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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm lazy to check. I'm just wondering why is the minimum amount is not included in the stats and only the rate. To be honest I really don't like site that does not show how much the minimum right away. Usually I do only try to check if the site is good or not if the minimum is ready to be access right away or included in the rate. In this way I can decide right away if I want to invest or not.
  2. Since this is another hourly hyip site I think its good that we going to invest good amount in here and then cashout. In short hit and run. But that's the risk you need to take in here and if its does not pay then you also going to loss big amount. Right now what is most important in an hourly hyip site is time. the best time to invest is when the site is less than two hours.
  3. Its good that LR is back right now. Now we can invest again in a hyip site. I'm happy that some how I'm earning good and earning well. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here. I'm hoping that I can invest 100 dollars and earn 16 dollars each day. I will going to withdraw 6 dollars and reinvest 10 dollars in here. I will going to keep it that way until this site turn to scam. Hope this site will last two months.
  4. What make you say that STP is more secure than LR? I mean in what way? Is it because as you say its need documents to get verified? Me I have some reservation about verification. Because unlike paypal that its a good processor. I really don't know if STP is solid and stable enough to be consider legit and I'm afraid that my documents may end up to a wrong hand.
  5. What conspiracy theory? Can you elaborate? its just simple logic and facts and its no conspiracy. Just use commonsense really. When did they chance their name? and when did they chance their terms? After alerpay was been bought by UK company they chance their name and same time their rules. So its not conspiracy theory. But again my main question is why did they chance their rules or term. As when alertpay is base in Canada they don't have problem being used by hyip site and so on.
  6. Why do you need to search for a news? Just visit the okpay rate and you can find the new rate in their. If you going tow withdraw you need to pay 30 dollars for swift confirmation or 30 dollars for banking details clarification and without this you can't do bank wire transfer
  7. I only have 10 dollars in my paypal for the last three months. I'm hoping that I can get 200 dollars in my paypal before the end of the year but my main problem is were will I going to get funds to have 200 dollars in my paypal account. I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well. I'm hoping that no matter what will happen I will be good and earning and making good profit.
  8. Its ironic. When HD is new they give lots of promotion. they give 20% bonus more or less each time you withdraw using HD in hyip sites and ptp forums and maybe in other site that I'm not active yet. Many have tried to use HD to avail the 20% bonuses then they just going to exchange it to LR. And pay 10% fee more or less and get the other 10% bonuses. But sad to say it did not work and I guess this is the reason why until now even if theirs some opportunity they still don't move.
  9. When LR is down for a week I check the activity in PM if its increases just to check if other members are trying to use PM or other processors just in case LR is going to take longer to maintain itself. But to my surprise its seems PM is not moving at all. Its seems every body is confident that LR will return. I guess PM has its chance when LR is down for a week but just can't grab that opportunity.
  10. To be honest I thought theirs some conspiracy but I guess its coincidence. That when egopay showed up alertpay some how is shying away from hyip sites and forex broker sites and I guess other sites that I'm not familiar with. then suddenly LR is down maintenance and I'm thinking that with this two (alertpay and LR) is some problem egopay will going to cease the day and be a contender. But I guess egopay did not do much damage even though LR is down for one week.
  11. This is the longest maintenance experience I have right now and right now I still worried because the site is not fully online. Right now I can see this site running good but security wise I can't still open the site by using "https:" Instead I need to open the site just using www.libertyreserve.com. This for me is a great security risk as I'm used to open LR with https.
  12. Since this is an hourly hyip site. I really don't know if this site is going to be a paying hyip at all. I know a hyip site like this one can turn to scam anytime and since LR is down for a week and just return yesterday I know the appetite of investors just slow down and even those who like to do hit and run will have hard time investing in a hyip site right now simply because of precaution.
  13. Their just a slow down in investments in all hyip site this week and and when I say all that means its also included eb-profit. I know its hard to earn money last week until yesterday since LR is down. But since LR is back yesterday afternoon or depends on what country you are in its time to check now if we going to get paid if we going to invest in eb-profit.
  14. Just invest in here the minimum amount right now. Right now theirs two concern of mine and that is this site is new and LR is just returned and we really don't know how the investors and the hyip sites going to react. Will they going to invest their money in here and hope that we all going to get paid? Or is this site will going to turn to scam in just matter of few days? We really don't know.
  15. Now I'm just waiting for proof of payments. LR is now back and I'm hoping that in matter of few hours to two days we can see proof of payments from this site once again from LR as payment processors. I know its hard to earn money in hyip site and when LR is down that long we know its really hard to make an assessments but I'm hoping that we going to be paid or not then this mean this site has turn to scam.
  16. I guess this site is now a scam site. lets face it. This site has unstable plan. Plus LR is down for few days now I'm sure this site is just been affected and I'm sure by now this site does not have extra money to pay its investors once LR return. As I'm sure when LR returns this site does not have enough investors to sustain itself.
  17. SInce LR is down for few days now and its just return today. I'm not expecting proof of payments from this site. But now that LR is back I guess its now time to check if we going to get paid today or tomorrow or not .If theirs still no payments by tomorrow then I guess we going to have hard time hoping that this site will still going to pay. As I'm sure this site will no way going to pay.
  18. I have a reservation about this site. I don't recommend this site at all. I know its hard to earn money investing in a hyip site and just looking at this site plan already make me think that this site is really hard site to earn money as its can turn to scam any time without me knowing it. Since unlike simple plan in which we can visualize how long a site can last bast on its roi. This site for me is just too complicated.
  19. I see that LR is back now. So I'm sure in matter of few hours we can see proof of payments if this site is going to turn out to be paying again. We really going to have hard time finding out if this site is really paying good or not simply because this site can turn out to be a scam site if its not going to pay even thought LR is not back. I really don't know how many hyip site is going to be affected because of LR downing.
  20. This is a long term hyip site but I'm wondering why even though this site is a long term the admin of this site does not bother to spend some money promoting this site. I'm thinking that this site even using cheap script. So I guess this site is not really build to last but only try to mimic a good long term hyip by offering a long term plan. But actually and I'm sure this site will going to turn to scam in no time.
  21. How will you know if its profitable since this site has no payments for like six days already since LR is down? So in short you can't say that this site is good and paying until when LR returns and you can see good amount of payments coming from this site. I'm sure if that going to happen we can have a good earnings in here. But we must first wait for proof of payments that this site is back and paying.
  22. I guess no one is going to be active anymore in here simply because the rate is just too low. But I still do see good activity in hyip section. I guess I will also going to concentrate in this section only. I'm sure no matter what will happen this site will going to pay but the rate will remain 1 cent per post until IP will find a good advertisers. I'm sure this site will be stable soon.
  23. I'm trying to be active in here also. But its seems I just don't have time to be active in here. its really frustrating that I can't post in here as regularly as I want to. I'm hoping that in matter of few days I can be once again be active in here. I'm sure it really does not make a difference right now but as far as I know this site is going to last longer than expected. Because I'm sure this site has good advertisers.
  24. Hope that you going to be active in here as this site is really getting some more activity in here. I'm happy that some how I'm earning 5 dollars a month in here and I don't even much active in here. But if I'm going to be active in here I'm sure I can earn 10 dollars or more a month easy. That's why its important that we must be active in here to earn more in here.
  25. This site last paid is february if I'm not mistaken. that's more or less six months ago. And admin does not visit his site since the end of april so I guess that's a clear sign that this site is already an abandon site and theirs no way this site is going to be active at all. In fact Sinip is not even active as a moderator in GT anymore. A clear sign that he totally abandon this site.
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