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Everything posted by budado

  1. I don't get it 20% in 8 days and 40% in four days. If you ask me why will I going to invest in 20% in 8 days if theirs 40% in four days? I think this site will going to turn to scam before it reaches 4 days. I just hope others who invest in here on first day can get back some if not all and make good profit in here. Because as far as I know a hyip site like this one can turn to scam in an instant.
  2. Is this site still exist? Because when I open the site I read this. "Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 1, whereas the Loader expects 4 in /home/iffaearn/public_html/index.php on line 0" I think its time to close this thread or Its good if other try to check the site first if this site exist before opening to prevent spamming and post chasing. Because as far as I know this site turn to scam long time ago. As I can't find a hyip monitoring site right now that can confirm how old this site is.
  3. Site is loading slow in my end. I wonder if anyone their can check if its loading slow also. Anyway Its not openning. But I guess I will already finishing my post in here before the site will going to open fully. I hope this site is still good to invest but if its really slow in opening. I don't think its worth it to invest in here right now and if you invest in here I think its better you cashout regularly.
  4. This thread is only opened yesterday. But I will not be surprise if tomorrow this site status is not paying anymore. Although this site is an hourly hyip site chance are its can last longer than the average hourly hyip site because of its some how low roi per hour. But still its an hourly hyip site so its can still turn to scam in just matter of days. I'm sure if you do hit and run in here its already too late right now.
  5. Just want to share that stats of this site. I'm some how surprise that this site is running for 4 days now but its investments and total paid has big difference. In my experience a hyip paying hyip site usually has more payments than its deposit by now. Simply because after 4 days its already paid back about 200% of its investors already or even more. So how come the paid is still small compare to deposits?
  6. I guess by now this site has turn to scam already. Although I can still open the site. I think if you going to invest now chance are this site will only get our deposit but will not going to pay us. Because the site plan has a high roi that chance are that its can sustain itself for a long time is small. I think its good to do hit and run if this site is only running an hour but its already running for days.
  7. <div> </div><div>It this site is going to pay good I guess I prefer to invest in the 10 days that the seven days plan. But same time Its still a great concern if this site is not going to pay for 10 days. Because I'm thinking of only investing in 10 days plan and wait for 10 days then cashout. But the chance are getting paid after 10 days right now is slim as I don't see any good increase of activity in here. A clear sign that its not getting any support from investors.</div>
  8. 3% weekly is a low profit for me. Although this site can sustain itself for a long time if its going to pay only 3% a week. The big question is who is willing to take risk and earn only 3% back its week. Just imagine how long its take for us to reach bep in here. For me what is important is to reach bep right away. If I can't get bep right away I can end up earning good amount of money in other hyip site and reach bep much sooner than this one.
  9. 10 dollars for 30 days and earn 4% a day. In 30 days we earn back 120%. I wonder if the 4% included the principal already or we going to earn our back our principal after 30 days. Because if we going to earn back our principal then our total return will be 220%. But if principal is already included in 4% then we only earn 20% after 30 days and that for me is a small return.
  10. I just feel that this site is an abandon site. I don't see mods being active in here anymore. I guess the mods in here as account in its sister sites like Nigeria and mt5 that they prefer to be active in other forums instead in this forum. lols. I hope I can earn good amoaunt of money in here still. But what can I do theirs a new rules that say we can't earn bonus funds in here anymore if we have an account in mt5.
  11. We can post in here we can't just earn in here if we going to detach our instaforex account. Or we can post in here and earn points in here but if we have accounts in its sister sites and the instaforex is still attach what will happen is that they going to do the average and pay us the average only. For example if we have an account in mt5 and in indian and earn points in their they going to add all of our points then divided by three. that's how much we earn.
  12. Date: 12/2/2012 1:02 PM Batch: 122425058 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!! Thank you.
  13. I'm some how frustrated with my performance as until now I only have 160 points in here. And I already got paid with my 500 points last week. Just imagine how many more points I need to reach 500 points. I'm hoping that I will going to reach 500 points and request payments then when I get paid I'm hoping to have enough funds to request payments again. So that its time dmt pays I can request 500 points. But I really have hard time achieving my goal.
  14. I never check if I win contest in here. lols. I know 25 cents is a good earning. I have lots of miss opportunity in here since its not automatic that you will get paid if you win. You need to request payments for it. I really don't understand why do we need to do that. But me I'm tired of spending some time checking if I win that I only post and post and hope that I will get paid without hoping to win.
  15. Its either that or you going to post in three forums then they will going to add all of your bonus funds then divided by three. I suggest that if you have an account in nigeria and in indian its better you detach your instaforex account. I already done that and I hope I will get the full amount in mt5. Right now I'm expecting to receive about 50 dollars. But even if theirs a deductions. I guess at least I can get is 45 dollars.
  16. I'm not really in the hurry in getting paid in fxfred unlike before but I'm excited to receive pm confirmation on how much I earn this month. That's all that I need. I also plan to open new account in uwcfx and then transfer what I earn in fxfred in that account. I want to open a swap free account and that account also will be the account that I'm going to add my 1,000 dollars investments next year.
  17. I already have 3 dollars worth of post in here already I will try to post regularly in here this week and hope to reach 5 dollars worth of post this week. Then I'm going to request payments and I'm hoping that I will going to get paid the full amount. Its been a while since I last request payments in here and the last time I request payments in here I only earn 1 dollar in a month.
  18. What ever the reason I hope admin will or can fix this problem soon. I already stop posting in here as I already too much points already and since I can't have two pending request of payments at the same time I need to get paid first before I can request payments in here again. I hope this week theirs going to be payment now. Because if this week theirs still no payments then I feel the chance are of getting paid is very slim.
  19. For four days now I have hard time opening letsfx. Although sometimes I can open it when I'm posting suddenly my post will not push through as site is busy. I don't know why its busy. But I think lets need to update or upgrade its server as its not working fast anymore. I guess its database is full already? I hope lets going to be a good and paying forum for a long time and its can do that if admin of lets will going to upgrade its database.
  20. I have a good trading plan and so far for the last six months its making me good money. In fact in the last six months I earn 10% on average. This is what I'm hoping for to achieve. I been earning good and I been earning well that I decided to increase my investments in forex. I hope that in two to three years time I can have a decent earning in forex. And in two to three years time I'm hoping to have a 10,000 dollars capital.
  21. If its talent then its God gift. If its skills then its self earned. We must learn to know the difference between talent and skills. Skills is what we develop when we practice. While talent is what we have that we can develop. Like for example drawing and painting. No matter how hard you going to practice if you have no talent for drawing and painting chance are you will never be. In forex its the same. If you don't have talent in forex trading chance are you will never be.
  22. I have burnt my account three times. And loss about 1,500 dollars total. But right now I earn it back as I have 1,496 dollars capital with 200 plus withdrawn already. So in short I'm already breakeven and in fact already in profit. Sometimes its not about how many times you burnt your account but how many times you stand up and trade again and become successful.
  23. If you know your friend that well then chance are you can earn good amount of money in forex trading. But if you don't know the trend of the pair that you are trading chance are you going to loss money. I do like to trade using patterns and trends. In fact this is how I pick up my weekly strategy. Its base on weekly trends. Although its can chance in the middle of the week. But still its work for me just fine.
  24. If your account has fix spread then broker sites earn via spread but if your trading no spread account then you paying commission. Usually commission is base on lot size. For example in every 10 lot size you trade you pay this amount and so on. For me I prefer to have a fix spread account. In this way I'm sure what I earn is what I can withdraw without needing to compute commissions.
  25. I now have four active broker sites and the good thing is that each broker sites I use their own daily forecast to guide my account. So I'm sure chance of having a successful trade is higher if I have many broker sites giving me forecast and signals. That's the one of the purpose why I do join so many broker sites to use their free signals. I'm right now planning to invest in much bigger amount to have much detailed and complicated signals.
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