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Everything posted by budado

  1. I don't think even if you are planning to do hit and run if its a good idea. I don't recommend that we do hit and run in here at all. the site roi is just too high to sustain itself even for two to three days time only. At most its good to pay is for one day but I doubt it since this site is not getting much activity and that means not much investments and that means admin has no choice but to run away with the money instead of paying some back.
  2. Scam. I guess its better that we just don't try to invest in a hyip site like this one. I don't need to check if this site is paying or not. What I need is just too look at the site plan and seeing its an hourly plan for me its automatic that this site is a scam site as theirs no way this site can turn out to be a good paying hyip site. A hyip site like this one is really hard to sustain and maintain and earn.
  3. 10 dollars minimum to invest looks good but same time I'm worried that this site can turn to scam before we can even reach our first bep in here. Now the big question is this. Can we afford to loss in here? The risk is high the minimum amount to invest is 10 dollars but same time I'm thinking that this site can actually pay some how and maybe its can also turn into opportunity to us.
  4. I'm sure this site will not going to last four days and its going to turn to scam but still even if its going to pay for four days only you can still end up earning back 120% and for me that is not bad at all. But I guess if you going to decide to invest now then I guess your too late. Its good to invest in a hyip site like this one if its only a few minutes old and become first 10 who invest as the chance of getting paid is much higher.
  5. I'm thinking of making some good profit in here. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here in the long run but same time I know its a ptc site so its good if you can reach minimum then withdraw then after that just click but not hope that you really going to get paid again. As chance are its going to turn to scam anyway. I hope I can make good living in a ptc site like this one but the odds are not in my direction.
  6. If you really know how to get lots of referrals chance are you going to earn good amount of money in here. I don't recommend that you spend your time clicking in here if you don't or won't try to find good number of referrals. Becuase in this kind of ptc site its good or best to earn if you have lots of referrals and not just clicking alone. Clicking alone will not going to earn you big.
  7. Its funny that theirs no minimum amount to cashout in here but you need to click 20 ads before you can withdraw in here so theirs still actually minimum amount to withdraw in here. Because you can't withdraw in here until you click 20 ads and its depends if you going to click the 1 cent ads or the mini ads. But I prefer to click 1 cent ads as its going to earn me 20 cents before I withdraw.
  8. Good to know that the rate in here is 1 cent per click and the minimum is 1 dollar. I know its hard to make good living in ptc site but in this one I can actually earn good amount of money in here. Just imagine 100 ads click and you already earn 1 dollar. Seems a good to try this one out. I know its not going to last long but its good to try and do some hit and run. Meaning click then cashout then stop clicking.
  9. Another mini cent ptc site. In this site you can earn 0.2 cents per click or you going to earn 1 cent per 5 ads click. Seems hard to achieve the 1 dollar minimum to cashout in here and the worse part is that we don't know if this site going to last long or not. As this site does not have minimum ads to click we really don't know if tomorrow we have an ads to click or not. In my experience its give good number of ads on first few days but after that theirs only little ads to click.
  10. That's true. Contest demo also can help you campare your success to other members. So even if you don't win if you are ranked near the winner then you know you have something to take to be successful in forex trading. Me I also uses contest demo account. But although I don't really expect to win. Theirs nothing wrong with trying. If you got a lucky break then its better position yourself now in contest demo.
  11. Theirs no time frame on how long you going to trade in demo account. As long you are trading in forex you need to practice and the only way you practice you need to trade in demo account. Trading in demo acount does not mean you going to stop once you are trading in real account. In fact trading in demo account is more important when you are already trading in real account as you need to practice and constantly check your strategies for flows.
  12. My personal trading rules right now is progressive income. Right now I have six active accounts and my strategy is very simple. Each account must reach 1,000 dollars capital each and right now I have 900 dollars capital and I'm sure before the end of the month I can reach 1,000 dollars capital. I know its a long run to reach 1,000 dollars in all accounts that I have right now but that's just my plan.
  13. Bonus is gurantee but profit is not. How many newbies tried to join a forex forum simply because of the bonus funds? And how many end up making profit? I guess a handful only and the rest loss their bonuses. Beside the bonuses that you get is not enough to make you earn profitable trade. Me I prefer just to hold my account and wait for profit to come in especially in swap interest than to do scalping.
  14. Smartphones, IPAD this is my project dream for next year. If I'm going to earn good in forex trading next year then I'm going ot buy either smartphone or IPAD but at the same time I feel that instead of buying this gadgets I just going to add that to my capital as well. I'm hoping that in next year I'm going to have good year all year round. The only regret I have right now is that I did not start trading in forex last year.
  15. I don't know who is the fool. the one who is selling or the one who is buying if transaction push through. First of all if you are selling your broker sites then why sell it and give your information away? Secondly if you are a buyer why buy if you can open one for free? And use the amount that you are willing to pay as your initial investments? I guess its a no no win situation for both parties. But over all its much better if you are a seller as at least you earn some bucks out of it compare if you are a buyer.
  16. Currently I have three broker sites and I can say I am satisfied with my brokers.But I have joined so many broker sites and from one reason to another I did not continue using it. Some reason is bug problem. Some is minimum investments problem and some is account type problem. I'm trading using mini accounts right now but I'm also willing to trade higher account type.
  17. Its seems going to be a busy day for me once lot is going to increase its rate as I'm sure I'm going to post at least 20 to 25 post three times a day in here if the rate going to increase to 2 cents or more in here. But same time I'm worried why until now my request of payments has not been paid in here. I know its hard to make good living in here if the rate is 1 cent and I hope I can make good income in here once the rate increases.
  18. Right now in three ptp forums that instaforex sponsored indain forex is the one that give me good income for two reasons. One is that its rate is 30 cents per post compare to Nigeria and to mt5 that its only pays 20 cents. Secondly. The best part is this. I only have 1 post denied or not paid compare to Nigeria that is 55 post and mt5 that is 29 post.
  19. If you can't post in help section then theirs something wrong with your account. Because when I'm starting I can post in help section automatically as its not a paying section. But I can't post automatically in paying section since mod still need to check your post. Anyway I send PM to admin and theirs no reply. So I don't think theirs a good chance you going to get an answer right now its seem theirs a lot of problem in here as 55 of my post has been denied in here. 55 post! That's 11 dollars worth of post gone.
  20. I already received 34.50 dollars in my instaforex account thanks to MT5 yesterday. I'm happy that mt5 pays me. I hope that I can make good income in here in the long run. I know many just don't like to post in ptp forum like mt5 simply because they don't believe that they can be successful in forex. But I did and I do and so far I'm earning in forex thanks to mt5.
  21. 52 dollars that's how much I earn in here this month from my last month posting. In this case I already earn two consecutive months worht 50 dollars each. I hope that I can maintain 50 dollars or more earnings in here. I do really hope that I can. Its simply becuase right now Fxfred is the best paying forex sponsored ptp forum for me. Theirs no other ptp forums that pays like this one.
  22. Finally today is the day that I'm going to post and earn money in here as I already have 450 points in here and just going to post 10 post today and I can reach 500 points in here. I'm happy that I'm some how earning good in here. I'm excited already and hope that I can earn good money in here in the long run. I also like to join sites that is sponsoring lets but I realize its only open to US residence.
  23. Darn its totally frustrating. For the first time I have experience getting paid 2 cents per post in here. Even though I have been ban temporarily many times in here I don't get low rate per post. I do earn 4 to 5 cents per post in here and I do post 25 post a day. But now that I only post 45 post per week I still end up having a 2 cents per post rate in here? I really don't know if this still stable or not. I guess they really got hurt with the slow down of hyip industry.
  24. I'm just wondering I'm active in instaforex sponsored ptp forums and some how earning good bonuses but same time I also invest my own money. I'm just wondering if I also get bonuses from my own deposits or not? I guess not because I also earn from bonus funds that I get in ptp forums right? But its okay its only that I see that theirs some bonuses percentage when you deposit but I can't or don't know if I can get it also.
  25. I agree I need to ask my bank about it. And I also going to request new VCC since the last one that I have got stolen and I freeze it. VCC is free since its attached to my regular creditcard and I can just put the limits depends on my liking and I will also going to ask if its can receive funds from it. Anyway my plan to invest 500 dollars has changed. I will not going to invest 500 dollars this coming January. Instead I'm going to invest 1,000 dollars this coming March. So that I can join the car contest raffle. lols.
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