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Posts posted by riddick09

  1. I made to request again and this will be 3rd purchase of the request payout. I have seen so far, 19 total purchase of the payout request so i think that only few made 100 points and some are did not know which exactly is the request button :D


    Having limited winners allows EP to hold daily contest with a price money of 50 cents for each contest. This is not bad as compared to the amount of work we have to do by participating in these contests. Moverover, the other forums which pays to many winners either hold monthly long term contests or the members have to word hard to win the contest.

    Nope. In contrast to ep, there is a forum that pays its members i mean all participants either per day or weekly depends on the contest instruction. And also it is not that difficult to that what is indicated in the contest since you just need to sign up and make a blog update that's it. :D

    I cant still see fast responses in ep even in their paid to post section. I feel so eager to have payments faster but still the activity is not increasing. :D

  3. Im still thinking with joining in other sign up offer in lot although, in the uploading sites listed only one site is im not yet registered. One sign up of their uploading sites it is 10 cents and there 5 I think uploading sites. Not only that they will teach them the way to post their links and earn. :D


    As far as I know, they do have an optional payment processor MoneyBookers for those members who can't withdraw through Paypal. However, the countries where Paypal services are available, those members can't request their payment through their optional payment method.

    Yeah, looks like even they add a payment processor it is not as famous and most often use payment processors like AP and LR. Moneybookers as payment option in my country is not well known and if i can withdraw it in ease. It is not a good time to get back in mylot and will just wait for further changes. :D


    As far as I have seen, there are 5 cash prizes to be given away to the top 5 posters of the contest. The prizes to be given away are huge and I am myself trying to win atleast one of the prizes but there are several other members ready to give a tough fight for this contest.

    What is not good for me is because im not that convinced or attracted with MTV contests. Maybe because i always see in other ptp forums that these type of contests have the few winners which will be declared several days. That is why i only joined in blog contest since I registered in the forum. :D


    The minimum posting rate which I have received from GT so far is 4 cents per post while the maximum is 6 cents per post. There posting rates are just amazing. However, the only frustrating thing for me is the payment delays which they quite often have these days and also the site quite often goes offline which is not a good sign.

    I dont consider in GT the problem with the offline. Since GT is usual to have this offline but not as always. The delays for me is if exceed to more than 10 days waiting. Because the normal waiting for most of the members are 1-10 days. But i always have my payment request within the range of 7-10 days. :D


    The transaction fees were the only reason I left using them. I used to hold a verified business Alertpay account and whenever I used to receive $2 or so on my alertpay account, they charged me about 80 cents for that transaction and I ended up receiving just $1.20 or so which was very frustrating.

    So it is really not good for using business alertpay account. Fees are higher. So what makes you decide to use business alertpay account since you can have bigger fees. And if you have business why you dont try to make only the personal accounts if your business is not big? :D

  8. For beginners in online sites not only in surveys applicable but also other sites. In PTC or PTP sites then beginners can have a ratio of 1 dollar per hour and this is only applicable for international members because US members need to have larger ratio perhaps 5-7 dollars depends if there is site offering like that. :D


    Well, every business online require some initial investment amount to get started. Even with a small investment. you can start off your own online business and if you become successful in expanding your business online, the profit levels will be just huge as compared to the mere investment you had to start off your online business.

    Maybe, you are right. I have read in the famous PTC that the admin just started from few bucks only i think 5-10 dollars only then now it is the model ptc and prioritizing its members but this only made the site to be more popular and rich. PTC site i am pertaining is the Neobux. :D


    It is really frustrating we a person is scammed the whole initial investment amount for just earning a mere interest for their investment in HYIP's I do believe that investing in HYIP's are profitable only when the HYIP has been paying since a very long time. However, the people who can't afford to loose their hard earned money can try earning through GPT sites without risking a single penny.


    I dont know really if that will assure as if that hyip is paying for a very long time and will not scam tomorrow. I remembered a member told that a good strategy in hyip. When a hyip site is just open try to invest because it is better to invest in early stage of hyip rather than in middle or old age of hyip. :D


    Infact the members do post informative posts these days in forums but many other forum posters do take such forums as a good means of promoting their business and thus start to spam the forums and by doing this they not spam the forum but at the same time get banned by the forum owners which is a good thing.


    Then i believe that those members are the newbies and dont really join in ptp forum to be a good poster but as advertisers and considered as spammers. I think that there is only small percentage of members are spammers and also there were members from spammers to quality posters. :D


    Yes it is considered against the TOS of HYIP's to open multiple accounts in order to earn referral commission. Hyips FAQ clearly states that a person is allowed to open a single account from the same pc. However, as you stated, we can create a team and join under the same referral to help him earn our referral commission. But by doing this, we are taking a huge risk as we all invest in the same HYIP and if it turns cam, the whole team can loose their funds in a single go.

    Okay so joining to one hyip will not really a great advantage but much risky. If in this case, then they should have a team wherein they have referral exchange and therefore they made theirselves uplines and downlines. In this situation if the one site scam then there were other hyip that are still up and get profit. :D


    Looking for advertisers through a marketing email is simple. All you have to do is create am email which has all the basic information of your site and the adverting positions and costs of the ads. Don't forget to mention your contact email and if needed your only chat id. Once the admin. of the website sees your email, then if he is interested, he will contact you back with either an offer or by showing his interest to buy a ad on your site.

    So by email marketing is the way to get advertisers. Of course, before we get the advertisers we first need to get traffic to our forum and wonder how they do or even a new forum can get advertisers that fast if the site dont have high traffic. Are advertisers are strict in the traffic of the site? :D

  14. i have requested payment since 2 day and yet not approved

    i attened to upgrade my membership the end of this month it will so great to receive payment after 3 days only after request

    I think that the 3 days per request is not really consistent. As other member said that is upgraded member that 3 days payment is usually get delayed a day or few days or lets say 3-7 days waiting period. And for regular member then we should wait 10 days. :D

  15. I am not that much active of MTV but I found that they are currently having a posting contest with a huge price money of $100 to be given the the winner and there are 4 other cash prizes to be given away. That's huge for a prize and I am in there contest hoping to win atleast a prize in their posting contest.

    Actually, i believe that MTV has the biggest contest prizes compared to others. Contest on the top poster in forex and in forum are the active contests. Although, i find it hard to win since many are joining the contest and very few will get the prize. :D


    They don't have a fixed posting rate of their forum. As per their rules, they pay for each posts of the basis of length and quality of the post. Moreover, as theri minimum payout is as high as $10 through paypal, it not only becomes hard to reach the minimum payout but at the same time paying through paypal limits them to pay to the members of only those countries where paypal provides their services.

    So which means that if the members who can be good in this forum because of the limitation of paypal services then it is then not a worldwide forum accepted all the countries because of the payment option issues. I dont know why they dont add other payment processors. :D


    Yes, the payment delays seems to be over now and they have restarted to pay their members on a consistent basis without any delays but with a new posting rate of 2 cents for each post which is still decent enough as there are only a few other PTP forums which pay better posting rates then EP. Moreover, their contest section can help us to win some extra bucks for ourselves which is another positive point about EP.

    I hope that their contests could have many winners as we could imagine. EP only have limited winners unlike other ptp forums that all participants are winners that is why they continue to be active in there and participate in the contests. :D

  18. its very good to see payment proof of yesterday posts

    i will try and make 5 posts today and i hope i can receive my 10 cents tomorrow however i see that the forum not too active as past

    although i'm quiet happy with payment process time there is no delay in payment as before

    I think that they will not have payments tomorrow because the payments are done already. And the payments for this week could take some time again to receive payment. The good thing here is to continue posting and dont think if the payments will be delayed or not because we will have the payments. :D

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