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Everything posted by budado

  1. Scam. Unless you believe that you can earn that much and I'm just wondering why this site call itself a fast-withdrawals. I guess because admin of this site is fast to withdraw the funds that we deposit in here. Just imagine earning that high in 7, 10 and 14 days really a clear sign that this site is a sam site. Just imagine that. It doe not even pay daily but instead its paying at 7, 10 and 14 days plan.
  2. Since look good but the rate is just to darn high. I have check the site and its can still be open until now but doubt its going to be paying hyip site if I'm going to invest now. I just don't feel that its worth it to inves in here even though its only on its third day. because for me a hyip site with this high roi chance are its going to turn to scam right away. And for me even if I do hit and run I still going to end up getting scammed.
  3. I tried to open the site but its seems loading slow. I almost give up and close the site but its loaded. lols. Just wondering what is the three bikini women doing in the picture? I mean its green profit so I'm hoping to see green but what I see is green minded. lols. I hope I can earn in this site also but since its an hourly hyip site I doubt its going to pay long. In fact I think its a scam site by now.
  4. Since I see proof of payments above I tried to check the site stats and its really paying good right now as its already paid 380 dollars. And I just copy the stats in this way next time I check again I can see how much the payments increase. I hope this site can last longer than the average ptc site. I really do hope I can make good income in here also.
  5. 4 dollars payments is really a good start. But I hope I can see the actual proof of payments posted in dmt. Usually a ptc admin can just simply put the stats that its pays and put the proof of payments in his ptc site but actually its his own proof of payments just to show to its members that his ptc site is paying. But if a member really got paid and post his proof of payments then its really can help support the site also.
  6. This is the reason why sometimes I don't like to join a ptc site. Just look how much is the total paid of this site right now. Its only 30 dollars. This month alone I already earn mroe than 100 dollars online. But this site only pays 30 dollars to its members. That's why for me sometimes earning in ptc site is not worth it. But same time I'm also thinking if theirs a way to earn money online then why not add ptc site. Since no matter how small the amount it still earning.
  7. Its really nice to see a ptc site with a customize script. I'm tired of checking a ptc site that each time I open what I see is a buxhost site. I really don't like buxhost site scripts ptc site and even if its paying. Simply because chance are that its not going to pay and if its going to pay its not going to last long. But this one I still do hope that its has a chance to last longer.
  8. Just wondering when did this site started? This thread is open this November only but when I check the site its already has 4,500 plus members and already paid 289 dollars. So its either this site is running for few months now or this site stats is rig. I guess Its in between. This site is online for few months and same time I'm sure theirs some added numbers in the stats.
  9. its already started to pay and already paid 9 dollars. I'm just wondering if its going to continue paying or going to turn to scam this month. usually a ptc site like this one really does not last. In fact I only know one ptc site that is a buxhost script site that pays for a year. the rest just turn to scam before it reach six months. I hope I can make good income in here in the near future.
  10. New Members Today: 96 Total Members: 976 Users Online: 5 Total Clicks Served: 20429 Total Paid:[b] $ 2.00[/b] This site has less than 1000 members only but its already have total of 20429 clicks? Does it mean those 1000 members are ultra active in clicking in here? I hope I can earn good amount of money in here also. This site has paid 2 dollars already and with 1000 less members its a good start. But same time. I'm sure in coming weeks we can see lots of proof of payments and lots of payments.
  11. I can't open the site right now. Is this site under maintenance or is this site turn to scam already? I'm just wondering how admin of this ptc site earn as its not really last long enough to get investors and I know a ptc site although its cheap you still need to spend about 100 dollars at least to become an operatable ptc site right? I hope I can make good living in ptc but a ptc site like this one reall kills my enthusiasm.
  12. Now this site stats is that its already paid 1,000 dollars plus to its members. I know it paying but same time that much already? I'm afraid that this site is growing in a fast phase that its can turn to scam in matter of few more weeks. But same time if this site really going to get real advertisers then its can last long. But I really don't think a buxhost site can find a good and real advertisers.
  13. In joining a ptc site I always look at the minimum and the rate per click and also type of accounts we can have and right now I don't see any type of account. does it mean theirs no upgradde in here? Also this site has no minimum so I'm just going to wait for proof of payments before I'm going to try this one out. For now this site is a negative for me. Just don't feel that this site will going to last long.
  14. 5 dollars minimum is a good amount to start in here. I really do feel its worth it to try this one. Although their is risk that its can turn to scam early but this year its seem all hyip site can turn to scam early. That's why if you really want to earn in hyip like this one its better you decide to take risk now or never. I hope I can make good income in here in the long run. But I'm sure that will not going to happen.
  15. Scam. theirs no way this site can sustain itself even for one day. Maybe its going to pay its first few investors but I doubt that its can run and pay for the whole two days. I think what admin will just going to do is either its not going to pay or going to pay first day only and then turn to scam. I do believe only hyip monitoring site can really earn in here at usually they are the first comer.
  16. One day plan is the most feasible to invest. I don't recommend that you invest in much longer plan. For me a hyip site like this one is good as a scam site already and its only good to try this one for a hit and run purposes. I hope I can make good income in here but lately I just feel that its a waste of time if you going to try to think doing hit and run as many hyip site with this plan turn to scam too much early.
  17. 300% in six days? Its seems this site can't last that long. I hope I can make good income in here but in the end its can just turn to scam. Anyway I'm thinking what if this site pays for 3 days and you already earn back 150% and for me that is not bad at all. I'm sure this site will not going to last that long but if this site is going to last just three days that's already a good earning.
  18. Its seems the name of the site like lord of the rings. lols. But I guess if admin is inspired by the long of the rings then I guess admin is gollum. I think its best that admin of this site run the site few days or few weeks before its turn to scam. Since I been checking many sites already and they all end up turning to scam before its run. I hope I can make good income in here in the long run.
  19. I think its good to do hit and run if you find out about this site few hours after its open. But after a day or two I think its time for this site to turn to scam. That's why once you see proof of payments coming from this site its must be your cue that this site is going to turn to scam. The roi is good for few days only and once this site has run for three days its can't sustain itself anymore.
  20. I really don't understand why its counted 30 days and not weeks since only going to pay on weekends. And since weekends means you can earn twice a week only since theirs only two days in weekends and you can earn 10% in a week. I guess you need 10 weeks just to reach bep in here. I don't know if its good to try this one as the waiting period is long and beside you will only going to know if its still paying on weekends.
  21. 10 days is a good wait. You can invest minimum and then just wait for 10 days and you can withdraw every day also if you want. Although the chance are you going to get the full 10 days paid is slim its still good chance even if its only going to pay 7 days you still reach bep and already make or earn profit. So its really good to try this one out. I know its hard profit but for me its still profit.
  22. Hourly hyip site is so dangerous to invest and yet its can be a good source of income also. As long you invest the earliest and as long its going to pay few hours you can actually make profit if you invest in a hyip site that has an hourly plan. But chance of making profit is not good if you only knew about an hourly hyip site in ptp forums. Since by the time a thread is open its already running few hours.
  23. I'm just wondering how much is needed to open your own hyip monitoring site. Its seems the proof of payments that I see come from a hyip monitoring site. Its good that this site is paying and paying good and I hope I can earn like him also. But in my experience in hyip investing I usually end up losing my capital before I reach bep. At most I can do is just earn back my investments before its turn to scam.
  24. Now in uwcfx I add four position. Total position is .04 lot size with just 54 dollars capital I want to push my account to the limits and see how long can its stand before its going to get MC. I know 54 dollars is a big amount to loss. But if I'm going to invest in uwcfx 1,000 dollars I need to try how long my 54 dollars can survive. If I can survive until I get another bonus funds in fxfred then I guess I can say I have a good chance in earning if I'm going to invest 1,000 dollars.
  25. If you have account in mt5. you are not allowed to post in indian-forex and in Nigeria-forex. So I choose mt5 than Nigeria and Indian. Its really frustrating with this news now my main problem is what is when we wake up next morning they will say that our bonus points will going to expire in three days then what will going to happen to my account as I also invest or add some money in my account. So frustrating.
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