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Everything posted by budado

  1. Its just happen now. theirs a deposit of 15 dollars then its transfer or withdraw few minutes after. Anyway I request payments and I got paid. Date: 10/12/2012 6:40 AM Batch: 114226383 From Account: U1602801 (UWC Financial Services Ltd) Amount: $51.00 Memo: IN ORDER OF United World Capital Ltd Clients Acc (9311.19) Thank you.
  2. I'm happy that four of my accounts in instaforex is now verified. But I really don't understand that one of my account has been denied even though I pass the same documents. And the worse thing is that the name is name the same. How can be my name is not the same? I guess the one who denied my account mistaken my middle name as a second name or something.
  3. budado -20th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387 Thanks for the payments last time.
  4. Its true. Its real invest in this site because we can see lots of proof of payments in here. I do like to know if this site is really going to last long or not. One thing I'm sure right now if this site is going to last long I'm sure its needed to advertise. the more this site advertise the more its can get more investors the more this site can pay good. I'm happy that some how this site is looking good.
  5. Is it even allowed? its seems the list who got paid are just names and the amount but not actually the real person who get paid. I think its only allowed to post proof of payments coming from the one who got paid. But in second thought I don't think this proof of payments I see above is can be consider as proof of payments but rather a stats of proof of payments.
  6. How I wish I can open my own hyip site. I really like fxsmoney simply because I love to trade in forex. I do earn in forex some how but I guess its not enough to open a hyip site unless you are all contented to earn 10% profit a month then I will going to open my own hyip site adn trade in forex. I don' know how fxsmoney do that but I'm sure its more on ponzi scheme than hyip forex investing.
  7. Another scam site. I'm sick with this kind of plan. To be honest I see lots of plan coming from this site. I know its hard to earn good amount of money in here if its only going to pay. But just looking at the site plan its reminds me of a hyip site that I invested before that turn to scam. I know a hyip site is good to invest if has lots of banners. This one I can't find one.
  8. 15 days is look like a good wait for me. I really do enjoy investing in here if only this site is going to pay 15 days. I know the best way to make good income in a hyip site is to take risk. But same time if its really realistically in our face truth that this site will going to turn to scam before you can reach bep will you still going to invest on that site? I don't think so.
  9. Proof of payments is really good convincer that this site is paying good and paying well. I do like to think that this site is a good paying hyip site. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here also. But I feel that I'm just too late right now. I feel that in the end I'm going to loss my money in here. So its better for me not to loss my capital by not investing in here.
  10. This is an hourly hyip site. Many of us will going to claim that this site is good site to invest right now. But right now I have some problem with my own. I don't think even if I'm going to do hit and run in here I can still earn money. An hourly hyip site even if its paying its only going to pay few hours or at best few days but its never going to pay more than a week.
  11. I gues its good just to wait and see or its much better if we just don't invest in here. I don't like how this site plan works. Just looking at the site plan right now I know this site will going to turn to scam soon. I hope this site can survive few days and few weeks of paying to see if this site is really a good site to do hit and run. But my gots feel doubts it.
  12. Theirs no such thing as legal and registered company. Just wait for three to six months and this site will going to turn to scam. But it does not mean we can't earn in here. We just need to face the facts that this site is a hyip site and hyip site do come and go. Theirs thousands of hyip site that claim they are legit and even some offer insurance but were are they now?
  13. The big question right now is this site paying or not? Because last time I heared this site has turn to scam already and last time I heared theirs no more payments coming in. But if anyone can confirm that he still got paid or his request of payments is still pending then I guess we can say that this site is really has turn to scam already. Its been paying for awhile and paying good so I think its okay if its turn to scam now.
  14. I just request payments in here. theirs just too may who request payments in here too. That's why I don't bother to check also. For me I know its going to take two to three weeks before I will be paid because of the long queue. But I'm sure MTV is really paying good and paying well and I'm hoping that in the future their will be more MTV sites.
  15. I need to post 10 more post and I'm good to withdraw in here again. So far so good in my part. I dont' know if my earnings in here will going to be 2.50 cents per post or going to go down to 2 cents per post. But one thing I'm sure its notice to reach another 200 post in here and what ever the rate will be its going to be thank you dcp. I hope that their will be mroe dcp sites to post right now so that I can earn more.
  16. I notice that this site has frequent of server busy. I have hard time posting in here because of the low activity and because the site server is always busy. But the good thing is that the waiting period in here is only 30 seconds per post. Meaning even if you post fast you don't need to wait to post again. I can finish posting 10 post in here in less than 10 minutes also. that's how fast I can post in here.
  17. I have 2,400 points in here already. That's means I can still reach my 5,000 points target before the end of the month. My goal right now is to sustain my post and earn 5,500 points. I just want ot make sure that my 500 points is my reservation post. I hope I can sustain my monthly income in here. Its the first time I reach my 5,000 goal last month.
  18. I request payments in here but I'm not expecting to get paid this week even though I request payments last week. My goal in here now is to reach another 100 post in here so that I can request payments in here. I notice that theirs some delays in payments in here again. I hope theirs no deductions in payments. Its okay with me if theirs a delay as long the rate is still good.
  19. I have 190 points in here. If I have extra time I will going to post 5 post in here to reach 195 points. I'm not in the hurry to withdraw but I'm thinking if I'm going to reach 200 points I will going to withdraw. Beside its been more than a month now since I last taste my earnings in here. I guess its time to start seeing my earnings in here again.
  20. I don't know if theirs a maximum post per section but in my experience in here if I post more than 5 in a day in one section usually I got my post denied. I don't know if its has relation or its just happen that if I post more in one section some of my post are rejected because of its quality and not because I over post in that section? Other than that I really don't have any problem with the site.
  21. I'm so near to my goal of 500 points in here. I will going to request payments in here right away after I reach my 500 points target in here. I now decided to stop posting in here if I going to reach my goal points in here. the reason is very simple. I just can't post in ptp forum that has 1 cent rate per post and had captcha. I don't mind the rate but I do mind because its has 500 points minimum to withdraw and its has captcha.
  22. I'm happy today. Today I'm going to request payments in here. Its been three weeks delayed. Since my goal is to reach 500 points before the end of the month of september. But its already 14th days of the month of october and I only reach my goal points right now. I don't know what happen to me why I'm late in doing things up but one thing I'm sure the more I post now in here the more chances I can lower the gab.
  23. Finally I reach my 500 points target in here today. I will going to request payments in here. I hope I will be paid before the end of the month. So far my activity in here is good. Although I still don't get what I want as I want to post in here daily as I can. But same time I'm happy that I balance my time in posting in ptp forums and trading. And that's why I have not really post regularly in here since I do trade.
  24. My comfort zone is always 30 dollars starting amount trading 0.01 lot size. Right now one of my account has 400 dollars capital and its really earning me good. My aim is to reasch 1,000 dollars in three to five months. I hope I can make it. As I really want to earn good amount of money in forex trading right now.
  25. We are not in here to be retorical. A bot is a tool and just like all kind of tools we use it. But do we use tool if its just going to give disadvantage to us? of course not. We use tool the right way and we use tool that we need. Now about forex trading bot. My question to you is what bot do you need? no idea? do you trade? no? now if you don't have an idea about bot and don't know how to trade then were on heaven and earth did you find an idea that bot is a disadvantage?
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