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Everything posted by budado

  1. I visited the site and I don't find any stats taht can show if this site is good or not. We can't find how many members this site have. We can't find if this site is good or not. I think its better that we spend our time investing in other ptc site than this one. I don't think its worth it to invest our money in here as this site is not open to its members and for me that's a clear sign that this site is a bad site to invest.
  2. Big question is how much you going to earn with just having 5 dollars capital and what pairs are you going to invest into? And what kind of account are you using to trade? Because in my experience 5 dollars is not enough to survive if you really want to trade in forex. Just imagine that in just matter of one to two weeks worth of volatility you going to end up getting MC.
  3. Before I join a ptc site I always check the stats and in this stats I notice that this site has only 1000 members plus and for me that's already a good start but what intrigue me is that this site has paid more than 500 dollars already. With just 1000 members plus and with already 500 dollars payments. its seems the stats is either tampered or this site is so damn good in paying its members.
  4. And what? This guy has loss 20 trades already. I guess right now this person does not even have capital left. So what the use of continuing trading as I'm sure he going to loss more in here and if he does then what? Invest again until he is bone dry? Forex trading is meant for earning not losing. If you want to trade to learn then its better you try demo account and practice in their. In this way you never going to loss a cent.
  5. I don't recommend this site. I just think that this site is no good at all. I guess its time to find a much better ptc site. Don't get me wrong this site maybe end up good and paying but chance are for me is very slim. Beside just look at this site and see that right now this site is sick. Sick with incurable disease. So don't expect me to think that this site will end up good paying ptc site.
  6. @Riddick09 That's what I'm hoping that uwcfx will offer but right now I'm just trying to find ways to make it good in here. Although to be honest I'm still struggling in here because of low capital and that means low free margin that make my strategy in tight spot. @murali603 Right now In my experience in mini and cent account is that in I can trade and some how survive even if I have 30 dollars using 0.01 lot size. Now I'm thinking that if I'm trading with lite account. If I have 400 dollars I can trade in uwcfx using 0.10 lot size. And this is my minimum credible amount to invest and trade if I want to have decent trading in here.
  7. Date: 9/4/2012 2:18 AM Batch: 109041822 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $22.00 Memo: 11XXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 22.00 Thank you.
  8. Am I seeing the right stats in here? this site has more than 3K members already and has paid 54 dollars already? I thought this site is a new site how come this site have that many members and paid that much already? This thread is not even more than a month old. If this ptc site is not that old also then I guess this site will be one of the stable ptc site right now. Just imagine having 3,000 members in less than a month is a great achievement for a ptc site.
  9. Its a good start for this site. As this site is only running for 3 days right now but right now this site has paying status and more and more hyip monitoring site are now trying to monitor this site. I will not be surprise if this site continue to pay after a week more or two you can see hyip monitoring site doubled in here. Because this site really look promising only to get scammed right away. lols.
  10. Theirs two stages in here. first day this site open theirs only two to three hyip monitoring site that is monitoring this site. But now theirs like a dozen already. But some has waiting status right now. But I guess this waiting status is forever as this hyip monitoring site actually does not have any investments in this site yet. So in short this site is monitored but not invested.
  11. Its funny that this site is recycled. do you know that this site existed many years ago? In fact if you going to count its first day of existence this site is actually 2014 days old. Just imagine. theirs only 365 days in a year so divide 2014 days by 365 days and you will see how long this site is running already and scamming people. Right now this site is once again a scam site but don't be surprise if after few months you can see this site open again to scam investors.
  12. I'm surprise to see proof of payments in this thread as far as I know this site has turn to scam already. But I guess its about time the this site turn to scam as this site is running like 35 days already. So that mean this site is running for more than a month so turning to scam is just about time. And beside the proof of payments that I see above is dated sept. 1 and nothing follow.
  13. This site is just a week old and even though this site has short term plan I think this site can sustain itself if this site will well manage. Problem is that this site has stop paying. I don't know the reason why but I guess its admin fault and not really the site fault. Because I see lots of hyip site that has much higher ROI than this site but still pays longer than this one.
  14. I really don't understand. this site has high roi plan and really this site is a scam site. But guess what? I check hyip monitoring site and some hyip monitoring site has listed this site waiting even though this site is running for 8 days now and the worse part is that theirs few hyip monitoring site listed this site paying. Yest paying!. But when I check how much they earn they only earn 4%. Now how come they earn that little in here? if the rate is just too high?
  15. The site plan look stable and look long term and I think this site will going to last long with right management and right promotion. Sad to say this site as far as I know has not paid yet. Or right now I can't find a single proof of payments even though this site is running for a week now. I guess that's a clear sign that this site is just another wannabe hyip but actually just a scam hyip site.
  16. I'm just wondering why after six days this site still has waiting status. This site has daily plan and if this site did not pay on second day and third day then I guess its a clear sign that this site is a scam site right? But how come a hyip site that has daily plan and running for 6 days still has waiting status. What do this hyip monitoring site waiting for? miracle?
  17. This site is running for five days now but I guess everybody is expecting that this site will going to turn to scam after few days. I check the site right now and I notice that theirs no more new proof of payments. I guess its clear that this site is a scam site now. Beside what do you expect for a hyip site that has an hourly plan? If I see this site paying then I guess that's is unexpected. lols.
  18. Its funny that this site is running for a week now and still has waiting status. Just imagine a hyip site that has an hourly plan and running for a week now has a waiting status? I really don't understand what this hyip monitoring site are waiting as commonsense dictates that this site must be paying after few hours running as this site is an hourly site. I guess its better that hyip monitoring site turn their status to scam now.
  19. This site is running less than a week. But by just looking at the site plan. I'm sure this site is a scam site by now. Because theirs really no way this site can sustain itself even for just a week. Because I'm sure no matter what we do in here its just going to turn to scam as its rate is just too high to be sustainable. I'm sure no amount of investors can make this site sustain itself more than a week.
  20. 8 days running and so far its still hot and paying. But problem with hyip that is hot is that you can get burned. I know its hard to earn money in hyip investing that's why we must always caution our self each time we trade. I know we can earn money in here some how but what the use of waiting and hoping to get paid if its will turn to scam right away? that's why its always best that we hold our funds and hope we can find a much better hyip site to invest.
  21. I'm some how surprise that I see proof of payments dated september 4 and only september 5 today. I'm just wondering if this site has turn to scam today or going to continue paying for few more days? because for me this site is now long over due to turn to scam. As theirs no way this site can last long and keep on paying if its has an hourly plan. Its just unstable.
  22. Even if you have option to withdraw theirs really no use withdrawing in here unless its okay to you to pay 15 dollars withdrawal fees. Secondly its better just to exchange it or sell it than to use the withdraw option. Anyway I don't use payza anymore as all the forex broker site that I'm using to trade right now does not use payza anymore. So in short theirs no more use for me to use payza.
  23. At first I have some reservation about this site but I notice that right5 has sticky thread not only in this forum but in other forums that I'm posting as well. I guess theirs something good in this site that I don't see yet. Because how come this site is in sticky thread if its not really going to last long? So in short I see some good earnings from this site and I'm hoping that I can earn good amount in here in the future.
  24. Its good to cashout using paypal if theirs no fees deductions. But if theirs fees deductions then its good to use LR instead of paypal. But right now I'm planning to increase my earnings via paypal. As right now I stop using alertpay / payza and I only use LR and paypal right now and since I want to make sure that when LR is going down for maintenance I still have funds to use. I prefer to have balance earning via paypal and LR.
  25. This is a new site and so far its has waiting status. I guess we just need to wait for two days more and check again if this site status will turn to paying. But same time I do caution investors to invest minimum in here and don't really expect that this site will going to last long. I know no matter how hard we do right now we can end up getting scammed in here.
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