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Everything posted by budado

  1. This is my first post in this thread this year. I'm happy that dmt is fast paying right now. Or at least fast compare to other ptp forums right now. I hope this year DMT will be more stable and going to get more advertisers. I'm really happy that some how I'm earning good right now. I hope I can make good 10 dollars this month in here. This is my goal this month and if I can earn 10 dollars this month I'm hoping that next month I will going to earn 10 dollars also.
  2. My first earning this year 2013 Date: 1/3/2013 2:23 PM Batch: 126258400 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!! Thank you.
  3. Its gambling. Becaus we really don't know what we are doing in forex. We don't know what the price will be after two hours and so on. But if we do analysis and we can do accurate analysis chance are we are not gambling but we are trading. And that the difference between gambling and trading. If we don't know what we are doing and rely on luck its gambling. If we rely on forecast and analysis that's trading.
  4. I am more satisfied with my broker site than satisfied with my performance. lols. Right now I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading but same time I'm hoping that I can manage my account. I'm hoping that in two to three years time I live in a big house. I know forex trading is just too darn hard to make. But with focus and determination we can actually succeed.
  5. Demo account is good to use even if you are trading in real account. Me I never give up my demo account until now. And the good thing about demo is that you can practice new strategy and innovate and improve your trading. The more you trade the more you can end up making good income. I do recommend that you spend more time trading in demo and learn in demo. While in real account you trade to earn.
  6. If we are looking for reason then your like counting stars at night. Theirs no way we can all identify the reason why we fail in forex. But the big question is what we can do to prevent or minimize the effects of this failures. That's why its better we do more practice and more research. It does not solve all the constant problem we encounter in forex but its really help a lot.
  7. I guess stats can tell every thing. This site right now has less than 500 members and still no payments and since this site has low rate I don't think its going to get more members. But once this site has proof of payments I'm sure slowly but surely this site will going to get more members and more payments also. I just hope I can make good income in here also.
  8. I guess this site is really good and paying right now as its already paid 24 dollars and already have more than 1,000 members. But same time I don't know how long this site will last since this site is only using a buxhhost script and we all know what kind of script is the buxhost. I'm sure this site has turn to scam or will turn to scam in just matter of few weeks after its open.
  9. If this site will return then lets see if its going to grow. One thing I'm sure right now this site is a new site and yet its down maintenance right away? I think that is not the main reason. The main reason is that this site has chance something in its script and that's why its down right now. But that's only my guess. I don't know what really the real reason.
  10. Theirs still no payments but the big question is this. Is their someone who request payments in here in the first place? I don't think theirs a pending payments in here either because if their is then I guess theirs going to be lots of complain of no payments by now. Anyway I'm just hoping that we can see this site turn to paying soon. Lets just hope someone will reach minimum and request payments in here.
  11. Why is Houmer Simpson is in the banner? I think that's a violation of copy right don't you think? Anyway I just quote the site stats right now and so far its paid 6 dollars to its members already. But I'm trying to check independent forums for proof of payments but right now I can't find one. I don't know if their is none or I'm just that bad in doing research. But so far I can say its good to try this one just for a change.
  12. I do agree this site has 399 members until now. I do't think its going to last long at all. Beside theirs still no payments coming from this site and I'm sure many clickers or members of this site will just going to end up tired up. I don't think its going to pay at all. Because if admin really want his site to be popular I'm sure he had done that already and spend some time and money promoting his site.
  13. I can't open the site right now. I don't know if this site has turn to scam already or just under maintenance or something. But one thing I'm sure I will not going to spend more time in here. A ptc site that is down has hard time standing up. I'm sure in two to three weeks time if we open the site again. Its going to be suspended status. I hope its going to be a good paying ptc site. But its really hard to maintain ptc site right now.
  14. Me too. I find it weird that I got connected to googles but when I visited the site manually I can open the site. I guess its because of url referral link. I don't know if the author of this site really own a referral link or just make up the referral link that's why we have problem accessing the site. But we really don't know the real or main reason why we are redirected to googles.
  15. What really the average or the regular rate per click in here? I doub that majority of the ads in here are 4 cents per click. I'm sure in two to three weeks time we can see this site getting members but same time I'm sure once this site reach a point in which members request payments this site will going to turn to scam right away or just going to pay few then turn to scam.
  16. Another up to ptc site rate. its funny that you are looking and hoping that you can earn 2 cents per click in here but the truth is that you only going to end up losing your time in here and even month if you invest or advertise in here. Because this site has actually low rate. Only once in a blue moon you can get 2 cents ads in here the rest are mini cent ads.
  17. Find a solution is much better if its done in demo account. I know you don't need to be a perfect trader if you earn to earn in real account .But at least its good if you can minimize your loses in demo so that you can have higher chance of earning once you are in real account. But if you going to do trail and error in real account then chance are you going to loss big money.
  18. Just one question do you trade? Have you tried trading in forex using mobile phone without laptop? And what the use of trading in forex if you are always outside? How can you do analysis and how can you plan your trading strategy if you are just using mobile phone? The main point in here is to hav a successful trade and if you really do trade you really know what you need in order to sustain and maintain your account.
  19. Just post in ptp forums that a broker site sponsor and earn some bonus funds to trade. Don't bother to invest at all. Me that's my goal and that's what I'm doing right now. My goal is to earn as many funds or bonus as I can then trade and hope that I can make good income. For me this is the only way I can make good income online right now. I know many are trying to invest money. But me I prefer to trade using bonus funds.
  20. I really have good earnings in demo account. And right now I open a new real account and this time I'm going to mimic what I'm doing in demo account to see if I can earn good amount of money also. My goal right now is to make good profit in forex trading. I really want to increase my profit so that I can pay all of my debt right now and the only way I can do that is when I stop worrying and start trading.
  21. Today is January 1 so happy new year. I have some good bright hope right now. I'm hoping that I can increase my earnings forex trading without getting MC. So I hope this year their will be no more MC for me and right now I have eight accounts but I'm planning to reach 10 accounts. That's what I'm hoping for right now. I hope I can make good income in here.
  22. This site is just two days old and its only have 15 dollars investments. I think its better not to invest in here. I doubt if its can pay at all. I know a hyip site need to have lots of investments if its want to pay its members. If theirs only 15 dollars investments in here then I guess its better for admin not to pay and minimize its loses in here. I think admin invest at least 200 dollars in here to open his site.
  23. This site gets more than 2,500 dollars deposits already. I don't know if the stats is for real but that amount is a good amount already for a starting hyip site and I guess its going to pay for few days before its going to turn to scam. But that is if this site really get that much investors in here. Its also good to try to check daily if the site is getting more and more investors.
  24. I guess this site has turn to scam. I tried to open the site right now but the site can't be open anymore. So in short this site has turn to scam already. I think its better that this thread be close already. But same time since sometimes I experience selective browsing its much better that we wait for others to confirm that they can't open the site also so that this thread can be close.
  25. I can't access the site anymore. I'm wondering if others can access this site. If you can't access this site also then I guess this site has turn to scam already. I think its better that we can invest our money in other hyip site that can pay. I doubt its can last long. Theirs just too many hyip site right now that turn to scam so I doubt if its can really last long.
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