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Everything posted by budado

  1. Just wondering if libertybux has some connection with libertyclix. Its seems they are using the same script but are they owned by the same admin also? liberty seems popular word for a ptc site right now. But if their is ways and means to find out if this two are owned by the same admin then I guess we can check if one ptc site is paying and the other one is paying also. And if one turn to scam then we expect other ptc will turn to scam also.
  2. I need to click two ads if I want to earn 1 cent in here. Its seems hard to earn in here as I need to click 200 ads if I want to earn 1 dollar in here. In ptp posting 200 post is already make me earn good amount of money. I hope I can make good income in here in the near future. But I will not going to prioritize this site. I will just going to click if I have extra time but I doubt it.
  3. 100 dollars minimum. Is this hyip site a joke? You can't find a banners of this site in ptp forums. Its seems hyip monitoring sites does not really give a fuss about this site. So why do this site has high minimum to invest? I'm sure this site will going to turn to scam after few investors starts to invest in here as I'm sure admin does not really plan to last long. Its only have 100 dollars minimum so that other investors think this site is stable.
  4. I can open the site at my end. I guess you just need to clean your cache or refresh your internet connection as theirs maybe some modem problem. Or its maybe the site server that has a problem. Usually when the bandwidth is reach you will have hard time opening the site as the bandwidth is already at the maximum level. I guess when you open the site many are opening the site that you end up can't open the site because of traffic.
  5. 110% in just an hour? Then I guess right now this site is a scam site. Theirs no way a hyip site can pay its members with 10% an hour. Or 340% in 24 hours. that's is just impossible to happen. I guess this site is a scam site right now. I will not be surprise if all hyip monitoring site has put this site status to waiting and eventually to scam or not paying. Because theirs no way its going to pay 110% per hour.
  6. Just saw a word hourly and I don't bother to look for the plan details. For me this site is not good right away. And just reading the site name money-frog already make me laugh. Frog? Come on. Who will going to invest his money even they know its going to turn to scam as all hyip site turn to scam. But the worse is that only a fool will going to invest his money into a frog. lols.
  7. 30 days is already a long wait for me. I don't recommend that we spend more time in here. I just want to spend some times in a hyip site. Like 5 days or 10 days at most. But 30 days? I guess I'm an impatient type of person. I hope I can make good living in here in the long run. But one thing I'm sure. If this site turn out to be good and paying for 30 days then I just miss another good opportunity.
  8. Its funny that theirs just too many hourly hyip site right now. I hope I can make good income in here. But I now the reality is that theirs no way I can make income in here. The best way to make good income is to make good income. Not invest and loss money. I know its hard to make good living in hyip investing that's why we must not take risk more than we should.
  9. This site has only one plan but it seems its only one plan but I can't hardly understand what the plan means. I guess this site is not going to last long. I don't understand what it means by under the 100 percent. So does it mean this site will only going to pay less than we invest? If that going to happen then what the use of investing in here if we can't earn in here right?
  10. I guess the word 12 means 12 days right? if we earn 10% a day in 12 days the that means we earn 120% in 12 days. The interest seems low to me. The minimum amount to invest is 10 dollars. If the minimum is 1 dollar I have already invested in this site. But since the site has 10 dollars minimum its seems the minimum is the amount that I can't afford to invest right now.
  11. Just wondering why the other of this thread did not put how much is the minimum amount to invest per plan in here. But base on the plan I don't think this site can last long. I know many hyip site that has the same plan as this one can turn to scam in just matter of few days. so I'm sure this one will turn to scam in few days. That's why the only option we have in this site is to do hit and run.
  12. This thread has been open just yesterday but I will not be surprise if this site turn out to be not paying tomorrow. I'm sure this hourly hyip site can't sustain itself for long. Theirs no way a hyip site like this one can find good number of investors every day so that its can pay its investors hourly. And in my experience theirs no hourly hyip site that really last more than a week.
  13. I just post and earn 50 points in here today and I don't see any problem posting in here at all. The activity is not that good but its not that bad either. So far I can manage to post 50 points worth of post so I guess I can't do that if activity in here is really bad. Also theirs some claim that the site has pending payments but when I check request of payments has a 10 days old more or less only. The normal waiting period of a ptp forums.
  14. Just wondering to those who are active in MEF are you all active in ptp section only and not in hyip section? Because I just feel that I'm the only one posting in hyip section. although I really don't mind since every day theirs just too many new hyip threads that I don't need to post in the same thread each time I visit the hyip section. Unlike the ptp section that I can't post if theirs no other posters before me.
  15. I already decided to stop posting in here. last time I got paid in here is First week of November and I just request payments in here again two weeks ago. But its seems admin right now does not visit his site anymore. I'm really not surprise if this site has stop paying since its seems this site has lack activity. I really don't understand why admin give a high rate per post if he can't maintain it.
  16. Its really good earning site as I earn 50 dollars a month on regular basis now. But I'm just wondering if anyone in here know the maximum amount we can earn monthly? I want to earn more but I'm afraid they will consider my post a spam post and instead of paying me they will going to ban me. That's what I don't want to happen to me in here. But I really do hope I can make good income in here.
  17. Right now. I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading thanks to fxfred. I hope I can make good living in here. I just hope that I can maintain my earnings in fxfred that I can use to invest in forex trading right now. As right now what I earn in fxfred I now invest in forex trading. Hoping that I can add more capital in my account each time I trade.
  18. I only have 56 post in here until now so I'm still far from requesting payments in here. I guess I will reach 100 post in here after three weeks or even more since I don't post in here regularly. Not because I don't want to post in here but its because I don't want to spend my time since the site activity is just down. But if the activity is up again in here then at least I can make good income in here.
  19. What kind of stress are you talking about? As far as I know IP is paying fast and paying good. If you requeast payments in here chance are you will get paid before the 10th day. Meaning the longest you will wait in here is just 10 days. Compare to other ptp forums that pays after two to three weeks and even some just pay once a month. So I don't feel any stress in IP at all.
  20. I'm happy that today I can reach 460 points and tomorrow night I will going to post in here again so that I can reach 500 points. Then I will going to try to request payments tomorrow night. I know its really good to invest my time and effort in here. I know what I can earn in here I can earn in forex trading also. So far so good in my part that I'm earning good in here. I'm just hoping that I can sustain and maintain 5 to 10 dollars earning a month in dmt.
  21. I do agree. I think those who are active in dmt must also be active in mtw. This two sites are sisters sites and that's what I usually do in this two sites. I post the same time or alternately. In this way if I post in dmt I also post in mtw. No competation between the two. If I earn 50 points in dmt I tried to earn 50 points in mtw also. Even though dmt has 3 cents section while mtw has 2 cents section only.
  22. Date: 12/17/2012 4:27 PM Batch: 124503247 From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage) Amount: $5.00 Memo: MTV Payment Thank you.
  23. Funny thing is that I earn daily. But I can loss in a day what I earn in a week also. That's just what forex trading is all about. You earn some you loss big. lols. I guess most of use trade with lower TP than SL. and I'm sure many of us get more TP than SL. But since our SL has higher spread we usually end up losing big even though only few position incur loses.
  24. Five years in hyip investing and I'm in loss of 500 dollars more or less already. 11 months in forex trading and I earn about 600 dollars already. I guess by profit and loses alone you will know what I like. Hyip is no way you can earn money in here unless you are a monitoring site or the hyip admin. While in forex at least if you do lots of research and practice you can actually make profit.
  25. I spend more time on my account during weekends when theirs no trading to do analysis and to check my trading for that week and for next week. the reason why I do my analysis on weekend is that the market is close and if the market is close it means I can do all the search and anlysis without getting annoyed by constant chance of price. Beside I trade long term so its okay for me to do analysis each week only.
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