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Everything posted by budado

  1. I have 70 post in here right now that means I have 70 cents in here. And since I only post 5 post each time I open this site its needed me at least 6 days and posting 5 post daily to reach 1 dollar worth of post in here. But at this rate right now I doubt that I can do it. Because I'm just too busy doing offline things right now that I even have hard time posting in major ptp forums how much more in this site.
  2. I'm frustrated right now. Theirs a slow down in internet loading that Its take me 1 to 5 minutes just to post one post in here. Its so frustrating. I don't know what to do right now but I hope that by just refreshing my computer I can post in mtv again. I'm posting fast and good but after 5 post in here its suddenly slow down. Anyway I see many complaining of points deductions in this site right now. I guess we need to check the rules and follow it before posting.
  3. Me I just open this site I think two weeks ago when I read in GT that this site starting to pay again. I check the payments section but I see only few got paid and many got denied payments. So I don't bother to return anymore. My request of payments has been pending when I check it. I don't know if its been rejected also or not. Another thing the request of payments thread is close.
  4. Activity in here is getting less and less but it realy a good site to continue paying. You must just need to be innovative. I know its hard to earn money in ptp forums especially in GT as you can get banned without any warning at all. But same time its good that we keep on posting in here and hope that we going to get paid in here. The trick in here is post less and post neutral topic only.
  5. We need to wait four business days before we can withdraw the funds but while we wait its better that we do some trading also. Because if our account in uwcfx is not active for three months your account will be closed. Thats' why I always trade and have 10% of my capital as my losing amount. If I loss 10% then that's it I stop trading. Its better to give some if you earn some.
  6. If you join this forum concentrate on hyip and in ptp section only. This site is only paying this two sections. Other sections are not paid to post sections so you must be aware of that. Also make sure that you don't do consecutive post in here as you going to get deductions in here if you do that. No matter how long that thread is not active as long you are the last poster better not post.
  7. I'm back posting again after being absent yesterday. my plan of posting in here daily seems hard to do right now. theirs just too many things that I need to do online and offline that I don't have much time to post in ptp forums like this one. But one thing I'm sure once I have free time and once I solve my problem offline I will going to be active in dmt and post daily in here also.
  8. I'm posting in here until I reach 500 points then that's the time I request payments in here. I do believe that mtw is stable and I don't need to request each time I reach minimum amount. For me it does not matter if its take me a month and even more to reach my 500 points target as I'm sure each timeI request payments in here I will always going to be paid by mtw.
  9. 40 days is a long wait. Although I don't want to give negative impression about this site but we just need to ask ourself. How many hyip site that has 40 days plan that still paying after 40 days if they don't have any banners in ptp forums? As far as I know this year none. Three years ago about 5 if I remember it right. That means right now theirs just no hyip site that has 40 days plan that last that long and pay.
  10. I don't get it. How much do we earn in one day plan? None? since 100% mean the amount we invest is only returned to us. For example if we going to invest 10 dollars in here after a day we get back 10 dollars with no interest? or we going to get 200%? or 100% principal + 100% profit? Anyway I don't recomend this site at all. EIther way the plan look scammish.
  11. Big question is this. Is this site going to pay right now? I Don't think this site will going to last long. I think right now if we going to invest we can't even reach bep in here or get back our investments before this site will turn to scam. I do recommend that we spend sometimes checking the age of a hyip site before investing. As the more we invest the more we can make money but same time if we going to invest in a scam site we can instead loss money.
  12. Is this site a hyip site? Its seems this site is not a hyip site at all. I think its better that this thread be close now. I'm sure this site is not worth it to be open as its seems this site is not even a hyip site. Theirs no plan interest earning per day and theirs some extracuricular activity in here. I think this site is more like a matrix site than a hyip site. But I'm hoping that author of this thread can update us why this thread or site will be consider as a hyip site.
  13. I don't think this site is going to be a paying hyip site. Just look at the site hourly plan. I'm just wondering if someone still fall in this kind of crap. I think even newbies in hyip investing know that its can't sustain itself for a long time. I know its hard to earn money online. But I'm just wondering why theirs just too many scammers hyip admin want to scam other people. Do they really care?
  14. This plan alone already convince me that this site will not going to last more than three days. Just imagine that this site is going to pay 200% in three days and that's already a clear sign that its not worth it to join this site. I know its hard to earn money in hyip investing but theirs also an opportunity to earn. We just need to check the right hyip site to invest in.
  15. Its seems this site is good for deposit but bad for witdrawals. Since this site is all deposit and no withdrawals in its name. lols. I do believe that its not worth it to invest in here. Just looking at the site plan and its an hourly plan already a clear sign that this site is a scam site. I do believe that admin of this site is just going to turn this site into a scam site.
  16. Another hourly hyip site. I'm sure by the time I'm interested to invest in here this site has turned to scam already. lols. I know this site is paying good and paying well in first few hours then its going to turn to scam right away. A hyip site that has an hourly plan cant survive and can't sustain itself for long time. I do think that its always good that we can make good income out of this site if we can do hit and run.
  17. So soon? I'm wondering why. Its either this site is getting lots of investors that they need to upgrade or its just have some maintenance issues. To be honest I don't see any reason why they need to upgrade or chance server. But the looks of their plan this site will not going to last more than six weeks anyway. But I guess I'm wrong. I think admin has find a way to make this site profitable and going to be a good paying hyip site more than my guess six weeks paying.
  18. Another sad story for a ptc sites. I'm just wondering why will paypal goind to limit their account if they don't do something fishy. Neobux has been running for 5 years now more or less and its still running and paying and payza and paypal seems does not mind that neobux exist. I think ptcbox just don't want to be a legit ptc site. I think paypal find out that ptcbox admin is using fake ID or something when they get verified.
  19. 10 dollars minimum. I wonder how long its going to take us to reasch 10 dollars minimum in here. I think this site admin has no plan of paying us. Its the first time I see a ptc site that has 10 dollars minimum and going to be popular and last long. The last ptc site that I remember that has 10 dollars minimum and pay is clicksense but same time I know its also lower the minimum I think to 8 dollars now.
  20. Its good to see a good luckig ptc site but its much better if darwin can show us proof of payments that this site is paying right now. I know he is good in ptc earnings as I see lots of proof of payments in other ptc sites that he is in active. And I do believe taht probux has an earning chance simply beause darwin is in this site. But same time I'm just realistic. Proof of payments is always the best convincer.
  21. Does it mean I can withdraw the 1 dollar right away? But I guess not since the minimum amount to withdraw in here is 2 dollars. But I guess if its going to pay its good to start clicking in here. The 1 dollar needed to withdraw means we only need to click 100 ads and going to reach 2 dollars since we already have 1 dollar bonus. But same time I doubt that its going to pay.
  22. I guess I will just going to wait for proof of payments. I don't have time to join untested ptc site. I like how this site trying to be popular but show me the money and I will going to try to join this site. I'm not a type of person that going to be pioneer anymore. For me the best way to earn right now is via forex trading and ptp posting. Same time if I can find a way to earn at least 5 dollars a month in ptc site without investing and only going to spend less than an hour a day then I will try to be active also.
  23. Since neobux is the number one ptc site right now in term of popularity I think its not going to turn to scam any time soon. this site just find a way to become a legit ptc site as I'm sure most of the ads we click in neobux right now are legit and paid advertisements. Unlike in other ptc sites that they are doing balancing act. In neobux what they are doing is purely an advertising and by ptc.
  24. This site is paying in euro. My concern though is not because its paying euro but its because the site has no maximum ads to click. In my experience a ptc site that ha no maximum ads to click has no minimum also. Meaning you can visit the site and you can be lucky if you can get 1 cent earnings in a day. I do recommend that we spend some time checking the ptc site before thinking that you can really make profits.
  25. So you mean they already increase the minimum? I guess its time to update the stats above, I can still see that the minimum amount to withdraw is only 1 cent. . If this site is going to last long its needed to have a good minimum amount to withdraw but same time its must not chance minimum as its give impression that its can chance minimum any time admin wants.
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