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Everything posted by budado

  1. 32% daily for five days. hmp. the minimum amount to invest is 1 dollar. Just thinking what if I'm going to invest 4 dollars in here. then how much I'm going to earn in a day? What if I'm going to reinvest back the 1 dollar since I'm sure if I invest 4 dollars the 32% of 4 dollars is more than 1 dollar. What if I invest 1 dollar and withdraw the cents? I'm sure that's will be an exciting investments.
  2. Its look like we can do some hit and run in here. I do feel that its worth it to try to invest in here and just do hit and run. Sometimes we just need to take some risk if we really want to earn good amount of money in hyip investing. Because if we don't do hyip investing in the end we going to loss opportunity because we don't want to take risk and invest.
  3. The plan just look long term and the interest is small enough to sustain itself. If that is the case then how come admin of this site does not advertise in ptp forum? So in short I see this site going to turn to scam in just a matter of few days. Because a hyip site that has long term plan and don't advertise is a hyip site that is a scam site even at its early stage.
  4. Just wondering why theirs still proof of payments posted in this thread if this site is not turning to scam? I don't see any reason why theirs proof of payments unless this site is doing selective payments or those proof of payments are fake. Because this is the only reasons if you ask me why theirs still proof of payments in here. I guess its time to let go.
  5. Since this site has an hourly plan and the minimum amount to invest is 1 dollar in here. I think its good to invest 20 dollars in here. In that case we can earn 1.16 dollars in here per hour. then we can simply reinvest the 1 dollar and withdraw the 16 cents. In this way you can compound your money in here while earning some back by withdrawing the cents and only reinvest the dollars.
  6. Is posting proof of payments allows in this thread? I thought theirs a thread for proof of payments? But I guess its good to see the proof of payments also as its really help convince those who still have doubts about the site that this site is paying and paying good. I'm happy if this site going to last a month or two as its really a good deal to invest in here. But me I just not feel comfortable.
  7. I guess its called last deposit simply because this site has turn to scam after you make your first deposit. So in short your first deposit will also going to be your last as its going to turn to scam. lols. Its an hourly hyip site so its really expected that this site will turn to scam early. I will not even be surprise if this site end up not paying even a single hour.
  8. 150% monthly is a good rate and stable rate. I will invest in this site in no time if its only a good hyip site. Problem is that the site look cheap. I don't think its going to last long or even going to pay for two weeks straight. I just feel that this site is just all words and no action. I'm sure of that simply because even a hyip monitoring sites seems not interested to invest in this site.
  9. Actually paypal do froze paypal account of a ptc site. especially if theirs one who file dispute. Just one member who going to file dispute and its automatic froze of your account. that's why its very important that we must not use paypal in ptc and I see that lots of ptc sites now uses LR also. I'm sure they already learned from this experience.
  10. 14% for 10 days means that in the 10Th day we earn total of 140%. That's a good amount. If we invest 10 dollars in here each day we can get 1.40 dollars. Just withdraw 40 cents and reinvest 1 dollar in here. In this way after ten days you end up having another 10 dollars capital. Just keep on withdraw the rest and just reinvest 1 dollar. the longer this site pays the more you earn in here.
  11. Its better that this thread be close already. I don't believe that this site can afford to pay its investors to double their money in two to three days. I'm sure even for first day this site will turn to scam right away. I hate this site. Its because its a frontal scamming already. Seeing 200% earnings in a day is a total scam. I do believe that only a greedy investors will going to invest in here.
  12. I have encounter some problem although I don't know if its a problem. Each time I open my LR account I been asked to get verified via email since I use unknown ISP address. Its weird because for four years now I'm using the same isp address and its only happen last week that for five days straight each time I open my LR I need to get verified my isp first.
  13. This look good to invest right now. This site is a good site to invest simply because this site is just a day old. I'm hoping that I can invest in just one cycle and hope that I can earn good amount of money in here before its turn to scam. But if that is the case I'm only willing to take minimum amount of risk. I really don't know if this site will going to end up paying for a month but lets see.
  14. Since this is an hourly hyip site even though this site is just a day old its already has a paying status. problem with an hourly hyip site is that after a day or two its can turn to scam right away. Right now I do believe that the best way to earn in hyip is not to invest in hyip that can turn to scam in just a matter of few hours or days. Because instead of earning you may end up at loss.
  15. I really don't know if I want to try this one out. I know this site script is just too cheap for me. But one thing I notice about this site is what the difference if all the plan only last five days? does it mean that the minimum amount to invest what make the difference? If that is the case then what will be the minimum if you invest in 21.4$ earning per day compare to 22.4$ earnings per day?
  16. Although I see eight hyip monitoring site monitoring this site I don't see a single hyip monitoring site invested in this site and for me this is a clear sign that this site is turning to scam. I don't think its going to pay and if ever this site end up paying I'm sure its only good for two to three days maximum. As how can a hyip site last long if theirs no support from a hyip monitoring site.
  17. Even though this site has daily plan its seems this site does not have proof of payments or make a payments yet. For me this is a big concern. If you are planning to do hit and run in here I suggest that you don't do hit and run in here as this site now has questionable status. Because a hyip site with daily paying plan suppose to have a paying status right now.
  18. Three days and still paying good. I guess if you invest on the first day on its 130% daily plan you already earned 190% back. I think right now its time to do hit and run. its running for three days now and I don't think this site will going to last longer than four days. Its better that you cashout now since this site is still paying. And I think its already reach terminal stage right now.
  19. Theirs only one plan that this site going to be used and I'm sure its 20 dollars minimum 90 days plan because other plan right now is just unbelievable high and theirs no way investors will going to invest in other plan. In fact even a hyip monitoring site will not going to invest in other plan. Or maybe I don't still one. But I'm sure the odds are close to zero.
  20. 200% in just 24 hours? or 200% in just one day. Do you think you really can double your money in just one day? If you can then I guess you are crazy to believe that you going to get paid from this site as theirs no way you can double your money in one day. Even a hyip site that pays 10% a day interest has hard time sustaining itself for more than a week how much more 200% in a day.
  21. Date: 9/13/2012 2:28 AM Batch: 110155665 From Account: U3031858 (LOTraj) Amount: $1.00 Memo: LOT Payouts Thank you.
  22. Date: 09/12/2012 16:47 Batch: 110111094 From Account: U3943563 (GoldenTalk) Amount: $3.00 Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 100 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community.
  23. Date: 9/13/2012 12:20 PM Batch: 110214385 From Account: U3258638 (DCP Payout) Amount: $4.50 Memo: Payment for your posts in DigitalCashPalace forum. Thanks for being active. Thank you
  24. That's a good amount 100 dollars capital is a good amount. But I don't notice that their is a contest. I guess I really need to be active in announcement section to see latest news and latest opportunities as I also want to earn good amount of capital in here. My strategy right now is just to post and post until I reach the point in which I have huge capital.
  25. Nice to see proof of payments a clear sign that MEF is really paying good right now. I already request payments in here but I guess and I'm sure that I will be counted in the next batch as this site has just paid. I'm hoping that I can be more active in ptp section. But I guess theirs just two posters who is active in ptp section right now and that is the reason why I have hard time posting in ptp section.
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