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Everything posted by budado

  1. 4.5% for 24 hours. I'm just wondering after 24 hours will we going to get back our funds or not? I mean our principal investments? or is our principal included in 4.5% already? Because the effect will not be the same. although I don't see any reason why this site is going to last long because its an hourly hyip site. Actually I still do feel that this site will actually turn out paying longer than other hourly hyip sites.
  2. This site is remain to be seen. I don't like to invest my money in here right now but if you ask me this site looks like its going to have a potential. The only question right now is if this site is going to last long or not. Because its either its going to pay for few months and even years or its going to turn to scam in matter of few days or weeks. So the big question is if this site is a real deal or not.
  3. One year plan and 100 days plan is just a long plan for me. I don't recommend that we going to invest in here. Its okay with me if we going to invest in 100 days plan or even in 1 year plan if only we going to find this site paying good and paying well and if this site is advertise in as many ptp forums as possible. But the hard truth is that this site is not paying that much and this site is just going to turn to scam right away. I don't recommend this site at all.
  4. Another hourly hyip site. I don't recommend that we spend our time in this site. If you really want to earn in here its better that we going to find a much better hyip site than this one. An hourly hyip site is just so dangerous to invest as its can turn to scam right away. I do recommend that we going to do something about it. I think its good and its best that we going to find a much better hyip site than this one.
  5. 25% daily for five days actually means you only going to earn 25% in five days and that means you earn 5% a day. It seems a good plan. And since the minimum amount to invest is 1 dollar only we can actually invest 4 dollars in here and each day we can just invest back the 25% of 4 dollars and that is 1 dollar. And since the minimum amount in here is 1 dollar I think we can do progressive compounding in here.
  6. 20 dollars minimum is just too high for me. Right now I hardly earn 5 dollars per ptp forums that I'm posting per month. So if I'm going to invest my 20 dollars in here its like giving up my four months worth of earnings in dmt. lols. I don't mind investing if its only 5 dollars or below minimum but more than that I can't afford to loss that amount. I hope I can earn big time in here in the future. But right now I need cash.
  7. My request of payments in here is still pending. theirs still no payments since september 17. This is something wroing with this site right now. I guess I make the wrong choice of continuing posting in here. But finally I stop posting in here and I have 500 points pending payments in here. If this site pays I will still not going to post in here anymore. I'm just going to wait to get paid and forget about it.
  8. I'm happy that I'm earning good in forex trading right now. I know its hard to make good living in forex trading but I did earn well. You my wonder what is the connection of forex to mylot. Its because I stop posting in mylot and instead of wasting my time posting in mylot I trade instead and turn out I make a good decision to leave mylot. I hope I can earn good money in mylot but the rate is just too low.
  9. Me excited. I thought when the site returns its going to introduce the good news but to my surprise theirs is none yet. I hope I can make good income in here this November. I already request payments and stop posting since I'm preservating my post for the higher rate. I wonder what will be the higher rate. I'm wondering if lot gets the new advertisers or sponsor.
  10. I'm just wondering. If I'm gonig to request payments via Paypal do I get the full amount or not? Because paypal has fees and I don't know if jkke will going to shoulder the fees or I'm the one who going to shoulder the fees and get deductions from my 1 dollar payments. Because if I'm going to get deductions then its better than I'm going to request payments in LR than in PP.
  11. I'm tired of posting in here. Most of my post right now is in ptp section. I seldom post in processor, ptc and hyip section since activity in here is not good. I just feel that I want to abandon posting in here right now. But same time since I have little free time and I earn more than 2 cents per post in here I still do post in here as regularly as I can. I hope that this site will going to get more activity soon.
  12. Its good that you won in contest in here. Me I don't know how to join the contest I just post and hope I can earn good amount of money in here. Right now I have lesss than 200 points in here and my target is to reach 500 points before the second week of November so that I can request payments in here right away. I hope I can be more active in here soon.
  13. I'm thinking that next time I'm going to post my proof of payments in this thread instead of posting it in uwcfx. I guess its the right thing to do to post proof of payments in here instead in uwcfx since my profit and my earnings come from fxfred. I already reach 4000 points today. I only need to post 1,000 more post and since I post 200 post each day that mean in 5 days I can reach 5,000 points without any problem.
  14. I'm back posting in here after few days rest. The sections that I can post in here is limited so I have hard time posting in here. If only theirs also activity in other sections like payments processor section and so on I can actually make good income in here. but since theirs no ptc section only forum section my post usually revolve only in forex, hyip and ptp section and little in processor section if theirs some poster in their.
  15. My request of payments has been approved today. I'm happy that its been approved. I'm near 1000 points and I'm hoping that I will be paid before the month end. And now I have plan that after I got paid I'm going to request payments in here again. This is the first time that I'm going to reach 1000 points that I still not get paid on my pending request of payments.
  16. Got paid by mtw. thanks mtw. Date: 10/22/2012 11:00 AM Batch: 115770908 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!! Thank you.
  17. I got paid more or less after a week I request payments so I guess you need to wait a little more longer since this site has just paid. Usually in my experience this site is paying twice a month. So maybe next week you will going to get paid in here. I'm still far from my target 500 points in here but I'm hoping that I can reach 500 points in the first week of november then cashout in 3rd week of November more or less.
  18. This site is paying LR only. Although I like to have LR also. I just feel that the more processor this site uses the more this site going to last long. Since what if theirs an advertisers who only willing to pay via pp or ap? then that means its a loss to this site since its only accept LR. Unless of course its accept any other mode of payments but its only pays its clickers via LR.
  19. Who will going to join this site? This site rate is 0.08 cents per click. The means I need to click 100 ads just to earn 8 cents in here. For me the rate is just too low. Just imagine how much I'm going to earn from my referrals if the rate is 0.08 cents if I click. I'm sure my commission will be much lower than that. I do like to earn in ptc site but same time I don't think I can earn good in here.
  20. 3 dollars look okay to me if this site is paying. Although the rate is 0.7 cents per click its seems good compare to other mini ads rate ptc. I guess we really going to have hard time finding a good ptc site that has 1 cent per click rate and really going to pay long. so as long its paying I'm good. For how long then only admin knows.
  21. .80 cents rate is some how okay with me. That means if I'm going to click two ads I'm going to earn 1.6 cents and that is enough for me. its better than to click in ptc site that has 0.1 cents per click and I need to click 10 ads just to earn 1 cent. To be honest I don't know if this one will going to last long. But as long I can reach minimum and request payments and get paid in here I'm happy.
  22. 20th proof of payments. Date: 10/19/2012 2:25 PM Batch: 115402026 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Payout from DMT, Please post proof in different forum!! Thank you.
  23. I'm happy to say that I expand right now. I have one account in ikofx that is 60 dollars capital. and five active accounts in instaforex. So far in instaforex I have one that has 18 dollars capital, and two that has 50 dollars capital and my two big accounts. 200 dollars and 300 dollars capital. I'm prioritizing my accounts right now to reach 200 dollars minimum in all of my accounts. If I can do that then I will going to open another account.
  24. So what is your status in real account right now? Me I still do trade in demo account. Although I have six active accounts. and I also priorities demo account as like I'm trading in real account also. For me the best way to earn money in forex trading is via demo account. In demo account I can make good income in virtual funds means I can earn good also in real account.
  25. I'm totally satisfied using instaforex right now. I have an account in ikofx also but until now I still did not cashout in here. I hope I can make good income in here also. My main target right now is to earn good amount of money in here. I hope that in the long run I can make good income in here. Right now 5 of my active accounts is in instaforex. One in ikofx. I have 21 dollars in my paypal and I'm hoping I can find a good forex broker site that I can invest via paypal.
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