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Everything posted by budado

  1. All payments will be done via payza? Its not good for me. I really don't like earning via payza so even if this site is paying I don't think I will going to join this site. I know its hard to make good living in her. I prefer to make good income in other means and terms. I know many don't like to loss money in ptc site also especially those who invest in ptc site. And my concern is with payza only theirs going to be few who want to join this site.
  2. I'm graduate clicking in ptc site. But I don't forget were I started. Neobux is the first site I joined in term of online earning. Its been introduce to me when its still starting. I know I have hard time earning but then I realize that the best way to earn is to start from the scratch. I make lots of friends in neobux and many help me to earn more like introducing me to ptp. Without neobux I did not know that theirs what we called ptp.
  3. I'm really happy that its the end of the month now. Since I can be paid again first week of November in all ptp forum that is sponsored by forex broker site. I know many do feel that its hard to trade but right now most of my earnings come from forex trading thanks to the bonus capital that I get from a ptp forums. I not only learn from what I read but I also earn from my post and trade.
  4. Of course it does. The more you can support your position longer the more chances you can survive and once the price recovers then you can still end up in profit. Having low capital means you can't support yourself for a long trade and that means you can get MC even with just small pips movements. But if you have good funds you can actually surive and make good profit in the long run.
  5. If you loss 5 times I guess its time to check the reason why you loss. I don't think its good that you going to wait for 20 loses before you try to find out if you want to stop trading or not. 5 loses is enough to ask yourself if you are good to trade or not. I don't advice that you stop investing but I do advise that you stop trading. Just try to trade in demo account and return when you have enough skills to earn some profit.
  6. Its paying but I don't think its one of the best. So far its alexa ranking is not as high as other established ptc site. But I do agree that this site is really establishing itself as one of the best new ptc site right now. When I say new that means its new compare to neobux, to donkeymails and to other ptc site that is more than 3 years old and still paying.
  7. Still need to see proof of payments in order to be convince that this site is paying good and paying well. I'm happy if this site turn out a good ptc site. But since theirs just too many ptc sites right now that really don't last long I have doubts that this one will going to be a good paying ptc site. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here in the long run if its really going to pay.
  8. My concern right now is that I'm thinking of investing using my creditcard but going to withdraw using LR. I know theirs a rules that we can only withdraw usin the same processor that we deposit. But problem is that my country has creditcards does not allowed deposits. Its only allowed to be pay but does not allowed charge back deposits. I'm wondering how can I withdraw. Or its okay to withdraw using LR since I already added LR anyway.
  9. I'm just wondering what is the requirements of one country to be included in a country that has local transfer? Because I really want my country the Philippines to be included in that list. I know its hard to make good living in forex if my little profit will be deducted with lots of fees. Thats' why for me its really good if theirs a local transfer so that I can minimize fees and make good profit in the long run.
  10. Not practicing and not really having serious trade is what make many newbies loss money in forex trading. I have really hard time earning in forex when I'm starting. In fact I think I'm going to loss lots of money when I'm starting to trade in forex. But later on I realize that the best way to make money in forex is by continuing trading even I'm losing as long I tried to learn from my mistake. And I'm happy to say that I'm actually really earning good right now.
  11. I guess too much dreaming can end up in nightmares. Right now I don't dream anymore. I'm in reality right now and I'm earning good right now. I hope I can be succcessful in forex trading in the long run. But its no turning back for me right now. For me the best way to make good income right now is to trade and trade and be a millionaire some day. I hope I can make good living in forex trading starting this month.
  12. Its not possible unless the account that you have come from a scam broker site. I really don't understand why you need to sell your account and why not just withdraw your principal .Also if you going to sell your account you also need to give the buyer your personal informations and personal email since its will be part of the sale. But still I don't see any reason why theirs someone who going to buy your account.
  13. I don't have daily target but on average right now I do make 100 pips daily profit in all six accounts that I have right now. And so far I'm happy with how much I earn and the best part is that I can earn more than that on volatile day. I hope I can make good income month after month after month. Right now forex trading is very important source of my income.
  14. All pairs are best but if you ask what is the most widely trade then the answer is eur/usd. The reason I say all are best simply because all pairs has potential to make money and not only the pair eur/usd. Beside eur/usd become the most traded currency simply because usd is the international currency and eur is the currency used by 13 more or less countries in the world.
  15. In my three years in hyip investing at most that I earn is 10 dollars in single hyip site and I'm too much happy with it and at most I always loss in hyip. In forex trading this month alone I alreayd earn 72 dollars and this month I expand to the point that I have six active accounts in forex right now. My dream is to have 15 active accounts soon. 10 active accounts will be mini an cent accounts. then the other 5 will be lite account. I guess once I become successful in this I will going to venture to be active in standard account.
  16. I guess I'm so abvious. I see that most of you guys posting proof of payments that is les than 3 dollars. I guess you request payments that is less than 3 dollars that's why. But in my part I keep on posting and hoping that I'm going to reach 5 dollars worth of post before I'm going to withdraw. That's why for me the best way to earn is to post in mtw as regularly as I can.
  17. Again my target is not meet. I want to reach 500 points before the end of the month but right now its already October 27 and I only have 300 points. I still need 200 points and that means its going to take me 10 day to reach my 500 points goal in here. I hope I can and I hope that starting today I'm going to make good income in here. But I guess since I have lots of multitasking to do I can say I can only do my best for now.
  18. I feel that GT is not as profitable as its was few years ago. When I started in ptp posting GT is my first ptp forum. I do earn good amount and I make good money in here. I do like to invest hyip back then. so what I earn in GT I spend it in hyip investing. At that time also hyip investing is some how good and some how stable. But then I realize now that most of hyip site turn to scam easily and I'm sure GT earnings is affected.
  19. Guys I'm just wondering why you are not active in here. This site is paying fast. Paying about one to two weeks at most and the rate in here is 2 cents per post. Just post 10 in ptp section and 10 in hyip section every day and you can earn more than 5 dollars a month in here. And to make sure that you earn godo in here each time you reach 400 points its better that you withdraw right away.
  20. I guess they have the right to call themself a social forum than a paying forum even though we earn if we post in here. One thing I'm sure right now is that the more I post in here the more I make money but if you compute your whole day posting in here at most you can earn is only 1.50 dollars. compare if you going to have many ptp forums to post in to that in a month you can earn 70 dollars more or less total.
  21. Its only a week wait so I don't see any reason why its very far away. Beside the big question is this. Are you ready to trade? Because what the use of trading if you end up losing your bonus? That's why in my part I just keep my bonus and focus more on demo trading. In this way I can enhance my strategy and skills before I start trading. Anyway I already reach 30 dollars plus bonuses in here today.
  22. I know but I just feel like spamming the site if I post more than 20 post and that's why I only post 15 post five times a week. Its okay with me since the maximum we can earn in a month is 50 dollars only and that amount is really great for me already. To be honest in all ptp forums and online earnings its only fxfred in which I can earn 50 dollars a month. The only one that beat fxfred is my forex trading as I earn 70.20 dollars this month. And beside I'm already in top 3 in posting right now and I'm not really comfortable being in top 5. I want to earn in fxfred but same time I just feel its much better if theirs a lot of use members who has the same points as mine.
  23. I'm just wondering. They say that theirs no maximum post to click but the maximum you can earn in a month is 500 dollars. Although I don't know if I understand it correctly. I don't know if its 500 dollars maximum or 50 dollars maximum. Because if we are allowed to earn 500 dollars a month then I really like to post in here every day and earn 500 dollars bonus a month.
  24. their not really strict. You just need not to spam. Just post 10 to 15 post three times a week and you will just going to be fine in here. And post at least three liners in here. 10 to 15 post three times a week means you can post 30 to 45 post a week. I know its sound small post. But since this site has 5 cents per post rate 30 post in a week is already 1.50 dollars and 45 post a week is already 1.80 dollars a week earning. In a month just imagine how much you can earn in here.
  25. In demo account we must always focus on learning how to be a good trader. I do trade and earn good money in forex trading simply because I started in demo. Without demo I don't have a chance to practice and see the outcome of making good profit. Sometimes we are just into making profit that we forgot to focus on one thing and that is to trade and make money. Not to make money but don't know how to trade.
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