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Everything posted by budado

  1. The minimum amount to invest in here is just unrealistically high if you ask me. I don't recommend this site. this site does not even bother to promote itself by renting banners space in ptp forums. So how do you expect investors to invest in a hyip site like this one? I'm hoping that this site will going to be popular and going to last long also.
  2. Its funny that the site name is tradepaypal but all of the proof of payments I see in here are all in LR. lols. I guess its better this site changed its name to tradeliberty reserve rather than name this site tradepaypal since its seems paypal is not a popular processor for a hyip site. In fact paypal does not allowed to be used as a processor in a hyip site. I'm wondering why admin dare to name his site tradepaypal.
  3. How I wish its really a moneygalaxy. Just imagine that this site is paying good and paying well. I'm sure this site will going to last long. I'm happy if I can see proof of payments from this site in here as its proof that this site is getting popular. But same time I'm worried. I'm worried that this site can turn to scam any time soon also as this is a hyip site regardless.
  4. A hyip site that has a forever plan for me will going to turn to scam after few weeks or months only and not going to last forever. I'm tired of investing in a hyip site that always say its going to pay forever but its not. that's why for me its better to invest in a hyip site that has one day plan that in a hyip site that has forever plan. Because at least in a one day plan you can do hit and run.
  5. Its good if more members are posting in forex section as this site is really going to pay good and well also. So far I'm happy that this site is paying good and I'm hoping that this site will going to last forever. I know its hard to earn money in ptp forum like this one if you don't know how to balance your posting. Especially since this site has 15% post in forex rules.
  6. I'm surprise to see that this site has changed script. Its good that its change script but I still not check if the rate is also changed. If not then I really don't see the reason why this site need to chance script if this site does not chance rate. usually a ptp site chance script if theirs some good news like increase of rate also. So that its going to have fresh start also.
  7. This is my number one ptp forum right now. I'm just wondering what if I post like 8,000 points worth of post and the maximum amount to earn in a month is only 5000 points. I'm wondering if I'm going to get violations for over posting? or what will happen to the excess points? Is it carry over to the next month or will turn to zero? Me its okay with me if I only earn 5,000 points or 50 dollars even though I post 8,000 points.
  8. I decided to post in here 30 post twice a week only. At most if the activity is good then 45 post per week but I will never going to exceed 45 post per week in here. For me the activity in here is just too low that I will end up post chasing in here if I'm going to force myself to continuously post in here. But I'm sure if I only post 30 to 45 post a week in here at least my post is not that much.
  9. Its really good to be active in here. this is the best way to earn in here is to post daily in here. And make sure that you are posting at least two full liners in here if you don't want your post to be consider a spam post. I know its hard for someone to post long post in here all the time but if you make your self post two full liners and more in here soon its just too easy for you to post long.
  10. I have a bad week. Not because of mtv but because of some personal problem that I need to do that's why I have no time to post in here. I already have five days no post in here and I just post right now in here but again tomorrow I can't post in here since I have something to do. I'm hoping that on monday I can post as regularly as I can in here. I'm hoping that I can do that.
  11. Date: 2012-14-08 02:42:50 Batch: 107212798 From Account: U0886337 Amount: $4.86 Memo: MEF Point Cashout. Keep support us at www.moneyearningforum.com Thank you.
  12. Date: 8/13/2012 11:41 AM Batch: 107120150 From Account: U7274894 (Investorposts) Amount: $3.00 Memo: Payment From Investorposts Forum. Thanks for being Active. Thank you.
  13. Their just too few good paying ptp forum right now and dmt is included in that list. that's why it's good if we can post in here most of the time as its not only going to increase dmt activity but its also going to increase our earnings. So far so good in here and I'm hoping that in the next few days we can reach our target amount and request payments in here soon.
  14. Finally after not being active in here for the last four days I'm in here right now posting. I'm hoping that I each 500 points today and request payments today and hope that I can be more active in here also. I know its hard to earn money in here right now as some members is not actively posting in here. But I'm sure mtw is still a good and paying ptp forum that's why I will continue to post in here.
  15. This site is running for two days now and this site has daily plan so I'm sure this site will going to have a paying status right now if its really paying. But I'm just wondering why this site has waiting status in all hyip monitoring site that I visited. Is this mean this site is already a scam site? Because if a hyip site that has daily plan does not have payments for two days for me its a scam site.
  16. I can access the site without any problem are you sure you are visiting the right site? Its maybe your url that is wrong or I guess when you open the site its just down briefly as I can open the site without any problem right now. I guess this site is back. Anyway until now this site is still has paying status and right now its seems only you who have problem opening the site.
  17. The script look cheap but its better to wait and see if this site will turn out paying or not. As of now its status is waiting so lets see if this one will going to turn out to be a good hyip site. Its because I have some good feeling that we can do hit and run in here in its shortest plan. Although its just my hunch really. I'm hoping that this one will be good and stable for few days or weeks before its turn to scam.
  18. This site is running for 78 days now and still paying until now so I guess even with high roi as you say its still manage to pay more than two months and still paying even though its more than two months old. I'm sure other high roi does not last this long some even last only two to three weeks but this site really pays good and pays well. Hope theirs more hyip site like this one.
  19. I think this site is a scam site. I really don't understand why cheap hyip monitoring site set this site status to waiting. I mean this site has turn hourly plan so I'm sure this site has turn to scam already if its not paying for three day. just imagine theirs 24 hours in a day. If three days that means 72 payments has lapse already and still this site has waiting status?
  20. Actually this is the return of the come back. this site exist december 2010 and turn to scam and now its just return again as a new hyip site. I guess its a waste of time thinking that we can earn good amount of money in this site. As this site has turn to scam few years ago and I doubt if this site will going to return and pay again for long. I'm sure its going to turn to scam soon also.
  21. Although this site has waiting status its because this site is just a day old and I notice that theirs like 15 or more hyip monitoring site started to monitor this site and for me that's a good sign that this one is getting stable. How I wish I have extra funds to invest in here so that I can invest in here. I want to try to invest in here problem is that I don't have spare money to invest in here.
  22. So far this site has waiting status. I'm some how concern since this site is running like two days now. Usually a hyip site with daily plans turn out to be paying in just one to two days running. But lets see tomorrow. If tomorrow theirs still no paying status then I guess theirs a big percentage that this site has turn to scam already.
  23. This site is running for 11 days now more or less and I even see proof of payments in this thread but I'm just wondering why when I check in hyip monitoring sites most if not all has waiting status right now .I'm wondering what is the reason. And if this site is not paying then I guess its must be in not paying status or scam status but not. Its in waiting status.
  24. Nice to see that this site has paid 6 dollars already. Sometimes its hard to be convince that a ptc site will be paying unless someone reach minimum and ask for payments and get paid. this is the only way you will know that a ptc site is paying. Unlike if you invest in a hyip site that you will know in the next day if you going to get paid or not. In ptc you need to wait to reach minimum amount first.
  25. This is look interesting. Just looking at the rate its 1.5 cents per click right? At first I thought this one is a scam site but I did visit the site and guess what? this site is paying. So its nice to know that this site is paying. I'm hoping that this site will going to turn out to be a good and paying ptc site for a long time. And since the rate is 1.5 cents per click I'm sure many will join this site.
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