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Everything posted by budado

  1. To be honest I think this thread is not worthless. I mean the title of this thread is overrated as theirs no exact explanation from the author how we can really succeed. In short this thread author those not give an answer at all. Anyway its good to try forex trading and theirs really no real answer to this question only that if we really want to be successful in forex trading we need to practice.
  2. Its important that we know we can earn good amount of money in here. So lets just hope that we can make good income in here. I know its hard to make a good living in here. But if we just try to click and click for few weeks and when we reach minimum we can check if the site is a good paying site or not. If not then I guess its just good to take some rest before investing our time and effort in here again. If you ask me I prefer just to stay out of this if we not feel comfortable but join if we feel we can earn.
  3. Scam. Unless you really do believe that you can earn 25 cents euro in here per click and that's I really doubt. Even a mini cents accounts has hard time paying its members so ho much more a ptc site like this one. I'm sure theirs no way this site can really pay its members. Its really useless and pointless to invest in here as this site can turn to scam any time.
  4. Has someone really tried to join this site? I'm just wondering if this site is really a good paying site or not. I hope I can make good income in here also. Last time I check this site is a good paying site. But lets see if this site can end up paying good or not. I'm sure if this site is really going to pay good we can make good income in here also. I just love to post daily and earn daily in here. My goal is to make good profit in here each month. so lets see if I can keep it.
  5. no minimum to pay out but the big question is how much we can earn in here per day? I doubt that we can even earn 3 cents per day in here. Base on the site rate this site is a mini cent ptc site. Meaning we can click 10 ads in here and still end up only earning 1 cent. I do recommend that we spend more time checking how many active members this site have. if none then I guess its better not to be active in here.
  6. 4 cents is a high rate for a ptc site so I doubt if we can earn 4 cents per click in here on regular basis. But same time I do admire this site for paying good amount of money. I hope its really going to last long. But at 4 cents per rate? I doubt that its going to pay that much at all. I think its better that we just going to forget about this site. I'm sure its good to make some profit in here but lets just hope that we can sustain this site. Because if we can't sustain this site then I don't think we really can.
  7. If the minimum is 2 dollars to request payments in here then I guess its good to try this one out. I'm sure in two to three days I can say that we have a good earnings in here. Anyway lets just hope that I can earn good amount of money in here. For sure in two to three weeks we can see if someone got paid in here already or not. I know many of us just have hard time earning in ptc but lets just try this one.
  8. I just seen its sister site internetexplorer and googlecrome lols. I guess admin of this site has really good sense of humor. But if you ask me I prefer to invest my time and effort in here so that I can make good income in here also. I know that sometimes we really need to take some risk if we really want to make some good profit also. So lets just try and hope that we will going to get paid in here. I hope.
  9. Good to see those proof of payments. How I hope I can make good income like that one also. So far so good that I'm earning online and I'm hoping that I will also going to earn in here. I know many of use just don't feel like clicking in here but the trick in ptc is to join as many ptc site as you can so that you can earn as many points and profits as you can.
  10. Half a cent is some how okay with me as long this site is paying I love to join this site. I know that many of us are online clickers and sometimes we just feel that earning online is some how a waste of time. But same time I think If we really want to make good income in ptc site right now we must not be picky. Just join and click as many ptc site as you can and just withdraw minimum and if its going to pay then continue clicking if not then better find a much better ptc site.
  11. If we decided to be active in ptc site its better we join and click and hope that we going to get paid once we reach minimum and since we reaslly don't invest in here I really don't see any reason why I'm not going to invest in here at all. For me the best way to make good income in here is via joining the site but without investing. Just look fore referrals and earn referral click commissions also.
  12. I really do like to earn good amount of money in ptc sites and that's the main reason why I love to join ptc sites. But sad to say theirs just too many ptc sites that turn to scam right away that sometimes I just feel that I'm wasting my time in ptc sites. I know its good to earn good amount of money in ptc sites. And I'm going to make sure that I can earn good amount of money month after month after month.
  13. 4 cents perc click ptc site is not my idea of a stable ptc site. I think for me its better that we don't join this site at all. For me if we really want to make good income in here its best that we going to make some good referrals in here as high click rate also means high referral commission rate. But if you ask me I prefer not to invest in here at all. For me this site is just too darn risky.
  14. I'm still active in here and I'm hoping that other members will once again be active in here. Although I do feel that payments in here seems slowing down. But I'm hoping that its can and its still going to pay me fast and I hope that this week I will get paid. I really do want to earn good amount of money in here. this is my goal right now to make good income in here.
  15. This is really a good site to join and invest. You can post like 30 post a day in here and you still can earn good amount of money in here without getting banned. But just make sure that you don't do copy and paste and don't just post in one section. Me right now I'm trying to post in as many section as possible. But I'm not really that active in ptc section.
  16. As usual I not got paid the full amount but that's okay. Right now I'm trying to be more active in here as I'm posting like 25 to 30 post three time a week in here. I hope I can manage to earn good amount of money in here always. That's my plan in here right now. And in two to three weeks time I'm sure I can make good 500 points in here again. That's my goal in here right now.
  17. Best way to really make good income in here is in the morning you open five to ten new threads and in the afternoon you try to reply to all those who post in thos threads. I'm sure you can earn like 1 dollar more or less a day in here. Although the activity is really time consuming I think that is much better and much fun than doing a post in here without any plans at all.
  18. Activity well do. You don't need to bring advertisers in here. But if you want to be a promoter of GFT then you can also. And I'm sure you will earn some percentage if that advertisers will going to rent a banner space. But if you are just ordinary posters in here. Then a regular posting activity is enough to increase the site alexa rating and that means its can get attention to advertisers also.
  19. I'm suprise that when I open my account in uwcfx I got MC! and when I check why. I just realize I make a mistake by opening .10 lot size instead of .01 lot size. So just imagine my disappointment that I got MC in here. My 50 dollars earning from fxfred just go to waste. But same time that's okay. Lesson learned. Theirs no one to blame but me. I hope I will not going to make the same mistake again.
  20. I'm surprise that even though this site has good rate and paying fast its suddenly have low activity. So low that its been like three days now and theirs still no one posted in ptp section of this forum. I hope activity will going to be active soon. I really do want to earn good amount of money in here each month. My goal right now is to increase my posting activity in here. But what the use if theirs no one posting in here right?
  21. Since Ip is paying fast and and paying good. Just post 20 post a day and reaquest payments each time you reach 100 post or 1 dollar worth of post. At least you can save some LR fees also. But same time even if you request payments for 1 dollar if you have 2 dollars worth of posts you will get paid 2 dollars worth of post. So Its really good to continue posting even if you request small amount as long you post more you will get paid more.
  22. Its seems this thread is active but its seems no one is active in this site but in this thread only. I'm wondering if this site is still paying or if someone is really earning in this site? Becuase I really want to join as many ptp forums as I can right now. I hope I can make good income right now. I know many of use just cant' help to post in this thread but I hope some are active in this site also.
  23. Now I'm trying to be active in here as much as I can. My plan again is to reach 1,500 points in here and once I reach 1,500 points I will going to stop posting in here and wait to get paid before I'm going to post in here again. My goal in here is to maintain a good 1000 to 1,500 points so that each time I got paid I can request payments again. I hope I can maintain and sustain my account in here.
  24. Payments will come soon don't worry. Right now Nick as multiple forums so its not just about busy offline but busy maintaining all of his forums also. Unlike other ptp forum admins that has only one forum to attend and maintain Admin Nick has lots of forums. So just be patient and payments will eventually comes. As EP is just too big to fail as a forum.
  25. I guess mtw has the last laugh right now. Three months or more ago. Many posters have lots of bad things to say about mtw. Its paying late. Its gettign huge deductions and so on. But funny thing is that its the same persons who are the most active in here right now. Its seems when the site is on its knees its say lots of bad things instead of supporting it and when its paying good they act as nothing happens. lols.
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