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Everything posted by budado

  1. I guess he just give up. We really don't know but last time that this site is paying theirs still a lot of ads in the forum. So if this site really does not earn then I guess its because this site admin decided to stop paying and run away with advertisers money. Because if he really want to to pay its members and continue his ptp forum he can fix his forum by just running in standard form.
  2. I guess we can do hit and run in here. I really don't like how this site make its plan as I'm sure this site plan is unrealistically high. But same time If I can manage to invest in one day and got paid then I guess the amount is good. But that's just if you like to do hit and run just like me. I'm hoping hit and run will going to help me earn in here. Same time the risk of losing the whole investments is big.
  3. I finally request payments in here. I'm hoping that I will be paid soon in here. I'm just wondering how long is the waiting period to get paid in here? does it take days only? weeks? or about a month? Because this is my first request and I really don't know what to expect but I'm hoping that I will be paid before the end of the month in here.
  4. 20% daily for 10 days that mean you going to earn 200% in 10 days. I'm happy that even if this site going to pay for six days I can already earn 120%. But I don't know if thi site even going to last 6 days. Right now I do believe that the best way to earn in hyip is via commission. Just try to promote the site and if your referral invest you earn commission.
  5. Good luck. If you join in here its better that you don't try to trade until you have good amount of funds to start with or at least you have confidence to start trading in real account. My first account got MC but now I have four accounts in instaforex and three of the four right now are earning account. So if you decided to be active in forex trading make sure you are committed all the way.
  6. Its going to turn to scam before you know it. I don't advice that you invest in here right now and even if you see this site paying you really don't know how long this site will going to end up paying. For me that's not good at all. I rather invest my money in a longer term hyip but has advertisement than this hyip that seems going to turn to scam in matter of few days.
  7. I'm just wondering if we just going to open a thread in here and don't post in our own thread just open like 10 to 20 thread do you think we can still earn? I'm just wondering since when I open a new thread about five or six and I post a little afterward I earn more than I post more but does not open a thread. I'm just wondering what is the computation if you just open a thread.
  8. I don't target pips earning anymore. I just do hedging and either way I don't mind what direction the price goes as I'm sure I will going to earn and make money. In forex trading its all about strategy and not about our target earnings. Because we don't really know what will going to happen next and the best way to earn good amount of money in forex is via our strategy.
  9. If you have five fingers and you can count and you know the difference between boobs and butt then that's already a God gifted talent. How you going to be creative with that talent is your self upbringing. So in short we are all already given talents and its up to use to use that talent properly or try to use that talent or not. Because in the end if we going to loss money in forex or make money in forex its all because of our decision and not because of God intervention.
  10. I have four active broker sites right now. Although I just close one and its now only three left I'm still planning to add two more. Right now I prefer to have more and more broker sites and account as each sites has its own functions and capital and strategy and also if one broker site turn out to be a scam one I still have other broker site to make me earn good amount of money.
  11. Withdraw!. Right now I just simply withdraw each time I make profit in forex. I really don't feel that its good to trade in forex and keep on adding your profit in here. If you really want to increase your capital its better you withdraw 50% of your profit and use the other 50% to add to your capital in this way you going to earn good amount of money same time increases your capital.
  12. I guess the most members mistake made is either they are too passive or to aggressive. This two must be mixed. If the market is volatile we must also be aggressive. if the market is less volatile or stable we must also be passive. Because if we going to be passive when the market is volatile we can end up missing opportunities. while if we become aggressive while the market is stable then we end up opening too many position that when theirs a reversal we going to incur huge loses.
  13. I have 45 dollars right now in ikofx, and in instaforex I have four active accounts one has 300 dollars capital, the second one has 150 dollars capital and the third one has 31 dollars capital and the smallest account has 29 dollars capital. I'm happy that three of my four accounts in instaforex already make me earn money. While in ikofx I'm still waiting for usd/cad to bounce back before I can make good earning in here.
  14. I guess its already proven above that this site is a really a good paying ptc site Its already has 10,000 members plus and already paid 2,000 dollars plus. I'm happy that some how this site is paying good and paying well. I'm sure in few more months we can see a good paying ptc site. I really don't like seeing this site paying good and paying well. I'm happy with the way this site runs.
  15. Right now I have close one of my broker site for good. I have one less broker site to check and do some trading and I'm happy that way. Sometimes you must always prepare to let go. Cut loses is the best way to minimize loses and same time give you opportunity to bounce back. In short you need to stop your fall and start raising again. Right now I'm planning to add two more broker site after I close one that I don't like.
  16. I don't mind that I play in ptc site. As long I don't invest in here. For me ptc site is only good to join and click but its never been advisable to invest in here. You can find good number of referrals if you want to earn more but don't bother to add funds in here. For me if I want to earn I don't need to put out money. Once I need to invest then for me that is not good earning.
  17. Its really not necessary but its better to have a mentor than none. Because having a mentor is an additional help. But its does not mean its really necessary. Me I don't have a mentor and I'm trading straight for nine months already. And I don't see any reason why a newbies can't trade if they don't have mentor. As long you are determined you can be successful in forex trading.
  18. This site look good and simple. I like the site template and script. I think its good to try this one. Its seem this site has two thousand plus members right now but already paid almost 200 dollars to its members. I don't know if this site really paying that good but I feel that its good to invest in here right now and lets see if this site is going to be a good paying ptc site or not.
  19. Is this for real? A ptc site that using a buxhost site that only cost 25 dollars to run turn to out to be a good paying ptc site? Just imagine its pay 8K euro already. I don't think its worth it to invest in here. I just don't know if this site is for real or not. I know I see proof of payments so probability its paying. But that 8K euro amount as payments already and this site has not even reach 5000 members yet. I don't think its good and paying ptc site.
  20. How good a ptc site if its can't be open? Right now if you try to open this site its can't be access. I thought this site is a new site but its seems this new site will turn to scam even before anyone know that this site existed. lols. At least this site only fooled few clickers who join this site too early for anyone to appreciate this scam site. That's why its very important that we wait few weeks before we join a ptc site just to make sure that its going to last long.
  21. I'm still hoping that I can trade in here someday. My main problem why I still not make any progress in this broker site is that I don't have money to invest in here yet. I need to have at least 200 dollars to start trading in here and the best way I can make good amount of money in here is if I can make good earning in forex also. so that mean the more I earn in forex trading the more I can have capital to start trading in gftforex.
  22. This is a new site and I'm sure in few days we can see this site reach 1000 members. But right now my main concern is will this site going to turn out to be a paying ptc site? Because this is the only reason why we join this site to earn and no matter how popular this site is if this site not going to pay then I'm sure this site will going to end up a scam site in matter of few weeks.
  23. Right now I removed liteforex as my broker site and its good news for uwcfx as right now I can concentrate in uwcfx more as I have only now three active broker sites and I'm also planning to removed one of my broker site and only keep uwcfx and one forex site that I don't want to mention. As right now my main goal is to make uwcfx my lite account while the other broker site as my mini and cent account.
  24. I again add funds in here. I'm hoping that I can survive my account in here. right now I'm happy that I add another 15 dollars in here. total investments in here is 30 dollars plus 15 dollars bonus I received from my referral. Total funds right now is 45 dollars and I'm willing to increase it up to 60 dollars. In short I still have another 15 dollars waiting to be added in this site once I'm in danger of getting MC in here again.
  25. Date: 9/13/2012 8:17 AM Batch: 110185561 From Account: U3373995 (LiteForex) Amount: $29.37 Memo: Agreement MT4-L-XXXXX Thank you.
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