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Posts posted by riddick09

  1. Whenever I am active in DMT forum, I also make it a point to post in MTW as well since this are sister ptp forums. And I like posting in here because they don't give me deductions unlike here in DMT. hehehe.

    Then why do you think you have got deductions in MTW. And i have seen you in other ptp forums and also got deductions. So i think better to have changes to make in your posts. MTW is slight strict in posting so better not abuse it and still post good information :D

  2. Both for me. Since we can earn while we are enjoying ourselves in posting which means that they in good ways and helping to us. We can also say that while we are posting to our interested topics then we earn from our posts. It depends on how you are good in posting in a certain topic. :D

  3. There is no doubt that this is one of the best forum site we have today.I am not surprised the the ranking it is having in Alexa.If you can check the site,you will see that the site is having more than 10,000 members working on it daily.There is no day the activities is going to reduce.

    Actually, when i have checked every forum i know there is much higher paid to post other than in MTV. But that forum is a low rate although it has high rank in alexa. Hopefully, if MTV will even go higher rank then possibly there will be more advertisers. :D

  4. currently the post rate is fine i think. they are paying very fast now, which is what i like. i got paid within 2 days last time.


    if the post rate becomes higher, who knows they may take longer to pay members.

    Yes, it should be like ep. Because if the payment requests is few then the payments should be fast but if the payments requests and the rates are high then it will really take time for them to process all of it. Right now, i am thinking to wait or post now while payments are fast. :D

  5. i believe in the past, people used to get higher post rates. in 2009, now there are more members, which is why many members may receive slightly lower post rates.


    i tend to get 3 cents per post nowadays, from goldentalk forum.

    Yes, we can in the I have been paid section the first payments in GT which is around of 10 cents rate per post. But because of GT is a big forum now, it is now more strict and therefore lower the rate to be able to pay most of the members. 3 cents is not in GT because you can still increase your post rate. :D

  6. i am getting many emails regarding that i have won $100 in LR account

    they ask for my password and LR account

    i know this is risky, but has anyone tried to give such information?

    I never received such email. And it is obvious that is a phishing email so better change your email that you used in libertyreserve since it has been targeted and known that you have LR account. Put it into your spam or delete it immediately. :D

  7. as far as i remember members from Vietnam often try to invest with stolen accounts and they dispute against the respective ptc site's admin. and paypal is nowadays more strict towards PTC admins and they freeze their accounts.

    that is why most of the ptc sites only use AlertPay and LR

    even if there are 25 disputes the admin's PP account is frozen and this affects the site management

    Wow. So is it really true on your first statement. Stolen accounts are used for the dispute. That could be really a big problem and of course paypal become so strict in the ptc sites because of so many complaints regarding those scamming. That is why also other ptc sites banned some countries to join in their site to prevent paypal to suspend their accounts. :D

  8. emailing to the hyip admins would be of little or no use as he would think it is a spam email and we would have to give discounts otherwise he would'nt be intetested.

    the best way is to make the forum active.by making the forum active, there will be more hyip monitors in the site and by the presence of them the admins will come automatically.

    Regarding on the email. I think that the enclosed contact detail of the forum owner will not considered as spam. It will be a form of spam if that will have other advertisements and also of the giving links of other advertisers. A plain invitation or encouraging email will do. But of course, i will admin of some ptp forums how did they attract or convince advertisers to advertise. :D

  9. i know many ptc admins, the main strategy of ptc is advertising

    advertising is the main criteria. even if you will clone the rates of other ptc sites, your ptc would be run in a huge profits if your ptc has the many members.


    $300 advertising will give a profit of upto $2000

    There were so many factors to consider how these will work because we cannot say that easily if we dont know much how will it be like that. 2000 dollars profit which can be done or take up to 1 month or year depend on the strategy to use. If you lower the rate then do you think you will have high profit or if you make high rate then you will only have low profit. But still depends. :D

  10. creating a very good blog and posting the banner in signature of every forums will also help in getting direct referrals

    a blog can be created for $20 including hosting.

    if anyone has a high budget of about $200, then an rcb site can also be created

    Creating a rcb site for ptc sites could be expensive and we dont know how many days will it take effect. Because as we know aside from creating the site it will also consume our time and then another time for the traffic and target audience. If we know that we can have positive result then we can go on making rcb site. :D


    actually you are right, so that is why i move from some section that contain that posts, actually i more at PTC for now and in google,i also done some post in PTP section and Get paid other section.. :D, lately payment processor is have good activity too

    I dont believe good discussion in the PTC sections. Because most of the threads are new and sometimes very inactive because not all members joined and have experiences to those sites. Although, PTP sections got many posts compared to PTC. :D


    the minimum is $3 for my 100 posts but it happen at early time, but now i get about $4 and in some time i get $5 for 100 posts, maybe that is because i already learned make posts in this site lol

    Well, not all the time we will get the same amount. I also feel that the admin revenue also depends on it. Because of the Goldpoll revenue increases then the admin might give good rates and even higher. I assume that my payments will be paid this week. :D

  13. i think HYIP only for the investor since they are know well what happen with the forum and also they can share about their strategy in that site, and also they can share their payment proof, so i think it is good for the investor, but so far i try to be active in PTP section also in Payment processor section

    We can be also investor. No matter what you invest in that hyip 1 dollar or more you are already an investor and you are able to post because you can post some information and of course, updates. But it is not also limit to the investor but also a new member about their views on these programs. That is why we have in other sections like forex newbies although we are not trading but asking something how to start in forex is a discussion. :D

  14. Trading with a small deposit is the safest thing,but I have heard that a small deposit goes away quickly sometimes in a matter of few hours or minutes depending on the broker and the leverage.People have to understand that the Demo exists only to attract fresh and new investors eager to try their luck on the forex market.So is Demo real or not..some Demos are more real and some are less...again depends on the broker and how honest they are.The worst demos feed you totally wrong trading information so that you earn a lot of money in the demo and think..oh this forex its soooo easy and then you quickly sign up for a real account and loose everything in a matter of minutes on the REAL market.

    Yes, indeed it is so fast to gone and disappear. When i have tried one mistake only i got half of the deposit loss. So i think that the leverage should not be that high because of the high losses that will happen. I once also tried in demo that within 1 position only then i only end up with 50 cents remaining which of course, cant made another position. :D

  15. i already heard about them but i think they must be already done about being that violate the rules.. :D, as far as i know they informed member through the email if something happen.. :D

    But adnan just said that they easily get banned of new members. So what are those emails sent and adnan told is in contradiction. Maybe, i should better to understand how they ban members. Although, i am not going to be back in mylot since there is so many things that i dont like it. :D

  16. It seems that image link is not working in the forum chardyme. Well, you can still change or edit. For today, atlas i got approved by mod leash for my payment request and right now i am waiting for the payment perhaps sooner or later i got it. But while waiting it i need to get to another requests if i can reach the payout. :D

  17. It is a good thing that I have some investments in some hyip programs so I can have some discussions posted in the HYIP section as well in this forum.

    Yes, perhaps that you are taking advantage of posting in discussion as well as in the payment proof section of HYIP as i dont post in there. While i post what most of the sites i have joined and also with the threads that are can be answered without joining on that site. Insights, ideas, concepts are making good discussion. :D

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