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Everything posted by Legendkid

  1. This program first plan is the only affordable one for average investors,since the second plan minimum is too high for average investors reach,but this program plans looks really attractive,with 2% daily for business 200days,and we can withdraw our principle before program plan expires,this one looks really genuine
  2. What this program plan is offering is really nice,i think the first plan,which is 5% daily for the next 25days looks really attractive for investors to try out.with other attractive plans,and a low minimum investment of $1,i think this program popularity is on it's way,except it turn scam soon.
  3. Yes,this program have the security needed for an hourly program,but roi after a day looks kind of big,i don't like program that gives us our principle and profit after 24hours,it makes me really suspicious of them,like the next seconds,they're vanish
  4. Brakoner,you invest a good $80 in this hyip,well,means you're earning quite good from this program. I haven't got any investment with this program for now.,but lets see how things moves on
  5. How do mean?if they're registered? Well,i don't know if there's any body of rules that an admin must register his program before he start calling investors,i think this program is worth trying.
  6. I didn't even have the slightess idea of any contest going on in midasgoldfund hyip,but if it's still active,i think i might join the train and contest too,but one thing about this program is that it's place looks solid.
  7. Am sure of that,they're real perfect traders,that's what is keeping them paying for such a long time now,with so much investors and members,this program continue paying,that's really nice of them,no doubt about being the first online.
  8. Wait,guy,i know all this program is got all the needed protection,but right now,i have two pending request yet to be clarified. So i think it's better to wait and see how it goes before you throw your money to the whirlwind.
  9. When i saw this thread,i thought it's a new moneycycler,but since it's a force matrix where members need other members to signup under them before they can earn is really something else.
  10. But if we're sure of pending payments getting cleared,what's the haste?we should just give admin time to process our payment,and be more active there too if we want,admin has showed clearly that he's no scam.
  11. This program have a beautiful name and it's script looks cool,but it's offering the short term plan that gives return after a day,it doesn't sound resonable to me.Offering such huge returns with some hours,no doubt this program paying days are numbered.
  12. But we are still waiting for update from GBS admin. Hope he will update this program with latest news.But if admin is turning scam at this early stage,it's really bad of him.
  13. Yeah,the best time to invest is now,i have an investment with this program,and currently speaking,they're one of the best hyip around hyip world. With so many members this program admin would have turn scam a long time ago,but here he is still paying us.
  14. Looks like this program isn't healthy for investors to risk their neck now,my pending request since 16march haven't been paid till date.
  15. I think this is one of the hottest cycler around the money cycling biz. Right now,i have shares in $1 and $2.5 shares respectively,and my shares have already been recycled here onces.This cycler line is moving fast and hopefully,admin will inject some lines before this weekend.
  16. I'm still putting things together to start investing here,but looking at how i'm investing in other moneycyclers too,i don't think i can make my investment in this program as high as i expected,but i'm still planning.
  17. Wow,i got my first payout from this forum! I think i put this forum among my best right now,since admin Tarak paid me within hours! I got few deductions for creating threads without their links below.And i was paid $4.73 or something like that. What are you waiting for?Get down here and start earning like me too.
  18. Username. Legendkid point to request. 400 DMT points payment ID. Hd1010530 Thank you digitalmoneytalk.
  19. You can just put up your hopes high, you can easily reach it soon. It is a good risk if it pay off. But until then i think it is a risk i won't want to partake in.
  20. Hyiptechnologies is offering a good plan that's sustainable and stable for a long time.With 4% daily,i think this site is going to last for a long time. With a minimum of investment $10,many investors will have opportunity to invest here since the minimum is affordable.But looking at the plans,i think average investors can't afford the opportunity to invest with them.
  21. This program plans are all offering the same minimum investment for their plans with exception to the last plan. I think this program is here to afford many investors,both big and small,an opportunity to invest with them.
  22. This program plan looks reasonable as well as this site script.Looks ordinary but unique.I think this plans are stable and can ensure the movement of this hyip for a longer time,since this hyip minimum is 5$,many investors can afford to invest here.
  23. I haven't come across the account that we need to send the fund to. Pls can you post the lr account here so as to know.I can see that members here have already join.I need to join here too.Thanks moderator archur.
  24. Just a question,and i don't even know if there is a possibility of having a million buck in an e-money processor. So this admin is saying that he's going to pay members than a million dollar.This sounds good,admin trusting himself.
  25. Is this a force matrix? I think this signup bonus can be use as a tool to bring in more investors here.With this bonus,we can bring in more referrals and maybe some will be active,right now,i haven't signup,but i'll see i get the bonus before promoting this program referral link
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