if its not going to turn to scam right away?
  9. Since the shortest plan in here is is the 30 days plan. I have some doubts if this site is going to last 30 days. Its because this site has 30 to 90 days plan but its admin does not spend time promoting his site in review hyip sites nor spend money advertising in ptp forums. This is a type of hyip site that does not have intention to pay for a month.
  10. Plan look complicated to me. why can't this site just give a simple plan like 110% in ten days or something. This is the reason why I don't like this site. You know me. I hate complicated things. the more the site is complicated the more I don't want to invest. I think its better if I just going to spend my time looking for ways to earn money that for ways to waste money.
  11. In a hyip site that can turn to scam in just matter of few days I guess its good to try 3 days plan only. I don't know if its going to be paying for four days but if you going to invest in 3 days plan and get paid then its a good gamble. its also okay to try the one day plan and do hit and run. But I doubt if you going to invest in much longer plan if you going to get paid in here.
  12. I can't open this site right now. I guess this site has turn to scam already. I thought this site is a new site and I'm expecting that this site site still exist. Its maybe end up being a scam site but not to the point that its not accessible even at this point. I guess its better to just look for a ptc site that we can visit and open. I don't know if this site will return or not but for me this one is a goner already.
  13. 5 dollars minimum is just too high for me to reach. I don't think its worth it to invest in here right now. Not only money but time as well. We all know that even if we don't invest in here if we spend lots of time clicking in here and don't earn then I guess we are just wasting our time in here. I'm happy that this site is exist but what the point if you don't earn?
  14. Is their a minimum amount to withdraw in here? I thought their is none. but I don't trust this kind of site. I saw many sites like this that turn to scam after its first payments or chance the minimum to much higher one. In this way you will going to continue clicking believing that its still going to pay. I have joined like 15 no minimum ptc sites and all turn out to be scam after paying few.
  15. I don't like this site when I read other post in this thread but I still try to check the site and I'm surprise that this site is not bad at all. Just look at the site members its already reach 2000 plus members. A bad ptc site can't get that much members and its also paying. Although its only 21 dollars I think that's okay since this site is just few weeks old only.
  16. Nice to know that a ptc site that only run of 35 days can pay almost 1,000 dollars already. I guess admin of this site also earn more than that. I'm just wondering how did he make this site profitable. I mean if he can pay 1000 dollars worth of payments then that mean admin is earning good amount in here. If only I know how I will also going to open my own ptc site.
  17. Maximum you can earn in here is just 4 dollars. More than that you need to upgrade. But that's okay. You can use your earnings to upgrade but that's if this site going to last longer. I don't think its worth it to invest in here at all. For me its a waste of time clicking in this site because I'm sure this site will not going to last anyway. I feel that its not worth it at all.
  18. If a ptc site has less than 10,000 members chance are its not going to last six months. a good ptc site must have at least 10,000 members in order to get a good real advertisers. I also don't recommend a ptc site that has less than 1,000 members. If a ptc site is starting its good to join if its has 1,000 members or more and paying.
  19. I guess none is satisfied with ptc rate. But is a site is paying its better that we are going to be active than loss opportunity to earn. If you just join and click and you have many other ptc site that you join and click also theirs a good chance that you can earn good amount of money if you total your earnings in all ptc sites.
  20. What kind of a name this ptc site have? its so hard to read. I don't think this site will going to last at all. This site admin did not think that by having a hard name to remember many ptc clickers will just going to forget about this site. who going to visit a site that is hard to remember right? I think its better that we move on already to another much simpler and stable ptc site.
  21. Its seems you don't know what thread your posting at. This thread is about why demo account peform better than real account. Now does your post answer to the question of this thread? That's the reason I give why in demo account its peform better than real account. So try to post depends on what the thread is all about and not about what other poster post unless its out of topic.
  22. That's good. what mobile phone do you use? I also want to try it but I don't have a techie mobile phone that I can use to trade. And my earnings in forex is not that good either. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in forex trading but same time I'm hoping that what ever happens I'm going to earn more and more in forex trading until I can buy a cellphone that I can use to trade.
  23. That's true. No one is imune to loses. theirs no such strategy that can make you earn money 100% all the time. But in loses if you know exactly how to make that loses turn to profit then its not a loses at all but preventing to have more loses. And that loses is just part of your strategy to make you earn more money. In short forex is all about strategy. It does not matter if you have 100 loses and one profit trade if your one profit trade earn you three times your 100 loses.
  24. Many always see demo as a nuisance way to practice. they are so eager to trade in real account and earn money that they don't want to try to practice at all. My point in here is simple. If you want to earn money in forex trading you need to be good in demo account first. If you don't feel trading in demo account then do you think you will be successful in trading real account also? You can't even put dicipline in demo how do you think you can handle the real account?
  25. Its okay to do bot or EA or automatic trading as long you know how to trade manual trading. The most important think is knowledge and skills in trading. It does not matter if you do that manually or using bots, ea etc. Becuase the important thing is that when you check your bot position and see if its trading well or trading bad then at least you can update it. But if you don't know how to trade then you will not going to see if its trading good or bad until you find out loses.
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