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Everything posted by budado

  1. And who going to buy your account? And what is the use of selling your account also? For me if your account is verified then you have a great risk of getting an identify theft and in other thought if you going to spend your time trading in forex you must have your own account as you can't withdraw if its not your account. So who going to buy your account? And since its easy also to open your account for free. I guess no one will going to buy your account.
  2. My demo accounts right now is using EA. lols. I just want to know if this EA is effective that's why I tried to use it in demo account. Same time I want to study how this EA works and hope that I can make some adjustment in my own trading and use this EA strategy as my own strategy also. I just want to earn good amount of money in here in demo account first before trying it in real account.
  3. Right now I'm trading in instaforex eur/usd and earn some interest when I have buy position and pay interest if I have sell position. I also have one account in IKOfx and its a swap free. Meaning it does not matter if I'm holding buy or sell position I don't pay fees. Right now I'm hoping to have 250 LR and I want to trade in IKOfx using my 250 dollars in here.
  4. Right now I have 43 buy position in eur/usd and 30 sell position also. I'm hoping that I can make good profit in here soon. Although I really don't understand what I'm doing in here right now. I mean if I'm really making profit or not. Because right now if I'm going to close my buy and my sell position I'm still going to end up at all. But I'm hoping that in the long run I can earn good amount of money in here. I just want to know if my strategy is going to work in the long run.
  5. Darn I open five sell position in ikofx in eur/usd pair and right now the price is going up!. great. I thought eur/usd is still going to be bearish but its seems theirs a reversal in here soon. I really get disappointed in my self right now but I'm hoping that eur/usd will again be bearish again as this is the only way I can earn back my loses in here. I'm hoping that I can survive the loses in here.
  6. That's okay. I have many account in here also and some has been removed because of no movements or activity. I guess that's the right thing to do also. I'm excited to know how much I'm going to earn in fxfred and how much I'm going to receive in uwcfx this month. Its because I feel that I need to position myself now before the eur/usd will going to start to go bullish again. Although I don't know if I can afford or survive the market volatility using the money in here as its has no mini or cent account.
  7. I'm just wondering is the funds we receive in posting in paying forums that is sponsored by instaforex also expires? Or is their a maximum amount we can earn using that bonuses? The only reason why I'm asking this one is that I'm trading long term and I don't want to wake up someday only to find that I loss my bonuses in here. I'm happy that I'm earning trading just fine in here and I'm hoping to reach 2,000 dollars bonus capital soon in here.
  8. Its seem interesting. this site has 5 dollars minimum amount to invest. But now I realize that this site does not accept paypal. If only this site accept paypal I already joined this site. I'm happy that I'm earning some how in forex world but same time I'm afraid that I can't carry myself at all in here. I'm tired of trading too many forex broker sites that my I'm planning to minimize my sites only to two broker sites and one is instaforex and the other one is a broker site that accept paypal.
  9. 3 dollars minimum is just too high for me. I don't mind investing my time in here. But three months of clicking more or less to reach 3 dollars for me is a long wait. I don't mind if I earn 1 dollar a month in a ptc site as long I got paid 1 dollar a month not wait for many months before I'm going to get paid in here. I'm frustrated that I have spend many times in many ptc sites and end up losing time and money. That's why I prefer to click in ptc sites that pays fast and has lower minimum to cashout rate.
  10. I just make a mistake in here. Since I joined many ptc site that has no minimum that turn to scam right away or increase the minimum after you make withdrawals. But so far I see that this site has more than 4,000 members already and paid more than 500 dollars already a great sign that this site is really paying good. I'm just hoping that it can lats longer like neobux.
  11. Since the minimum amount to request payments in here is 2 dollars its going to take about two months before we can see proof of payments from this site. I guess its good to wait for two months before we decide to try this one. Or we just need to check how many members this site have and if theirs really lots of active members in here. At least if theirs many of us in here we can have good time in here.
  12. The rate in here is just not good and the way on how to earn money in here is not good also. But yet if you try to understand how this site works and commit yourself you can actually earn good amount in here in ptc standard. Because I'm sure this site is really paying good and paying well. It just that some has bad impression simply because this site is a ptc site and we all know that ptc site means low income.
  13. Slowly but surely. Its better this way than invest in here. In short just join the site then click and wait to reach minimum then cashout. that's the best thing you can do in here. If you can't reach minimum in here and its turn to scam then at least you just wasted your time. Than invest in here and loss money. that's why I prefer not to invest my money in any ptc site at all.
  14. Just want to share that this site starts to pay now. I see that its already paid 6.53 dollars to its members and for me that is a good start. Although I don't see the actual proof of payments I'm sure this one is going to be a good and paying ptc sites for a long time. The site look good and stable and I know we can make some profit in here at regular basis. I know its not much but its better than nothing.
  15. Its paying in euro and I don't really like to earn in euro. Anyway I'm just wondering what country is this site from? Its seems some of the word use in here is not even in english. I'm just wondering because if that country or language is not belong to a euro currencies countries then why is it paying in euro? If its belong to euro countries then I guess its going to get lots of members from that countries.
  16. Its seems the minimum amount of 1 dollar in cheap script is not increase to 10 dollars. this script is still a cheap script it just chance the minimum to 10 dollars instead of one dollar in thinking that he can convince many investors to think that this site is good to invest. I know its a clear sign that this site can turn to scam any time and I know its going to be in matter of three days. more or less.
  17. Minimum amount is just too high for my comfort. I don't want to invest in here. The amount is just too high that if I'm going to loss that amount for me I just loss my four months of posting in dmt. that's how long I can recover if I'm going to loss money in here. I'm happy that I'm earning in ptp forum but I'm not going to be happy if my earning will be loss if I'm going to invest in genius-autopay.
  18. Even a hit and run is not recommended in here. Just look at the site plan. Its hourly. A hyip site with an hourly plan does not last at all. I'm hoping that I can manage to earn back some of my loses in hyip investments by investing in high roi site like this one. But in second thought if I loss money in here then I will just going to add more on my loses.
  19. I just want to share the stats that I seen when I visited this site. This site has about 8K deposits already and only has 1.6K withdrawals. that's a good sign that this site is still stable. But my concern is if this site going to reach 50% withdrawal ratio. I guess if that going to be breach this site is going to turn to scam so that admin will going to run the other half of the money.
  20. Its useless to invest in here right now. A hyip site with high roi does not last long at all. I know and I'm happy that I can earn good amount in here but at this late? I don't think even if we going to do hit and run we can still manage to get out in here. I will not even be surprise if this site going to turn to scam right now. I just don't like this site at this moment. the risk is just too high.
  21. I just visited the site and this is the plan that I found. So its the same with xetang. I'm wondering if you can provide use the link and the three plans that you are talking about. Because I don't think we are viewing the same site if you have seen 5 dollars minimum instead of 1 dollar. and also theirs actually two plans in here an each plans has three minor plans below it.
  22. Since the minimum amount to deposit is 10 dollars I think its good that we invest in four days plan. Just one time. hit and run strategy. In this way you can take risk at higher level without thinking of reinvesting. My point is that if you going to take risk then take the whole risk. Because if you invest in one day plan and its going to turn to scam then you loss ten dollars also. so why not just wait for the 4 days plan right?
  23. The waiting period now is 3 to 4 weeks. Unlike before that the waiting period is 2 to 3 weeks. But right now I'm still okay in here. I still request payments each time I reach 500 points. I'm hoping that I can maintain my earnings in here. I know the rate in here is good two cents but the main concern in here is waiting period and the low activity. But if you think about it. That's just the same as other ptp forum. Because on average the waiting period of getting paid is the same also. three to four weeks now.
  24. I have 160 post in here right now. I'm just waiting to three to four days to reach another 200 post in here then I will going to continue posting and earning money in here after I got paid. Meaning I will going to take some few days rest or one week rest before I'm going to return to post in here again. I just don't want to feel that I'm spamming the site most of the time.
  25. Me too. I'm hoping that this site will again return. I'm happy that EP is stable so I'm not concern. Beside its not only EP that is down. TCC, EP, GFT, MTW and even DMT is down yesterday. I don't know what is the connection or is it coincidence. But its good that DMT is back and I can post now. Now my next concern is just to wait for this four ptp forum to be back also Including EP.
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