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Everything posted by budado

  1. Theirs only two or three other posters before me that is still not been approved. I hope I will be approved soon and be counted in the next batch that will be paid in here. I'm happy that I already earn 10 dollars this month compare to 5 dollars last month and its can go as high as 15 dollars if this site is going to pay me before the end of the month. I will also going to try to be active in here regularly.
  2. I guess I'm still in hunt for 5,000 points. I already have 4,500 points today and tomorrow I will going to try to post 250 points then another 250 points the day after tomorrow. In this way I can still reach 5,000 points or even more. My goal really is to reach 5,500 points before the end of the month. That's what I'm hoping to achieve right now without really spamming the site.
  3. I have irregular posting in here. I should have reach 500 points in here by now but instead I only have 400 points until now. Right now I decided to post regularly in here and try not to sleep at night just to make sure that I can post regularly in here. I'm tired of earning less and I want to maintain my monthly earning in here and even excide. My expectation is that next year I will going to earn twice what I earn in here monthly. Meaning I want to earn 8 to 10 dollars a month in here starting next year.
  4. I just try to post 20 post today. I will try to post another 20 post tomorrow night. My target in here is to reach 50 dollars worth of post or more before the end of the month and I only have 35 dollars right now. So I still need 15 more dollars in five days if I want to reach my goal earnings in here. I really don't know what to do now since its seems I always out of sync each time I want to post in here I need to do something else.
  5. I just post in here if I have extra time. I really don't think its worth it to try to post in here regulary as the activity is just too low and since activity is low in here and if you post regularly in here you can end up getting banned for post chasing. Funny right? You want to help this site gain activity and you will be rewarded by getting banned in here. Even though its not your fault that this site activity is low.
  6. I think its admin fault that activity is getting low in here. He always say that IP will stop paying and that's the main reason why members stop posting also. I think admin must not just say what he is planning to do unless its really final. For example two weeks ago he say ptp section will be not paying section anymore. But until now its still a paying section and its seems he change his mind and make it a paying section.
  7. budado -23th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387 Thanks for the payments last time.
  8. You must learn in order to succeed. That's the hard facts. I know its hard to make good living in forex trading. But if you are continue your learning even if you are losing you can actually succeed and its not about your loses that make you succeed its about how you try to prevent loses to happen again. I hope many of us will going to realize that the best way to succeed is via learning and not via losing.
  9. I do like to trade in forex. I make good income in forex because of the funds that I receive from forex sponsored ptp forums. And same time I just feel that I make good knowledge by reading and even debating and disputing with other posters. As the more you learn the more questions will always going to come up into your mind. Me right now I just feel that I owe forex forums for my success.
  10. For me as long you are taking risk in forex trading you are gambling. You are gambling your capital in here as you can end up losing that money. But the only difference why we don't call forex gambling is that we call it trading. In short if you are in casino we call it gambling but if we are in forex we call it trading. But the traits are all the same. We are risking our money to earn. So its either we earn or loss just like gambling.
  11. I guess some are just born natural trader. I understand now that commonsense is not so common to all. A friend of mine and me has some pity fight simply because of simple issue. Its about diet. In diet we count calories intake. And one cup of rice is equal to two slice of bread in term of calories and a friend of mine insisting that its much better to eat only two slice of bread since if you are in diet you need to go hungry.. Same thing in forex trading. Some just don't know the difference between equal opportunity in forex. Equal opportunity means its either way you loss or make profit in forex. now if you want to be in profitable side then try to learn and then earn.
  12. I update my trading plan every week. I know I'm a long term trader so its really take lots of time for me to react to a market conditions and so far I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading. But that's because I always make sure that I have plans in forex trading. I just hope I can make good income in forex trading using my plans. I doubt that I can make good living in forex if I don't have plans.
  13. If you really want to be in hyip I suggest you try to open a hyip monitoring site. Because this is the only way you can make money in hyip investing. If you are just an ordinary investors you have lower chance of making profit. unless you really know the admin of the site and really know if its going to last long or not. I'm happy that I do earn big amount in forex trading right now but I also don't close my doors in hyip investing.
  14. I feel tired and I feel I'm wasting my time in demo account when I'm still starting in demo account. But when I see how much I loss in demo account. I just realize that if I trade in real account I already encounter huge loses also. Thats' why its very important that we try in demo account first. But sometimes I feel regrets when I see my demo account double its money but same time sometimes I just think that if I make loses the effect is the same. regrets also.
  15. To all newbies if you think you are not good in forex because you feel fear or you can't control your emotion. That's okay and its normal feeling. Me its take me two months to gain confidence in my trading skills. So don't feel bad if you feel emotional when you trade in forex and feel the stress and feel the pressure. Because the more you trade the more you can actually make profit.
  16. Yes forum bonus has no expiration. What I mean is the deposit bonus when we invest. That's why I really don't rely on bonus funds as when its expire I can end up feeling less capital. That's why I like rebate than bonus. Because at least in rebate I can earn back small amount each time I trade. And the longer I trade the more profit I get. I just hope that I can make good progress in forex trading soon especially in uwcfx.
  17. I decided to stop posting my proof of payments right now. Not because I don't like the site anymore but beause I just feel that the higher I earn the more risk I take if I'm going to post my proof of payments. So I decided to stop posting my proof of paymentsd from instaforex. I really like this site and I really want to focus in here. I hope that next year Its going to be a year of forex for me.
  18. I guess its only paid one member as the minimum amount to withdraw is 1 dollar. Anyway I'm just wondering. How can this member reach 1 dollar already since this site has 1 cent per click rate? I just find it weird that he reach 1 dollar minimum this fast. Unless he owns many rented referrals and he has lots of direct referrals. But this site has only 500 plus members and I don't know how many are even active.
  19. I don't think its worth it to try to keep on being active in here. I know many of us spend more time in other online industry than in forex trading. I know many of use just feel tired of getting lots of false hope and false chances. I guess in the near future their will be no more ptc clickers as theirs just too many ptc site that turn to scam early. I know many don't last long but I'm still hoping one or two can be good to try.
  20. I have hard time thinking that I can make good income in here. I know many of us just feel that its worthless to spend time in here. I know many of us feel that if we join and click in here we only earn small amount but if the site turn to scam or not paying then we wasted lot of time in here. I don't know if its worth the risk but for me if you have free time its better spend it well in here.
  21. I really like the 425 dollars paid status. I know many does not like to invest their time in ptc as they earn small amount and spend more time in clicking. I hope I can make good income in here also but same time I just want to spend more time in sites that I can earn more than I can just earn. Becasue if I spend time clicking in here I only earn few cents compare if I spend more time in ptp forums.
  22. Its now paid 53 dollars to its members. Its seems this site is getting stabled. Although I really don't know if this site is going to last long but its seems right now its paying good and some how for me if it paying good its good to try this one out. I just hope I can make good income in here also. I know the chance are small but if you really want to earn good amount of money online you will want to do every thing to make good income in here.
  23. I like this site for simply because its not using buxhost script. I'm really tired fo seeing buxhost script that's why when I see a costumize script I'm happy. I hope I can make good income in here also. I just don't have extra time to click in here as its christmas and I'm busy with my offline life. But I'm hoping that I can make good income in here if this site is still paying next year as I'm sure I can earn good in here.
  24. The minimum amount to withdraw in here is 4 dollars. So I'm just wondering what is the connection of money for 7 days? I mean why is the site name money-7days if you can't earn money in seven days in here? I guess the admin of this site is just recycling either its url link or its script. Because I can't seem connect the site name and the site plans and rates.
  25. The site name sound like neobux. I guess admin of this site is tryign to mimic neobux popularity by naming his site nerobux. I really don't like to join this site. A site that does not want to have their own identity is usually a ptc site that does not have chance to become popular and paying. Because usually they only ride along with other ptc popularity then turn to scam if they get enough members and investors.
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