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Everything posted by budado

  1. Its depends on the level of your knowledge. If you have limited knowledge then chance are you are gambling. Because you don't know what you are doing. But if you really trade and know how to trade then you are trading. Because all of your position has bases and all of your position has good ideal plans. I know I can make good income in forex trading that's why right now I don't feel I'm gambling.
  2. Good thing is to understand your broker site and the best way to understand your broker site is to know the forum that they are sponsoring. That's why I do spend more time in brokers and then in ptp forums. Because what I can read in the broker sites itself I can also share in the forums that its sponsored. Its necesary that we must look beyond an earning in ptp forums. Because no matter how many post you can make theirs only limits compare to how much you can make profit if you going to trade in forex.
  3. Theirs a thin line between unrealistic returns and no returns. Because if you have little knowledge in forex trading chance are you going to end in negative and worse getting MC. And on second hand if you are lucky you can double your money in two to three weeks and even two to three days only. So in short before you aim for unrealistic profit. Make sure you also know how to make profit first and not loses.
  4. So far so good. I only invested in here on the middle of the month of November but some how my 219 dollars is now worth 251 dollars. I'm hoping to earn 50 dollars in here this month to reach 300 dollars. Although in here hedging is not allowed. I'm hoping that I can invest in here and still earn some how. My expectation in here is not as high as other broker sites account as hedging is not allowed.
  5. I already expand my position in here from trading usd/cad to trading usd/cad, eur/usd and aud/usd. I'm hoping to maintain it until I reach 150 dollars capital. Right now I only have 89 dollars. Once I reach 150 dollars capital in here I will going to add another one pairs. I hope I can manage my account until I can reach 1,000 dollars balance in here.
  6. I'm happy that its now December 1. I check and I already have 100 plus dollars in one of my account in instaforex. I'm still not planning to withdraw it. Although Its not guranteed that I can maintain it and its better that I withdraw it now. I'm still hoping that in will going to manage to reach 150 dollars before the end of the month then that's the time I'm going to withdraw my profit in here. So in short my target is to reach 150 dollars in here before I'm going to withdraw.
  7. Problem that most posters or most activity are concentrated only in general discussion section then in beginners section. But other sections its seems theirs little activity. That's why I spread my post 8 in general discussion and 7 in beginners section. But sametimes I post 7 in general section then 6 in beginners and the rest are divided in strategy and psychological section. And I'm happy that I reach another 5,000 plus bonus points in fxfred and I'm hoping that I can maintain that until march 1 when I'm going to invest in uwcfx.
  8. I need to click four ads just to earn 1.2 cents in here. If I can only have 20 ads a day in here I will going to try to join and hope I can earn good amount of money in here. But if not then I will just going to shy away from this site. I'm just wondering if anyone in here really join this site and I'm wondering if anyone in here have tried to be active in here. Because I want to know if they earn good amount of money in here also.
  9. Its seems this look familiar to me. I guess this site has many sisters sites and I don't like it. I think this site will just going to turn to scam. theirs no way this site can turn into a good paying ptc site if admin open multiple ptc site with different name in one month. Because if you really want to have a good and paying ptc site you only need one and promote it and get real advertisers.
  10. Here we go again. The up to 4 cents per click. Now the big question is how much is the minimum ads click in here? I will not be surprise if theirs a mini cent ads in here. Usually the up to only happens once in a blue moon. I have experience before that I end up having 2 cents ads ptc site and only get one or two ads worth two cents in a month the rest are mini cents ads.
  11. Is this a joke or for real? Just look at the rate. In just four clicks you already earn 1 euro in here. I think its a scam site. theirs no way you can earn that much right away in here. Even aurora ptc site has hard time paying its members. How much more this site. I know and I'm sure theirs no way this site will going to end up as paying hyip site. Theirs really no way its can.
  12. Funny thing is that this site minimum is 1 dollar. So how come this site end up paying on a day its open? I'm sure no one has request payments in here yet. I guess you can't say the site is paying unless someone request payments and get paid right? I hope I can earn good amount of money in here also. Because this site has 1 dollar minimum to withdraw and I'm sure I can reach it in less than a month. But until then I can't say its paying.
  13. I'm just wondering how much is the minimum amount to withdraw in here. Since this site has 2 cents per click rate. I guess this site can last a a month or two but I'm not sure if this site can last long if this site end up paying. Because this site has high rate and usually its only to make members join the site and maybe going to pay few before its going to turn to scam.
  14. Its not a good site to invest if you are thinking of long term but the way I see it this site is good to do hit and run. Just make sure you do hit and run and not the one who got over run. I'm sure admin of this site is going to do the same so invest if the site is a day or two old for one day plan and don't bother to revinveste in here again. As I'm sure this site has turn to scam already after that.
  15. Good to see proof of payments. Even thought this site has 75 days plan its seems its can sustain itself. Its really hard to find a good paying hyip site that last that long but I guess we are seeing a hyip site that has good potential to be one. I hope I can still see this site paying next year. Its only a month left and its going to be a new year. So lets see if its going to pay that long.
  16. 30 weeks is just to darn long wait for me. I think its better that you spend your time earning via commission than investing in here. That means you look for investors and when that investors deposit you earn commission. I think that is the best way we can earn good amount of money in here. Anyway so far so good if this site is going to pay long. But I'm not that optimistic that its going to pay long and I'm always pessimistic about hyip site.
  17. 120 business days is like 5 months long plan. I guess this site will going to start paying. And I think its going to pay for few days and even few weeks. But I doubt that its going to pay long enough until your plan reach maturity. Now a days its rare to see a hyip site that has long term plan that actually pay up to its first cycle. Unlike before that theirs a hyip site that last a year or two. But now its seems theirs are none.
  18. Scam. Each time I see a hyip site with an hourly plan one thing always come to my mind and that is this site is a scam site. Theirs no way this site can turn out to be a good paying hyip site since this site is an hourly hyip site. How I wish theirs really a good and ever lasting hyip site that going to pay constantly forever. But its will never going to happen as this site can't sustain itself no matter what admin of this site will do.
  19. I hate when I see a hyip site say paying or earning forever. For me we all know that a hyip site is a ponzi scheme that can turn to scam in just a matter of few weeks or months and sometimes even last only for few days. So having a hyip site like this one mean this site can turn to scam any time. I hope this site is a good paying hyip site. But I'm sure this site will not going to pay forever.
  20. Its good to try this site right now. Just invest minimum then try to maintain your investments in here and just cashout the gains that you earn in here for me is the best strategy for this site right now. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here. So far so good in my part. I hope I can invest in here minimum and try it myself but I really don't have extra funds to risk in here right now. But if I have money that's my strategy in here.
  21. One thing that I want to say about this site. Don't be fooled by this site. So far this site has 500 business days plan. Theirs no way this site can last two years and even if its only going to pay .5% each business days its still going to turn to scam before its reach one month. This plan is just a ploy to make investors think that this site is safe and stable.
  22. 10 dollars minimum for 60 days investments seems okay to me. In fact if this site open three years ago I'm sure many have invested in this site already. But since this site has opened now I don't think this site can be popular unless its going to advertise its banners in as many ptp forums as admin can afford. This year theirs just too many hyip site that turn to scam that I don't think its going to last long.
  23. I'm happy when I check I already have 45 dollars in here. its seems I can reach my 50 dollars goal this month after all. I hope that I will get paid the full amount and not 1/3th of the points. But the only way to find out if I will get the full points and not 1/3rd to to wait when I get paid in here. I hope first week or second week the latest I will already get my bonus funds.
  24. I already have 160 post in here. Just need to 40 more post. If I can post in here regularly in just three days I can reacn 200 post in here. I'm hoping that I can get paid after a week or less than a week in here. I'm happy that next week its already December. I know a year move so fast lately. I hope I can earn good amount of money this month of December so that I can have good year next year.
  25. I thought JKKE is not paying via LR? Does it mean its pays via LR for bonuses but not for request of payments? I'm just wondering. the minimum amount to withdraw is 1 dollar right? Is their a maximum amount to withdraw? And if we withdraw using paypal is theirs a fee involve? I mean is the funds sends via personal then others? or via service? becuse if its send via personal then others the fee is much much lower compare to via service.
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