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Everything posted by budado

  1. Its a good start for this site. Having paid almost 50 dollars and having almost 3500 members already is a clear sign that this site is really getting stable and really going strong. I hope that this site will be one of the most stable ptc this year as I don't see any new ptc site that last this long right now.
  2. Its really nice that this site has 600 plus members. I'm sure once this site start to pay the members of this site will going to double or even triple in just matter of few weeks as I'm sure many of ptc clickers just wait for this site to pay before they going to decide to join this site. I know to other ptc clickers its always good to wait to see if a site is paying before joining so lets see.
  3. Its okay that this site still does not have any payments Its only has 400 members so its understandable that this site has no payments right now. But I'm hoping that I can see payments in here in few days and not weeks or months. Because the longer this site does not have paying status the more likey members does not want to post or want to join this site anymore.
  4. I'm surprise that this site has only 613 members but yet its already paid 34 dollars to its members. A clear sign that this site is paying but I'm wondering why members of this is not picking up if this site really pay this good and this fast. I'm hoping that this site will going to get 1000 members plus before the end of the month. If not then theirs no use that its pay 34 dollars.
  5. We accept? Not we pay? lols., I guess this mean the money will just keep on coming but they don't put emphasis in withdrawals. For me its good if this site is paying but the way I see it this site admin is greedy. Because he is thinking of what he can receive rather than what he can give to its members. I do like to earn in this site if its paying but same time I have a reservation because of this.
  6. If the maximum ads is 5 ads per day then what will be the minimum ads to click in here? This is my concern because before I experience that when I join a ptc site its say the maximum ads is 25 ads and then after I join I get 25 ads on the first day 20 ads on the second day, 15 ads on the third day until I only get less than 5 ads to click each day. And here the maximum ads is 5 ads. I guess in few days I only going to get 1 ads to click each day.
  7. I'm just wondering what is the rate per click in here. I know the minimum is 1 dollar to request payments but I'm just wondering how much is per click in here. Its good to join and click if theirs 1 cent ads to click in here and if we can earn at least 4 cents per day in here even though we are just an active member. I really hope we can earn good amount of money in here.
  8. @quangnam52335 How can you earn that much and that fast in here? Its really good to see you got paid good amount in here. I'm hoping that I can earn the same as you but when I join I just have some slow doing in posting in ptp forums that I'm active in that I decided not to be active in this site anymore. Because in ptp forum I can earn 5 dollars a month on average but same time I also want to have alternative earning like this site.
  9. The only encouragement I have right now to post in here is the possibility that I can reach 10 dollars in here. As right now I have 8.79 dollars in here. that means its just going to take me about 1.50 dollars more or less to reach 10 dollars and if I can reach 10 dollars before the end of the month that means I will be paid 10 dollars plus next month.
  10. One plan, one dollar minimum, cheap site. I don't think this site going to last long. I'm sure this site is going to pay first few days and maybe a week. But I doubt that its going to last longer than that. I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well in hyip investing but same time I don't want to lower my guard and just invest in here right away.
  11. Its good that you are active in here but I'm hoping that more wil going to post in here also especially the ptp section. I really have hard time posting in here. I tried to post in MEF at least three times a week now. I'm hoping to make it four or five times a week but activity in here does not permits me to be active in here daily as I want to.
  12. Another hourly hyip site. I don't know about you guys but if I see a hyip site that has an hourly plan even hit and run strategy for me has hard time going to be successful. I know to many its good to invest and do hit and run but what is the chance that you really going to earn money in here? I don't think theirs a lot of chance that you really can earn good amount of money in here.
  13. Me I'm still posting good in here. If I reach 1,000 points and still not get paid then that's the time I'm going to stop posting in here also. But since I'm really good posting in here I think I will going to post until I reach 1,500 points. I'm sure this site is really paying good and paying well and I think this site will going to continue paying for a long time.
  14. I don't know if its a norm now that the minimum amount to invest is 10 dollars. Its seems even the cheap script hyip site right now has 10 dollars as minimum amount to invest. Unlike before the the minimum amount to invest is 1 dollar in most cheap hyip site. I guess the inflation and the value of the dollar decreases that the minimum amount of 10 dollars now is the norm minimum.
  15. Since theirs no way that going to happen I suggest that you study forex trading. I'm sure right now you feel that you are short handed by the site since you can only request payments and only earn if you make profit. But once you start earning in forex I'm sure you can earn more than what you can earn in ptp posting. As one of my account right now in instaforex I earn 22 dollars this month.
  16. Don't invest you just going to loss your money in here. Right now I have a guts feel that this site is not good to invest right now. I maybe wrong I don't know but one thing I'm sure the more I'm looking at this site right now the more I feel that this site is going to turn to scam soon. I'm hoping though that I can find a way to make a good earning in this site maybe via commission.
  17. Still waiting to get paid in here. Hope that I will be paid next week. Since today is already saturday and tomorrow is sunday next week will start tomorrow. I also increase my post activity in here hoping that when I got paid in here I will going to request payments in here. I still not get paid in here and its my first request of payments so some how I'm excited.
  18. That's true. I think the risk in here is just too high that its not worth it to try this site right now. I do recommend that we invest our time and effort in a hyip site like this if we really know this site and if this site is just an hour old. But longer than an hour I do believe that each hour past the risk of getting scam will be higher.
  19. scammers? How can their be scammers in mt5? I guess what you mean is spammers and not scammers. Right now I see many who posts one liners in here. I don't know if this is allowed but in my case I usually got my post removed and not paid if I post less than two liners in here. that's why just to be safe I post in here at least three full liners. I know its take time but its worth it for me.
  20. I guess its because its a new site. just wait two to three days more and we can see this site status changed to scam status. I know its good to do hit and run in here but I doubt that if you going to invest in here tomorrow or even today you can get BEP in here. I still do believe than an hourly hyip sites only pay on its first two few hours and none after that.
  21. That's true and just a little patience in my part I'm sure I'm going to reach m 500 points target in here. I can't stop posting in here since I already have 400 points in here. So just few more 100 post and I'm good to request payments in here. from their once I request payments I will going to stop posting in here. theirs no way I'm going to waste my time posting in here after I withdraw.
  22. All hyip site turn to scam. But some do last longer than other. I do sugges that if you are interested to invest in here you must first check the proof of payments section of many ptp forums and check if theirs a lot of proof of payments. As more proof of payments means more investors invest in this site. I suggest that you check hyip monitoring sites also and check if its popular or not.
  23. That's true. I really don't understand why theirs lack of activity in this site even in hyip section since this site is still paying and paying good. I really don't understand but I'm hoping that activity in here will going to increase. Right now I decrease my earnings target from this site. Right now I'm happy if I can receive about 4 dollars a month in here. that's about 20% drop from my monthly earning target.
  24. budado -19th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387
  25. So far this is my stats in one account that I'm trading right now. Its not really high amount capital but its good to see that some how in the last three months in this account I'm earning. I'm hoping that I can sustain my earning in here for the long run. As the more I trade in here the more I earn and the more I feel secure. I guess in two to three years time I can see myself earning at least 500 dollars a month via forex trading. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/august2012.jpg/
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