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Everything posted by budado

  1. I can post in here again but I don't know if this site is paying or not. Actually I only post out of curiousity. But I don't have plans to return and post in here again unless I know someone in here got paid lately. I'm tired of chasing old ptp forum that we don't know if its going to end up paying good this time around or not. Although I know in the past money-evolution is a good paying ptp forum but that is before its turn to freezing forum.
  2. I already reach 900 points and my request of payments has not been approved until now. I hope that by the time I reach 1000 points my request of payments has been approved already. Anyway so far so good and once I reach 1,000 plus points in here and still not get paid I will going to stop posting in here and what that I got paid before posting again. Don't get me wrong mtv is paying good. Its just that I don't want to post that many.
  3. At least he reply to you. Its so frustrating that he does not even have a decency to inform its members that its going to turn to scam and pay its members before stopping paying. At least I'm sure members will going to accept his explanation and at least members will not going to see this site a scam site but a ptp site that turn to non paying forum.
  4. If you do random post in here how long do you think its going to take you to reach 500 post? me I post in here three times a week and its took me two months to reach 500 post in here and request payments and even though that I tried to post at least 10 post three times a week on regular basis and sometimes more. And if you do random post in here I'm sure you can only post less.
  5. I really pushing myself to post in here even though I have hard time posting in here. In hyip section its seems dangerous to post in here as you can end up being ask if you invest in that hyip site by a mod.I really don't understand why you need to invest in that hyip site to have free range to post in that thread. Also its seems proof of payments section is not paying section? I thought if you post proof of payments you will be paid by it.
  6. I'm frustrated now. Because I'm so excited to post in here and twice a day one in the morning and one in the evening I open this site to know if I can post and until now its still under maintenance and now my enthuism has died out. I think its much better if admin just not inform us that early that this site is going to have an increase of rate and I hope he can finish updating the site so that we can post.
  7. I give up this site. If only I know that this is going to turn to me like this I only instead going to be active in mt5. Just imagine I been posting in here like 300 post already more or less from the month of October and this November only to be told that I can't get paid. This is totally insane rules. Why did they create a rules now after we make post in here? This is totally unfair.
  8. Its so frustrating that I have like 40 dollars worth of bonus last month and about 15 dollars bonus this month that goes to drain simply because admin chance the rules in here. I don't know who change the rules if its instaforex or if its the forums themself. But I'm just wondering. What the use of opening three ptp forums if you will not going to honor posters points? I think this is really frustrating to members posters like me.
  9. So far probux is ranked 5,962th in the world and for me that is a good alexa ranking. I also notice that yesterday this site loses 26% of its members and I don't know why. But in the last seven days its still up by 17%. I hope we can make good income in here. I really hope that we can make good income in here as this site is really a good ptc site and its not a claim as you can check its alexa rating and its really have a good rank. Yesterday 0.037% -26.46% 7 day 0.036% +17% 1 month 0.0294% +41%
  10. I'm just wondering if anyone in here has tried to join and check if the site is paying or not? I hope we can make good income in here. I know this site is really hard to achieve and really hard to make profit. So lets just hope that in a day or two we can actually make see proof of payments that this site is paying good and paying well. I hope that we can make this site run good. But even if this site turn to scam early we can actually request payments in here daily also.
  11. Even though the rate per click is low I think if theirs many ads to click we can actually make good income in here. But that if this site is going to turn out good and paying. In ptc sites what we need it quantity and not quality. If we have good number of ptc sites with this kind of rate we can actually make some good money also. And if we have many referrals we can even earn more.
  12. That's good if its true. So if we can earn 5 cents a day in here (just an example) We still need to click for 50 days before we can reach 2.50 dollars and plus the 50 cents bonus and we can cashout in here. I hope I will going to make good income in here. And I'm sure if sign up offers is good we can actually earn more than 5 cents a day and we can actually reach minimum much earlier.
  13. 5 dollars minimum is just too high for me. I don't think this site can last long enough to reach a point in which we can actually request payments in here. Anyway its only good if we can find a site like this and have many referrals in this way we can reach minimum in short time. But I doubt that we can find good active clickers for this site. I just feel that its a waste of time to join this one because its not popular and its has high minimum.
  14. 40,000 members is really big number. But usually its only the number of members who join but not actually the actual members who really start to or become or still active in here. I don't know the percentage but I'm sure theirs really low number of members who really active in here daily. I know this site is paying but problem with ptc like this one is that you earn less.
  15. Thanks for the info. Now the real trueclix revealed. lols. I thought this site is a good site to try and to invest. I hope I can make good living in here. Anyway I decided that I will not going to be active in this ptc site. So I guess this is the last time I will going to visit this thead. Since I just return in here to look for updates. I'm actually looking for a ptc site that I can join and can last at least a year or two.
  16. I do really enjoy clicking in here if this site has 1 cent per click rate. I know this site has 1 cent per click rate. I hope I can make good living in here. Since in just five days I can actually reach 12 cents if this site has 4 ads to click each day. I hope I can make good income in here. Anyway its really good to try this one out.
  17. This is good. Since theirs no minimum we can withdraw each week in here and lets hope that we can make good income in here. So far so good to see this site with no minimum. Now the big question is this site paying? I guess we need to join then click and then request payments before we will know if this site is really paying or not. I'm happy that so far this site has no minimum so its really easy to check if its paying or not.
  18. Its good to try. Beside if this site turn out not paying you only going to loss little time as the minimum amount to withdraw in here is only 50 cents. I don't know how many ads we can get in here each day but one thing I'm sure if we can get 4 cents per day in here in just 10 days we can get 40 cents and in just 13 days we can get 52 cents and that is enough to make us earn good profit in here.
  19. I now have 1,290 dollars capital and so far its keep on growing. I hope I can manage to reach reacch 2,000 dollars before the end of the year. Although it seems hard to reach right now but I'm planning to continue compounding my earnings so that I can reach 10,000 dollars capital then that's that time I will going to start withdrawing profits. I still hoping that with right strategy I can actually sustain myself in here.
  20. I guess I can say trade. Always try to be aggressive but same time cautious. Price in forex do go up and down. So its easy to trade long term by just holding it and hope that you can actually make good profit out of it. I really don't feel that its going to make me get MC but so far I'm happy to say that I'm earning in forex and that is what is important for me. That I can earn in forex without any problem.
  21. Its very important that you trade in demo account first. In this way you can develop your own trading rules. Me I don't mind that I'm trading in demo account and develop my own skills in their. Then I can try to trade in real account and just modified it in their to suits my capital. I hope I can make good income in forex trading and that's why I investing too much in developing my own strategy.
  22. Because in demo account you really don't spend much money. In fact you don't spend any money at all. lols. You only using virtual funds and you end up don't have any fears of losing that funds and you end up taking risk and get rewarded. But in real account you are afraid to loss money and what you do is that you trade emotionally and end up getting MC.
  23. Long term is how we can actually going to end up making good profit in forex. In fact I'm thinking that if I really want to earn in forex I need to wait at least a year before I can see my eanrings in progress. I know many forex broker sites give bonuses. I hope I can make good living in here. As I'm just going to use the bonuses to trade in real accont and let it compound until I reach a point in which I make good profit. I know its hard to maintain an account and you can get MC but I hope I can survive in the long run.
  24. Its seems this thread has been hijacked by FBS already. I think we need to be neutral and use generic words like broker site instead of using advertising the forex site name. In this way we can maintain this thread neutrality as a thread to discuss free deposit broker sites? Beside I don't think 5 dollars can make a difference if you going to try to trade in mini account. As for me time wise its not worth it. I think if theirs like 500 dollars bonus then I'm good to trade. lols.
  25. Thanks for the update. Much appreciated. I'm happy that right now I can concentrate in trading in instaforex. I'm going to try to add more funds from time to time so that I can reach my goal of having 1,000 dollars capital in each of the accounts that I have in instaforex. I hope money will just going to keep on coming for me in here. although I just feel that the risk is high but I'm sure with luck and research I can make in this year without getting MC.
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