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Everything posted by budado

  1. We just have a quarrel with my first Trend and I got hit many times that I almost got knock out (MC). lols. But I'm happy that some how we are friends again although I still feel that pain an brushes. Slowly but surely I'm traying to earn back my loses and I hope I can make good profit in forex again. Two weeks time right now is crucial to me. if I will not going to make something out of it I will going to end up at loss again.
  2. I don't think building confidence in demo will going to help. We can only develop our skills in demo account but if you want to develop confidence you need to trade in real account and if you become successful in forex trading using real account then that's the time we can say you are building our confidence. Because no matter how successful you are in demo account theirs always a doubt until you proven it in real account.
  3. If you can find ways to withdraw as many funds as you can then its a good thing. Anyway right now I'm feeling good in forex trading. I know its hard to make good income in forex but same time I really do hope I can manage my account as I really want to maintain and sustain my account so that after a year or two I can end up making good profit. For now I'm happy that its make me earn good amount.
  4. Forex is good for investments but I hope I can make good income in here passively. I know many of us does not want to try forex as its very risky. And the reason why so many who tried forex loss their account its because its really risky and in fact forex is not even consider an investment tool rather a speculative market. In short you only earn because of speculation.
  5. Just withdraw 10 dollars in here. I got paid after 36 hours. I know they are paying manually. I hope I can earn regularly in here. But it seems my strategy is really not working good in here. Anyway I'm hoping that in near future I can make a good income in here. Enough to earn more than 10 dollars a month. But its still good to earn 10 dollars a month. its much better than posting in ptp forums.
  6. In uwcfx? Last time I make deposit in here and earn extra bonus because of deposit its expires after 3 months. But now I'm little confuse since theirs so many broker sites that I joined and invested. But one thing I'm sure if I have enough money this coming March 1 I will going ot try to invest 1,000 dollars. Now lets see if I can earn extra bonus and lets see if I can keep it or withdraw it after trading some lots.
  7. Just wondering if payments department has a long vacation. My request of payments is pending for three days now. I request payments Wenesday when the market open and its already weekends and still no payments. I use LR and usually the waiting period is only one to seven business hours but its already three days and since forex is open 24 hours during week days. That a long wait already.
  8. I'm just curious. if the plan is 70 working days then how come we can withdraw principal anytime? Or did I just misinterpret that site plan? I guess the other meaning is that the principal is included in our profits so that the main reason why we can withdraw our principal and our interest each day for 70 working days? Is my understanding is correct?
  9. Its better not to invest in here. right now I find a way to check what hyip site to invest and what hyip site not to invest by not even visiting the site. But by the person who is promoting the site. If a site is promoted by one particular hyip monitoring site or individual who has higher rate of scam threads. Then I guess its better that we don't patrionize the hyip site he is promoting. But if a hyip monitoring site or individual has good hyip sites. Then that's were we invest.
  10. Just wondering what is the minimum amount to invest in order to earn 120% in a day in here? I hope its not more than 100 dollars. if its 100 dollars then its good to try and hope to earn 20 dollars then cashout. Right now I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here. I hope that in two to three days time I can earn 60% profit in here. but that's is this site is paying.
  11. I guess compounding is not good in here. Since this site has forever on its plan. That means the best way to earn in here is to cashout right away and don't bother to compound in here as you can end up getting scammed in the long run. My idea of great earnings in here is to invest some how big amount then withdraw until the site turn to scam.
  12. 150% in just five days is just a bad idea if you are interested to invest in here. I know its hard to make good living in here. Lets face it. this site is not good at all. Its can turn to scam any time. I hope I can make good income in here but the problem is that this site is really hard to maintain and sustain and the only way we can make good income in here is when we end up being the admin of this site.
  13. I guess this time this site has turn to scam already. I don't know if this site is still paying right now but one thing I'm sure if I want to earn good amount of money right now I need to take some risk but same time I need to follow logic. Cheap hyip site means its can turn to scam any time. And I'm sure no matter what will happen its can turn to scam.
  14. Top choice is a scam choice. Don't believe and invest in an hourly hyip site. I am anti hourly hyip site even if some are paying its really not going to pay long and its not really worth our while. I think its best if we just going to wait for the right moment to invest in here. so far I'm earning good amount of money in forex and its not as high as houlry hyip site but at least the risk is much less.
  15. I don't think this site will going to last for one year but its good to try the shortest plan in here. Although it does not guarantee that the shortest plan will be a good paying plan also. But at least its worth a try. So far this site is paying good and paying well and I'm hoping that its can last long. I hope I can make good income in here also but that's will always going to depends on the site popularity.
  16. 60 business days is like 75 calendar days or a good long term payments for three months if you ask me. Although its really feasible for a hyip site to last that long especially since this site has good roi. Not so low and not so high. But this site also need more exposures like ptp forum banners as the more banners this site have the more its can actually last long. I hope I can make good income in here in the long run.
  17. But in one day we only earn 3%. I think what will going to happen in here is that on one day plan this site admin will going to pay while in the longer and much bigger roi plan admin will not going to pay and if that's going to happen then that means this site is going to do selective payments and since its really not going to last long who going to listen to someone who invest in bigger plan and did not get paid right?
  18. I'm little worried that some request of payments has been approved already while others are not yet. And I'm one of those who are not yet. Although I see that some post their request payments much late than me but they already been approved. I don't know if my request of payments has some problem or not but I hope theirs is not as I'm really needing good earnings right now.
  19. I request payments in here two days ago. So right now its waiting time for me. I know last time I request payments in here I got paid within a week. So lets see if I'm going to get paid this week or at the lastest next week. Its been a month since I last request payments in here so I don't know if this site pays fast right now or not. But still I do want to earn good in here right now.
  20. I have reach 1.40 dollars worth of post in here. I will try to keep on posting in here until I reach 2 dollars then I will going to request payments as I just feel that if I'm going to target the 5 dollars the risk is just too high. Also I notice that most ptp forums right now has some pending payments and that's why I want to withdraw when I reach 2 dollars in here.
  21. I'm waiting for payments this month. I'm hoping that if theirs no payments this week next week their will be payments. I really do hope that I can sustain my account in here. So my first two days this year is bad. I got hit for two days and I don't know if I can last long but if I can continue trading using my bonus right now I guess I can survive some how.
  22. Its officially I guess to say that this site is now a scam site. Its a scam site since admin of this site did not inform us or pay us before its stop paying. Its a hit and run in the part of admin in here. I'm really disappointed how this site turn out. I know this site is not getting good number of posters but I think loyal poster like me deserve some payments and good bye note from admin. Right?
  23. I'm going to spend whole day posting in here today. I just feel its time to spam this site. lols. I will going to update this thread in few days and post how much I earn in whole day spamming. lets face it. the best way to earn in mylot is to post as many post as you can. Some say the rate in here is less than 1 cent per post. But since its unlimited and since its base on earnings of the site also. We really dont' know.
  24. I agree. I don't remember admin even open a thread for update nor even reply to my PM. Although since I don't know how to contact him I email him using the email for request payments and he does not reply. I know that email is for request of payments but since the site is down and problematic I think its just proper to reply as members is trying to contact him in any means possible.
  25. The greatest contribution the contest for me is the sharing of experience in fxfred. Lets face it some of us included me has some how chance the view about forex simply because of fxfred. And I guess I already use fxfred as my own forex trading journal. lols. Every profit and every loses I experience in forex I just share it in Fxfred. My greatest task right now is to bounce back. I have few sleep in the last 36 hours or since forex has open this year because of some wrong analysis that I make. Just imagine one mistake can ruin your account. That's why I'm hoping that I can get my funds in fxfred soon so that I can at least infuse some of the funds in my accounts in forex and hope to recover my problematic account.
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