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Everything posted by budado

  1. 2 cents per click? with 2 dollars bonus? and only have 1 dollar to request payments? Its so good to be true. right now I don't think its worth it to invest in here. I doubt that this site is really good to invest right now. I do recommend that we just forget about this site as I'm sure the chance of getting paid in here is slim. Although I do recommend that we also check this site thoroughly.
  2. Its seems this bux for all is not bux at all. lols. Its does not have a charm to attract new members and I'm sure theirs no advertisers willing to advertise in here also. I do like this site promote itself and pay so that its can get more members and maybe some real advertisers. But one thing I'm sure if this site going to turn to scam its can. As its really hard.
  3. Invest big amount right away. I think that's the main reason why many do fails in forex trading. Its because they start investing in forex right away. I'm happy that some how I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading. I know its hard to make a good living in forex. When I was a newbies my main goal is to be rich right away. But after trading and loss my money that's I realize that I need to learn first how to trade if I want to earn.
  4. From their we can simply pick up. Learn from your mentor and develop and be better than your mentor. Because if you can't be better than your mentor then its like your mentor fails you. In forex trading you have the edge if you have a mentor as you can cut corners and cut some trial and error and you can trade directly to the point. No need to think what if I do this what will going to happen or so on. As every thing is now in front of you.
  5. I'm also thinking. If an account is not verified yet and you are active in instaforex sponsored forums I guess you can actually sell your account. as long its does not have withdrawals yet only bonuses earn in posting in instaforex sponsored ptp forums. Because even if the name is difference once you want to verify you just going to spend real documents and ask to update your profile. I done that on one of my account and they allow it.
  6. Half a cent rate and high 4 dollars minimum. Meaning you need to click at least 800 ads to reach 4 dollars and cashout in here. Now the big question is this. How long do you think this site will going to pay? I doubt its going to last long. low rate and high minimum usually a big no no to new members since its really hard to click and hope to get paid.
  7. that's good. But how come theirs no proof of payments in here yet? Does it mean this site is not paying yet or no one is active in this site? No minimum means after I click I can request payments and I can hope that I can get paid in here right away. But its seems no one is biting this right now. I hope this site will get few daring members and if they get paid may will follow.
  8. So any progress report from progress bux? lols. It seems this site is still not paying members as I stil don't see any proof of payments yet. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money from this site. Anyway I'm just little worried with this site. The more I look at this site its seems its already a scam site even though theirs still none so far who request payments in here. Or maybe I just don't hear one complaining yet.
  9. Its hard when demo account expires after a month as you need to open another one using new email address. although its easy to open new email address and easy to open new demo account. My concenn is that why go this troubles if they can maintain the demo account. I do like to trade in forex and I do like my profit. But same time I just feel that I'm still not good enough.
  10. Good think of having lots of broker sites is diversity. its good not only that if one will have some problem you are good with other broker sites and also you can check how good one broker site to another. Like in one broker site I earn big swap interest while the other one I pay swap interest even though I have open the same position. I also like to withdraw in LR and in PP. But theirs no broker sites that has both. So that's why I join forex that has pp and forex broker site that has LR.
  11. I'm happy that my 60 dollars capital in here is not have 50 dollars equity. and 80 dollars balance and has 16 position .02 lot size each opened. I think in six weeks I can reach 60 dollars equity and this mean I have reach the profit mark and even if I'm going to close all of my losing position I can still end up in breakeven. I'm trading long term and the earning is slow but stable at the same time.
  12. Good that you got paid. I'm just confuse. When I check my account I see a withdrawal that I did not do. So what I did is talk to uwcfx chat and the withdrawals come from uwcfx partners account. I don't remember opening one but when I check I have five of those under my name and one of the account theirs 12 dollars deposit and then 12 dollars withdrawals. Don't know what or how its happen.
  13. @ riddick09 Congrats. Seeing your proof of payments also make me want to withdraw. lols. But same time I'm thinking to hold my funds until december. I want to give my self a gift this december and I'm aiming to get 200 dollars total this december. But that's is if I can trade good for next two months. I'm really happy trading in instaforex. with zero investments just posting in ptp forums I can earn good in instaforex.
  14. If this site will not going to pay its going to end up ptc devils. lols. But who cares theirs a lot of falling angels anyway. lols. I do hope that this site can last long. As I have lots of angel figurine in my house. But same time in reality this is still a ptc site that can turn to scam anytime. So you better watch out. You better not cry. because this angel can turn scammy any time.
  15. Lets just wait if this site is going to turn out to be a good and paying ptc site. Its look like an amatuerish name and a cheap buxhost site script site. But one thing I'm sure if this site is going to be paying Its going to last only two to three months at most. I don't think this site can sustain itself long. I'm sure this site is not good to last long as its does not have the means to do so.
  16. How come you got paid 1 dollar only? Is the minimum not 4 dollars? I thought this site has 4 dollars minimum? Or are you an upgrade member of this site? That's why the minimum amount to withdraw with you is 1 dollar only? To be honest I don't see the logic why the minimum amount to withdraw is lower when you are an upgrade member as the upgrade member has more potential acctually to earn more money.
  17. Another mini ads ptc site. Its really does not matter if its has low rate but problem is that we also want to earn money and the best way to earn money right now is to make sure that we can earn good amount by doing something that we always do and that is to find referrals and make sure you have lots of it. But if you think its a hard work then its better that we don't join this site.
  18. I'm happy to see theirs a proof of payments. Its seems the patience of a ptc clickers pays off. Right now I can say that I'm really happy and I really do see good potential in this site. Except that I don't have extra time to click in here right now. If I can find a way to manage my time and become active in here then I will surely going to be active in here also.
  19. 1 dollar minimum is good to invest but since this site has 30 days plan for 1 dollar I don't think this site going to pay that long. I also think the 200 dollars plan is just a hit and run plan. meaning if someone is stupid enough to invest in the 200 dollars minimum plan its going to get scammed. I don't think its worth it to invest in here at all. Even hit and run will not going to work.
  20. I'm surprise that this site even have a member. But if its does I'm sure theirs only few percentage who really invest in here. some just join to look at the site and find referrals and hope to earn commission. But I doubt that theirs a single investors in here who end up really earning good. At most I think a member can do is earn 20% more or less before this site turn to scam completely.
  21. Just a scam site nothing more. I don't even understand why this thread is even opened as I'm sure this site does not pay even once. I guess its going to pay commission earnings but investments and double your money in an hour? I don't think its going to happen. I even have hard time doing that in forex how can this site admin going to make its payments and pay its investors double each hour?
  22. Its swee earning for the admin of this site but I doubt its going to be sweet earning for investors like me. This site can turn to scam in just a matter of few hours. And I'm sure this time its already a scam site as theirs no way this site can sustain and pays its investors this long since this site is an hourly hyip site. To many hourly hyip sites open this year but none so far that I know last more than three days.
  23. If its paying then I don't see any thing funny about the name. for me a site that pays is a good site. No name can make you earn. But I do agree sometimes funny name means a site admin is not serious enough to make his site going to last long. I do like this site to run for two to three weeks and see if its going to make many investors make profit. But same time I have some doubts.
  24. I can say its good to do hit and run. But by just looking at the site plan I know this site can clearly turn to scam in just matter of few days. I guess at most this site will going to run and paying is 5 days. But same time I do advice investors that they need to be defensive in here. hit and run is the key and make sure you cashout right away. Its okay to cashout early than to cashout late.
  25. I'm allergic to an hourly plan. If I see an hourly plan one thing come to my mind and that is the site will going to turn to scam in just matter of few hours. I know the plan roi look small for the standard hourly hyip site. But still this site is an hourly hyip site regardless the rate and its can turn to scam in just matter of few hours. So make sure you are aware of this.
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