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Everything posted by budado

  1. I guess its better that we just going to do long term trading. In this way we can earn good amount of money without fearing that we going to loss money. Because in scalping we really need to take some loses and we are hoping that in the volume trade we can make some profit but its seems what happen to me is disappointment after disappointment. I'm hoping that no matter what will happen I will going to make good money in forex but not by doing scalping.
  2. Can you share your account? 100 lot size is just in my dream. If you are trading 100 lot size and your using money management then how much is your capital? 500 thousand dollars? Right now I only have 300 dollars in my account. lols. And my dream is only to have 10 thousand dollars capital. But just imagine having to trade 100 lot size means you really have big capital. Hope you share your account to inspire more to trade.
  3. Low capital + high leverage = MC. And if you have low capital theirs no way you can use good money management. Because the main reason why you are using money management is that you have good amount of capital. For example the norm in good money management is that you need to expose or use 2% of your capital only. Now if you have minimal capital how can you follow the 2% money management rule?
  4. In my experience tight SL always result to have more loses than to have earnings. In my experience its better you compute the weekly or monthly volatility of a pair that you are trading and check if your free margin can hold a week or much better a month worth of volatility. In this way I prefer to hold and wait for the price to reverse and earn. That's what I'm doing right now and that's why I prefer to trade with sustainable capital. Or enough capital for me to survive the long term strategy.
  5. I'm happy that some how I have 8 trades that has .02 lot size and I'm happy that this month I earn 5 dollars out of 30 dollars capital. In short I gain 35 dollars in my balance and I'm hoping that I can maintain that earning in here in matter of many months in here. I'm sure no matter what will happen I'm going to make good profit in here. My target is to earn good amount of money in here in the long run.
  6. I'm hoping that they will also visit the Philippines. Theirs about 80 million people in our country and just imagine that theirs about that many in here. I'm hoping that if this broker site visit our country I'm sure many will going to join and I'm sure its going to be win-win situation to all of us. As more Filipino will be aware about online trading and also instaforex can get many investors and I'm sure Philippines can be top trader in asia.
  7. I'm just wondering why this site does not have a paying forum? Because other popular broker site is well known because of their forum. Like for example instaforex has three forums that I know of that if you post you earn bonus capital. uwcfx also have one sponsored forum and also liteforex but this one fbs holdings I can't find a single forum this site sponsored. I'm hoping that FBS will going to sponsor a forum also.
  8. Its seems lots of ptc right now is either suspended or can't be access. Right now this site has been suspended. As when I visited this site its can't be access anymore and this site has This account has been suspended on it. I'm hoping that in a week or two we can see this site return if not then I guess its time to close this thread after two weeks if its confirm that this site really not going to return.
  9. I can't open this site right now. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one experiencing this or other members a well. I don't know right now if my internet do a selective browsing since right now most of ptc site that I tried to check the current status I can't open. I will going to try to clean my cache and next time around when I post in this thread again. I will check if I can open the site or not. If the second time I visit this site that its can't be open then I guess this site is a scam site.
  10. This is weird. I don't know if my internet connection has a problem but this is the third ptc site that I can't open today when I'm checking if a ptc site is still can be access or not. I have some doubts if this site can be access or not. I'm hoping that this is a problem in my end and that this site can be access. I'm hoping that other poster can also confirm if this site can be open right now or not.
  11. What the use of having no minimum to cashout in here when you can't even open the site right now? I'm hoping that I can open this site right now but I guess its really behind my thing right now as theirs no way this site will going to end up paying if this site is going to be a scam ptc site. And I'm sure its a clear sign that this site is a scam site since you can't open the site right now.
  12. Just wondering. Am I the only one who can't open the site or do others can't open the site as well? Because right I think this site is already a goner. Because if this site is not a goner then how come I can't open this site? and if this site can't be open I'm sure member of this site or those who want to join this site will going to have think twice to join this site as I'm sure this site will going to turn to scam right away.
  13. I know that this site is paying good and paying well even though this site has only 300 members. I'm hoping that in two to three weeks time we can see this site going to double their members as you can see this site has already paid 7 dollars. when other ptc clickers see this site paying then we can see proof of payments then they are convince that this site is a good paying ptc site and they will going to be active in here.
  14. This site is already a suspended site. I know this site has turn to scam right now as I can't open the site. But lets just hope that this site will return although its really hard to think that this site will ever return. But lets see after a week. If this site still not going to be back after a week then I guess its official that this site is now a scam site.
  15. This site is good and paying even though this site has only 500 plus members its already paid 5 dollars. I'm hoping that we can see this site to be a strong and stable ptc site. In few weeks I'm sure we can see proof of payments more than 5 dollars and we can see members of this site increases to 1000 members. I really have faith with this site even though this site is a new ptc site.
  16. You can open the site? I can't open the site right now its say its permanently suspended account. I guess this site turn to scam before its even started. lols. I guess this site is just going to turn to scam if its going to last a month or two so its better that this site has turn to scam now. At least we don't spend more time in here and its turn to scam when we are already busy clicking.
  17. Its a good start of this site. I see that theirs two hyip monitoring site that invested in here. So far its an added confidence if you see a hyip monitoring site invested in here. I know its really a hard thing to do if we invest in a hyip site knowing that theirs no hyip monitoring site invested in that site. But if you see a hyip monitoring site invested lets say 30 dollars or a hyip site that invested 200 dollars you can see if that hyip site look stable or not base on a hyip monitoring site investments.
  18. This site is already two days old and I notice that until now its has waiting status. this site has daily plan and right now its suppose to have a paying status right now. I guess many investors and hyip monitoring sites just don't like investing in here simply because this site script is cheap. I don't know if we can do thinks the right way or not. I'm sure no matter what will happen its better not to take risk in here.
  19. 120% in one day mean that you going to earn good amount of money each day in here. In just 5 days you can even double your money. I know its hard to earn good amount of money in here if only this site is going to pay for a week or two. I'm sure we can do good hit and run in here. Right now I'm like doing hit and run in here problem is that I don;t have capital to invest in here right now.
  20. I see like five hyip monitoring site monitoring site site and I notice that only 1 hyip monitoring site invested in this site and the last payments is dated august 29. I guess its better that we don't invest in here right now. I know its paying but what are the chance that its going to last long? The more this site run the more its going to turn to scam as theirs just too few who invested in here.
  21. I know LR is down for a week and this site is running for 9 days now and still has waiting status. But problem is that this site is still waiting status even though LR returns already two days ago. So I'm sure if this site will not going to pay by tomorrow this site will be consider a scam site now. I guess weak script and cheap hyip usually can't survive if LR is going down for maintenance in a week.
  22. Some how this site is new and theirs about 5 hyip monitoring site that monitor this site. But I notice that none of those hyip monitoring site started to invest in here yet. I guess what they are doing is wait and see. Hoping that in matter of two to three days we can see if this site is paying or not. If after three days we still don't see any proof of payments then I guess its not good to invest in here.
  23. Nice to see that theirs a payments dated august 30. that means this site is paying good and stable right now even though last week theirs one week no payments because LR is down. I guess admin of this site has some how deep pocket to continuously pay while still waiting for more investors to invest in here. I'm hoping that I can find a way to make good money in here also.
  24. This site is running for a week now. Sad to say the time this site open LR is down. Now its has not paying until now. I guess this site just cant' make it since how can this site pay when LR is down? And when its return its has few investors and that amount is not enough to be rolled and to pay its investors. I guess its better that we find a better and more stable hyip site than this one.
  25. I don't recommend this site. theirs just too few hyip monitoring site monitor this site about three only and the worse part its seems even a hyip monitoring site does not want to invest in here so what is good to invest in here if even a hyip monitoring site does not want to invest in here? I guess this is a facts that we need to put into consideration if we are thinking of investing in here.
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