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Everything posted by budado

  1. I think even with low rate in here we can still maximize earnings by posting in here regularly. If we can only post like 15 to 40 post a day in here we can actually earn 15 to 40 cents a day in here. Not bad at all right? I'm happy that this site is paying good and paying okay right now but I'm hoping that the rate will be increase also. theirs really hard facts about posting in here and that is the rate. The rest are good.
  2. I really don't understand what this plus means in our post. I mean when I check that I have 3 post I have 18 green color number. But when I post more and reach 14 post I have 8 green plus number. So I stop posting. I don't know why theirs a number but I see other posters even worth they have like negative 2 in their rate or grade or what ever its called.
  3. I guess you have miss a lot. I already got paid in here twice already this month and I'm nearing my 500 points target again. I'm happy that right now I'm earning good in here. I did stop posting for a week in here but I return because I have a guts feel that I can post and earn good amount of money in here. And I was right. Anyway right now I'm hoping that mtw will return today or tomorrow morning.
  4. Nice that dmt is back. I suppose to post in here yesterday but I can't open the site. I'm just hoping that I can open the site this morning and I'm happy that I can now. I'm hoping that I can open mtw also but its still down until now. But I'm happy at least dmt is now back and running. I'm just wondering what happen. what kind of server update happen?
  5. I'm just wondering do admin of this site knows that paypal does not allow this kind of business? do you think this paypal account of this admin is verified using legit means or its using illegal acquired VCC? I'm just wondering what will going to happen to our investments in here if paypal finds out that we are investing in a site like this one. will we going to get our funds back? Or is our account in paypal be suspended or limited also?
  6. I think this site has turn to scam already. As far as my checking is concern the last payments has been done last july 28 and its already august 1 so I have some doubts about this site status right now. I'm thinking and I'm hoping that this site will going to turn out paying but same time I'm worried that this site can turn to scam even right now as theirs still no payments later than july 28.
  7. This site is running for few days now but until now this site status is still waiting. I also don't see this sites going to stable and going strong right now. I just see a risk in my eyes but not room for earnings in here. I'm hoping that in few days I can see if this site going to have paying status or not. But if this site will not going to get paying status then I guess its better that we going to close this thread down as I'm sure this site has turn to scam already.
  8. An hourly hyip site? I don't need to open my hyip monitoring site just to check if this site is okay or not. For me this site is a scam site regardless. Because its an hourly hyip site. I know theirs no hourly hyip site that last more than three days. Unless admin of that hyip site is just plane good in doing matrix and pyramiding that he can pay us back while asking for more investors.
  9. Lets just be careful right now. I don't think its worth it to invest right away if we don't check the site first. I know sometimes its good to invest early. But sometimes that's what cost us to loss money also. that's why its very important that before we invest in here we going to check first if this site is paying good or not. Because I don't want this site to turn to scam while I'm still in here investing.
  10. budado -17th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387
  11. Its funny that we all know many mistakes we can do in forex trading and yet many still don't earn in forex. I guess this is a clear sign that we just really don't believe we can earn in forex trading. Because what we only sees is our mistakes. We don't actually find if we are earning or not. I'm happy that some how I see some probability but I never think I can break the habits of losing until now.
  12. I really does not spend much time checking my platform. My pending positions and my SL and TP is already in place so I don't need to worry anymore about what to do next. I spend more time doing analysis than checking my position. I only open my platform if theirs a breakout of more than 50 pips in my eur/usd pairs. Because this is the only pair that I'm trading right now and so far so good.
  13. I know incur loses this month of july. Its official. My three consecutive months of profit in forex trading is now over. I incur no profit this month. I'm hoping that next month I will going to start earning in forex again. I'm just starting to bounce back but the profit is just not that good right now. I hope that in just few weeks I can clearly see the pattern of eur/usd and I'm hoping that I can manage to earn this month of august.
  14. So far this is my earnings in forex trading. Last April I earned 3.15 dollars total, Last May I earn 24.33 dollars total, Last june I earn 9.2 dollars total but this month of july I incur big loses. But I'm hoping that I can recover and make a profit this coming august. Its really hard to sustain profit monthly in forex trading but my plan is to continue trading and continue adding funds so that next year I can earn 100 dollars a month in forex trading.
  15. I just used the first EA that I get from a friend and its some how good to see its working. Although I'm studying how this EA works I'm hoping that I can develop my own EA soon. I really feel that theirs a good money in forex trading and I really feel theirs a potential in here. I'm hoping that in few months I can earn more in forex trading than in ptp posting. And I don't see any disadvantage in EA. the only disadvantage is the person if he knows how to use EA or not.
  16. If only I can say I'm constantly making profit but I guess not. In the last three months I'm happy that I'm earning profit but sad to say this month I don't earn any profit right now. In fact I have reach 100 dollars loss last wenesday. if not for the eur/usd recovery I end up losing 100 dollars or even more. But now I'm just down 65 dollars loses. I'm hoping that my strategy is stable enough to make me reach the green light.
  17. How I wish I can open my own forex broker site also. I'm thinking of affiliating myself in one good broker sites. In this way I can open my own broker site and promote it and earn percentage of spread its time my members trade. But I still don't know how the whole scheme works or how much capital I need or how to get many investors in my broker site if I open one. But if I can then I'm sure going to open one. theirs just too many Filipino's that I think will going to trade in forex along with me.
  18. I'm just wondering is it okay to use EA in trading in demo account? I'm just thinking of trying to use EA to trade for me. I can't be awake 24/5 but if I can just left my laptop open for five days straight using EA to trade for me. I'm wondering if its okay. So far I tried EA but its seems its getting or giving me loses instead of profit. lols. But I guess I need to make sure that I make this EA works for me instead works against me. lols.
  19. Its good to start trading in here. although I have some good start in here I make profit in my first three trade but my last three trades I incur loses. So right now six total trades and zero profit. Then I make just one trade and earn 1 cent. lols. so right now I have 1 cent profit in here and total of 7 trade. I'm still long away from my 300 trades target.
  20. Its good that instaforex is expanding. Its really hard to find a good broker site that we think is going to be a good and stable broker site. But when I found instaforex I know I'm good and I know I'm in the safe hand. that's why I always trade and make sure that the more I trade in here the more I see myself earning good in here also. I'm just hoping that I will going to make good profit in here later on. I'm just positioning myself in here.
  21. Not bad. this site has 2,500 plus members already and paying close to 70 dollars already. I think its good to see a good paying ptc site. Its been a while since I see a ptc sites paying. I mean last month each time I check a ptc sites theirs no payments but now theirs a payments a clear sign of improving earnings in here. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here also.
  22. I think the site stats can speak for itself now. Just look at 5,000 members in here. even if theirs only 10% who is active in here that means this site has 500 active members and this site paid 275 dollars already so I guess the active members in here is very high because its already paid 275 dollars. Sometimes really we need to take risk and try to join a ptc site to see if its going to turn out good or not.
  23. @emmanuel95 Chintu say he joined the site and it does not have minimum amount to withdraw. Anyway I visited the site and check the site stats and for me that's look promising also. Although I don't join this site so I don't know if the minimum amount is 4 dollars to withdraw or zero but one thing I'm sure I'm happy that this site is paying and paying some how and this site will going to reach 1,500 members soon.
  24. Its now nearing 1,000 members and for me that is a good sign. I'm hoping that it can reach 1,00 members soon. And right now its only pays 14 dollars but I guess in matter of a month or two we can see 50 dollars worth of payments in here. the rented referrals in here is almost 200 members also. Its good to see that its paying clearly right now.
  25. Theirs already 29 dollars paid from this site and so far this site has 1,000 members or more already. Its good to see a ptc site improving. sometimes if I see a ptc site that is not improving I usually just give up that site but since this site is going good right now I can say that its look promising right now. I'm happy that this site is going to be a good paying ptc site. Lets just hope that its going to last long.
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