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Everything posted by budado

  1. Request payments and got paid. Date: 11/2/2012 4:51 AM Batch: 117516896 From Account: U8559187 (ikofx limited) Amount: $5.00 Memo: N/A Thank you.
  2. Why not? I like to request payments when I have 200 post so that I can earn more or less 5 dollars. If I only going to request payments 100 dollars then I will only going to get 2.50 dollars more less. Beside I do like to request once a month only in a ptp forums. In this way I can concentrate more in posting that requesting payments each time I reach minimum as I trust the site that I'm posting that its going to pay me so I don't see any needs to request payments right away.
  3. Finally I reach my 500 points target and I hope I can make good earnings in here this month. I'm happy that I reach 500 points 5 days earlier than last month. I hope that next month I can reach 500 points a week before the end of the month so that I can earn enough points to get paid twice in a month worth 5 dollars each. The last time that I accomulated that much points is April and September and I want to make that again this December.
  4. Same strategy in me also. But in dmt I only post 20 post while in mtw I post 25 post to get the same points. My target is simple earn at least 5 dollars a month in here. I don't really aim for 10 dollars a month but usually once or twice a year when my points accomulated I do reach and earn 10 dollars in a month but its never happen that I have 5 10 dollars earning two consecutive months.
  5. budado -21th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387 Thanks for the payments last time.
  6. In my hit and run strategy once you see proof of payments is a sign that its time to cashout also. That's why its best to invest in a hyip site and do hit and run before its started to pay and that's its best if we invest on first day. So the trick is not to wait for proof of payments the trick is to find out how many invest in here especially hyip monitoring sites.
  7. 30 days plan and the only plan for this site right now seems theirs some reservation in my part. I don't mind investing in here if its has lots of banners but I can't find a ptp forums that has banners of this site so admin of this site does not have plan to make this site last long. And having a 30 days plan but no promotion for me is a clear sign of disaster. I'm sure this site will going to turn to scam soon.
  8. Are you willing to invest 150 dollars in here and earn 150% in 7 days? I think its good if you have a pull in which all of you going to have one LR account and deposit 150 dollars in here. For example if their 10 of you you will going to divide 150 dollars to 10 of you then that means each one need to invest 15 dollars each. So if its going to pay you earn back 45% and the 5% will go to the LR fees. I think that is a good strategy right?
  9. I see nine hyip monitoring site monitoring this site. Its not impressive but its better than none if you ask me. I don't recommend that you invest big money in here but same time its good to do hit and run in here. I do like to see this site end up as paying hyip for a short term. Maybe one to three weeks as paying hyip. But its all depends on how many going to try their luck in here also.
  10. I'm just wondering. Is this site using free domain or not? Becuase its extension is .co and not .com and I'm thinking its becaues its much much cheaper to open .co than .com and for me its a clear sign that admin those not have money to sustain his site. His using cheap domain and he is using cheap script. So what do you expect? Me I don't expect this site to last more than three weeks.
  11. Its seems this site has 30 more or less hyip monitoring site monitoring this site and handful of those has exposure or investments in this site. I'm really happy to see this site stats and I'm impress but same time I'm just wondering why this thread seems theirs no life. does it mean this site is only over rated by a hyip monitoring sites? I still see the status paying and if I invest in here first day I'm sure I'm good in here right now but I'm just curious why its not picking up in individual investors side.
  12. Who will going to join and click in insanebux? I guess another insane? lols. I don't know why admin decided to name his ptc site insane site but one thing I'm sure I don't like the name of this site. Because for me its a clear sign that admin don't think about the site name. Its just open the site and don't bother to think about good name as he knows his site will not going to last long.
  13. Ignore those. The rule of a thumb is very simple. Invest your time and not your money and once you are making earnings then that's the time you invest or upgrade. But make sure you have lots of direct referrals first. In general PTC sites earn via upgrades so its like ponzi scam. But same time they do earn from advertizing and that's why its can last longer. But that is only in theory.
  14. I guess after 5 dollars its bye bye or invest in here or upgrade in here. I don't recommend upgrade so I guess its good to click and reach 5 dollars then request payments and then forget about this site. For me 5 dollars earnings is better than no earning at all and 5 dollars earnings is better than investing and losing money instead in the long run. I don't say that its going to turn to scam soon. But the odds are not good if you invest.
  15. I know its paying but is it for real? I mean its already paid more than 5,000 dollars in shortest time? I'm some how skeptical on this. I know its paying but I don't think its paid its members that much. I hope I can make good living in here. I really do. I know if its true that its paying that much then I can say we find another good ptc site. But same time why on earth admin can't buy good script? Why he is using a 25 dollars script if he has money to pay 5,000 dollars to its members?
  16. Right now they added payza and egopay. Its good to see that this site is improving. I also notice that this site has paid 50 dollars to its members already and its has more than 2,000 members. Not bad at all. I'm happy that some how I'm earning. I don't mind losing my time in here since I see its getting popular. I don't know if I will going to end up reaching minimum and got paid in here but lets see.
  17. I just see lots of ptc site with this kind of plan but in my experience all turn out scam or at least 95% or more turn out scam. I don't recommend that we going to join this site but same time we really can't tell except to realize that the odds are worse in our case if we base it in stats. Anyway since theirs no need to invest and the worse case scenario is we going to loss our time in here so why not join right?
  18. This is good. Since this site has no minimum its good to see this site paying good and paying well some how. But the big question is for how long? In my experience a ptc site that has no minimum does not last. Its only going to pay few new members then when its attract more members its going to increase minimum then turn to scam. But I don't know if its going to do the same thing in here.
  19. I'm just wondering how many ads to this site give to ordinary clickers like me. Because if we get 4 ads a day that's 4 cents a day and in 10 days that's 40 cents and in 20 days that 80 cents and in 25 days that 1 dollar and that means in 25 days we can actually request payments in here as this site minimum is 1 dollar. But that is if its going to give us 4 ads a day and going to pay after 25 days.
  20. After 24 hours I end up making 200% profit in here? I guess in 24 hours I end up losing my capital 100% instead. lols. I don't know but in my experience its really hard to make good living. I'm happy that some how I'm earning but same time I do feel that its a waste of time if I just going to invest and loss money in here. Because for me its a waste of time really.
  21. Hourly plan look bad for me. Its can pay but I doubt that its can last long. I know its hard to make good living in hyip site like this one and I know even if you going to try to do hit and run chance are you going to loss big time in here. So the risk and odds are its better to shy away than to invest in here. Unless you really believe that if you invest in here you can actually end up in profit.
  22. This site has three plans and all plans are in business plans. I don't know if its worth it but one thing I'm sure I don't want to invest in here. I don't like a hyip site with business plans. For me a hyip site that has business plans means longer wait and that means lower ROI if you going to base it on daily earnings. But same time if we see potential in here that I still don't see right now then why not? right?
  23. realistically I don't see any reason why I'm going to invest in this site at all. But same time I do feel that one time investments is possible. Most of the time its good to rely on hyip monitoring site to see if its good or not. But in my experience I see a scam hyip site that is monitored by 20 hyip monitoring sites and I see one paying hyip site that only has 4 hyip monitoring site monitoring.
  24. See some improvement in here. So far this site is paying already. Although its only 13 dollars its seems getting good pay. I hope I can make good income in here in the long run but same time I still have some reservation simply because this site is using buxhost script and I'm really not trusting a buxhost site to last and pay long. Lets face it 95% of buxhost site is a scam and sham.
  25. Date: 11/3/2012 10:33 AM Batch: 117740314 From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage) Amount: $5.00 Memo: MTV Payment Thank you.
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