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Everything posted by budado

  1. I just invested 10 dollars using my creditcard in here. My main goal is to withdraw via paypal and the only way I can do that is either I'm going to use bank wire transfer or I'm going to use my creditcard. And I choose to invest 10 dollars using my creditcard and withdraw via paypal. Its say that I need to wait up to 45 days before I can withdraw my money. So I will just simply going to trade until it reaches 45 days then that's the time I'm going to request payments.
  2. I post in here 15 post each time I psot in here. I never try to post more than 20 post in here in a day. I guess you just need to find some inspiration. Like me I end up posting easy in fxfred since I started to trade in forex because I really have lots to share even for my day experience only. Just like for example today. I invest 10 dollars using my creditcard in one broker site but the reason is simple. I also want to withdraw using paypal and that's why I deposit using my creditcard.
  3. I'm just wondering on average month. How much do you guys earn in here? Its seems many are active in here. I would like to invest my time and make money in here also but same time I just feel that its not worth it in my part anymore simply because the rate for me is just too low. But same time the other half of me really want to be active in here again. So I'm thinking of trying to be more active in here again.
  4. Date: 10/24/2012 2:43 PM Batch: 116155283 From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage) Amount: $5.00 Memo: MTV Payment Thank you.
  5. The big question is this. What is the reason why you have 20 loses? Is that straight loses? or its just commulative loses? I don't recommend that we invest big money in forex and I don't recommend that we invest money in forex if you don't make some profit when you are trading in demo account. I know its hard to make a living in forex so its better that we don't invest in real account if we don't make good money in demo account.
  6. If you go long then its better you going to do hold and wait strategy. What the point of using SL in long term support level if you going to make long trade also? SL is use to minimize loses. If you want to trade long term then its better you trade using hedging strategy. In this way either way the price will go you will going to earn and you will not going to worry to get MC.
  7. I'm sure its is. Because I will not going ot have six active accounts right now if not for forex forums and right now my main goal is to have an account that going to reach me 1,000 dollars capital. My plan is that This coming december I'm going to open a new account in one of broker site that sponsored three ptp forums. In this way I can earn more and hope I can make good income in here.
  8. Since I need to have 200 dollars in my paypal account I guess its going to take a while until I can reach 200 dollars capital as of right now I only have 35 dollars in my paypal account. I have hard time finding a good source of income in here. I hope in two to three months I can reach 200 dollars capital so that I can start investing in here. So far I'm just trading using other broker sites that has lower minimum to invest.
  9. I have now reach 80 dollars balance. My investments in here is only 60 dollars that means I earn 20 dollars so far in three months. I know its a small earning and I want to earn more. But I guess since my funds is so small I don't have enough extra funds to make me earn good amount of money right now. But I'm sure once I reach 200 dollars some how I can manage to earn 10% to 30% a month in here. I hope.
  10. I'm thinking of openning swap free account also. But I just feel attached to my current account as I earn funds via fxfred and I want to make sure that I'm going to grow with that account. But I guess what I'm going to do is open another account then just transfer the funds that I earn from fxfred to that account. In that way I can maintain two accounts at the same time.
  11. Don't invest in forex if you don't know how to drive. Many will going to wonder what is the connection of driving to forex trading. In driving you are not thinking you are driving naturally. Its all about impulse. You brake if a car suddenly stop infront of you and so on. In forex its the same. We must always rely on our impluse. that's why its very important that we trade in demo account first to develop this impluse and if you are driving its easy for you to shift your impluse from driving to trading.
  12. I just reduce my number of pairs to trade from eight pairs to six pairs in one of my account. Just to make sure that my free margin will going to increase as its goes down to 250% and I'm not comfortable with it. So far its back to 480% and I'm happy with it. Once my account reach 700% free margin then I'm going to add the other two pairs that I removed in my account to increase my earning capability.
  13. First of all liteforex is registered in this country and not in bangladesh. So check your facts first before posting as you are posting false information. Since I'm verified account holder in this broker sites. I'm thinking that I will going to open a no swap account in here again. I don't know if my old account is still active but I decided not to use it since its has swap interest and swap interest is eating my profit in here.
  14. Finally I'm thinking of investing 35 dollars in one broker site using paypal. Its my first time to invest using paypal and I hope I don't make a mistake in here since right now I have hard time funding my account with paypal funds. Anyway the easy forex strategy for newbies for me is to trade using mini account as you can trade with small capital and can make good money each month.
  15. Actually he is calling uwcfx a scam site. Not the other sites. I already reported his post for spamming as I notice that in other threads he is also posting lots of false informations. Anyway I'm just wondering if you know the link or if theirs a link in uwcfx that I can use to compute swap interest? I want to know what pairs has good swap interest and what pair that I pay swap interest regardless if I'm going to ope buy or sell position. Because I notice that in one of the pair that I trade that I pay small swap interest when I open buy and pay bigger swap interest when I open sell. Unlike in other broker site I used that I earn when I open buy and pay swap fees when I open sell. so I'm wondering if theirs a table in uwcfx that I can check to have clear view about this.
  16. @IFX Kerstin Your just wasting your time with her or him. I read his post in other threads and all that I can say is that he is spamming. Just making up story to make some post and not actually trying to make interactive discussion. Anyway I notice that instaforex has paypal in withdrawals. But when I tried to make deposits theirs no instructions on how to deposit via paypal. I'm just wondering if I can withdraw via paypal? And if theirs no limits on withdraws via paypal? thanks.
  17. Its seems this ptc site is still trying to improve itself. I guess admin of this site has long term plan for this site. Anyway I'm happy that I'm earning good and I hope I can make good income in here in the future also. I just like to see thi site running strong and running full time. I hope in two to three weeks time I can see my earnings building up. My fear is that my earnings will all be mini cents. lols.
  18. 5 dollars is minimum to cashout. I really don't mind if the minimum is 5 dollars but the rate to click is half a cent only. For me that is just too low for a 5 dollars minimum ptc site. I don't recommend that we going to be active in here. I'm okay if this site is going to pay long but same time I just don't want to invest my time in here and after clicking for five months more or less its turn out not paying.
  19. Half a cent rate is some how hard for me to accept. But anyway I'm planning to try this one. It seems good to click ads alternately when I'm posting in ptp forums. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here. I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well in here. I know its hard to make good income in forex trading and ptp posting so I'm thinking to be active in ptc sites also. Just to diversify.
  20. @nagilover That's just too much if you ask me. Just imagine you are working your butt out in here and you still need to pay some fees. Although its good that site is paying but same time I just feel that you got robbed by this site. A ptc site should not charge its members paypal fees. They must be the one who going to shoulder it. I hope we can earn good amount of money in here without paying any fees.
  21. Can you support your claim that this site is not paying anymore? Because Even in this thread theirs a proof of payments dated october 19. So I'm just wondering when did yahoobux stop paying? Because if that is the case then its better that this thread be close already since this is a scam site. But same time I hope you can support your claim that this site stop paying so that this thread can be officially be closed.
  22. Do you think if I'm going to invest 100 or 500 dollars in here I will going to get paid? I doubt that. For me this site is a scam site no matter what. Because first its an hourly hyip site. Secondly this is the only hourly hyip site that has 1 dollar minimum then the second and third is so high 100 and 500 dollars plan. A clear sign that its only going to pay few hours in an 1 dollar minimum then not in other plans.
  23. This is like the eight times I open an hourly hyip site thread right now. I guess theirs already a flooding of hourly hyip site in the hyip industry. I don't know about you guys but I feel that this is a bad thing for a hyip. The more scam hyip site opened the less legit hyip site is known and that means investors are now shying away from hyip sites. That's the main reason why right now most investors prefer to invest in forex than hyip.
  24. Its seems the market right now is flooded with so many hourly hyip site. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here in the long run. I know its hard to earn money in an hourly hyip site but since theirs just too many hourly hyip site I think its good that we can make good income in here by doing hit and run. and when I say long run since its paying hourly. In just a day its going to pay you 24 times. In a daily plan its like being paid for 24 days already.
  25. Its seems this plan is more likely going to last longer than other plans. Since since this is the plan that is second to shortest. Although I do believe that one hour is good to invest but since the minimum is 40 dollars I prefer to invest in two hours plan and invest only 18 dollars. At least I do feel more safe in here and the minimum to invest is lower than 40 dollars.
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