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Everything posted by budado

  1. Got paid again! Date: 9/13/2012 11:38 PM Batch: 110283625 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $4.00 Memo: 3XXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 4.00 Thank you.
  2. I'm just wondering if I already have open an account and I want to chance my account to mini standard can I do that? Because right now I have cent account and problem with cent account is that instead of displaying 50 dollars capital I can see is 5000.00 cents capital But what I want to see in my mt5 platform is 50 dollars not 5000 cents. I'm just wondering if its still can be fix.
  3. I just visited a thread that has almost similar plan with this site. I guess its owned by the same admin. the only difference is that this time this site rate is 0.0009 the other one is 0.0006. Just imagine you going to click that many just to earn just too few cents. I don't know but I don't think this site will going to be a paying ptc site. theirs no way this site can get good number of clickers.
  4. Is this site serious? Just imagine we need to click 100 ads just to earn 6 cents in here and that to me is just not worth it and just looking at the site stats its state that the maximum ads we can get is 20 ads per day. that means 20 X 6 is 120. Meaning if we click 20 ads we can earn 1.20 cents per day. 20 ads click and only earn 1.6 cents? I guess I rather post in ptp forum at least one post 1 to 3 cents per post on average.
  5. Wow its good that you got paid in here and you don't been charged by paypal also. In short what you earn is what you get in here. unlike in other ptc site that when you withdraw you going to get some fee from paypal simply because admin account is a business account and it does have fees that admin pass on to its members and not shouldered the paypal fees.
  6. Even though this site is an hourly hyip site its good to invest and do hit and run in here. But make sure that you know what you are doing in here. the first think that I want you to do is to find a good paying hyip monitoring site that give RCB. In this way we can do hit and run in here and same time earn back some of the money via RCB. In this way we earn interest and rcb.
  7. Do you really guys expect that this site will going to run and pay for 365 days? I don't and I think this site will going to turn to scam after paying few days and even few weeks and I know this site can afford to pay for few weeks as this site is really has low interest rate that even if its going to pay 50% of your investments back its still can last longer than a month.
  8. I'm just wondering if this site is good and paying or not. I found this site in goldpoll and in goldpoll the site status in waiting. But I don't know why its waiting if its simply its only now that goldpoll monitor this site and invest or if this site suddenly stop paying after goldpoll monitor this site. So Its really a big question. But I'm hoping that this site is paying.
  9. This site right now has problematic status. I guess its a clear sign that this site is a scam site now. Because theirs just little chance that this site will going to end up paying as its already has a problematic status. I'm sadden that this site turn to scam this early but same time I can say its much better that this site will turn to scam now than to turn to scam later and affected many investors.
  10. This site plan look familiar. I guess its because this site is using cheap script and this site plan is actually build it cheap script. I'm just hoping that I can find a good way to earn money in here by doing hit and run but I guess theirs no way I can earn in here. As far as I know this site is really good as a scammer site. Just imagine having a day plan and an hourly plan.
  11. I want to say that this site is a scam site by just looking at the site plan but then the proof of payments surprise me. I guess this proof of payments come from a bot because theirs no way this site is going to pay at all. Just looking at the site plan. I'm sure this is a professional scammers. I really don't understand why theirs people like this one who love to scam.
  12. One hyip monitoring site invested 25 dollars in here. I don't know if I'm going to invest in here also or not. But one thing I'm sure. I don't want to spend my money in here as I do believe I can get scammed in here in no time. I'm sure if I'm going to invest in here I will need lots of money in here in order to make good profit. My only problem right now is that this site is not popular at all and only one hyip monitoring site invested in here.
  13. I guess just to be safe its better that we don't invest in this site right now. I know no matter how good the site plan look like its not good to invest in here in term of popularity as right now I don't see this site has paying status. I don't recommend this site as I don't see any proof of payments yet and I don't see anyone saying that he like or invested in this site. So if investors does not like to invest then I'm sure its going to turn to scam.
  14. 200% in just one day? I will be surprise if someone claim that he invested in here and got paid. As I'm sure this site is a scam site right now. I'm hoping that I can see good amount of money in here in the long run. But I guess this site has turn to scam even before this site starts to open. As just looking at the site plan its already obvious that this site has no way of paying its investors 200% in a day.
  15. Its funny that this site has an hourly plan but until now this site has waiting status. I'm just wondering what this hyip monitoring sites are waiting. Waiting for investors to invest in here or waiting for this site to turn to scam? I'm sure this site is not waiting to get paid right now because if hyip monitoring site are waiting to get paid then I'm sure right now this site will have a scam status because its been running for several hours now and still no payments.
  16. Another hourly plan. I'm just wondering why theirs just too many hourly plan hyip site right now and most if not all turn to scam after a day or two.I'm sure this one will turn to scam after a day or two also. I guess this is the trend right now. A hyip site will just going to turn to scam after two to three days. But I'm hoping that later on I can find a long term paying hyip site.
  17. I guess this site is a scam site now. This site is running for three days now and I still don't see a single prof of payments coming from this site even though this site plan is deiffinitely going to pay hourly so I'm sure if this site is really paying I'm sure this site suppose to have a paying status by now. But the weird thing is that I don't see this site having not paying status either even though this site is already online for three days.
  18. I don't know if I want to laugh or what. I'm just trying to find a good hyip monitoring site to check the status of this site but I can't find one except one and its has 1 dollar investments in here. I really don't recommend this site. Just imagine theirs no hyip monitoring site that is willing to invest in this site right now except one and its only invested 1 dollar. lols.
  19. I guess time only can tell if egopay will going to be a good processor or not. But right now I will just going to wait for the right time to use this site. Beside I don't have a site yet that pays egopay so right now I don't see any importance yet to open account from this site. But once I found a site that I can earn egopay then I will going to join this site and use it.
  20. Still waiting for my payments until now. I already have 45 post in here. In just a matter of two to three weeks I can reach another 100 post in here and I'm hoping that I will going to be paid before I reach 100 post in here again. But gone are the days that I can reach 100 post in just a matter of one week. Right now theirs just too few activity in here.
  21. I'm surprise that this site is still paying. Just imagine if this site pays 40% each day for five days that mean you can earn 200% in five days in here. In that plan alone its a clear sign that this site can't last long. I'm just wondering how come this site is still paying until now? But I'm sure its not good to invest in here right now. I'm happy that some how this site is paying good but I doubt its going to last long.
  22. They say love hurts. I don't want to get hurt again because of love. I think its better that I will just going to shy away from this site. I know no matter what I do I just can't seem see this site going to be a good and paying hyip site. I feel that its time to find a much better love. I mean much better hyip site to invest right now.
  23. I'm hoping that someone is going to post in ptp section in here. I'm just posting alone in here. lols. I want to post in hyip section also. But since this site has 1 cent rate its really frustrating and hard to post in here and hope that I can make good discussion post as most if not all poster in hyip section are proof of payments and in other sections theirs no activity.
  24. I just open new account in instaforex for nigeria forex and right now I'm trading and I'm in negative. I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong but I guess I need to chance my strategy in here. Right now I only post in here if I have free time and only post 5 post in here maximum. But even with 5 post since the rate in here is good I still can manage to get 30 dollars a month more or less bonus funds.
  25. I guess no one is surprise that this site is a scam site. Just look at the site plan and you will know that its going to turn to scam in just a matter of few hours. Theirs no way this site going to last longer than few days simply because its plan is just unrealistic. I guess I will be even more surprise if I see proof of payments and still has paying status than to see this site a scam site right now.
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