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Posts posted by riddick09

  1. I have already received my two pending requests which are made two days of being active in gev forum. Although they have interval with the payments because of my payments have 3 days gap but still good as i see i can post and have consecutive payment request like chardyme. :D

  2. ro2 was already changed their site name url. This is because they got problem. Although this is still a low earning site because of the site is only giving cents for the whole day active. And also they are monthly payment so it will kindly boring to wait for the payment. :D


    I dont thing GT temporarily ban members from their forum. As far as I have seen, they ban a member of permanent basis. He might not have stayed active consistently on GT which might have resulted in his payment request getting denied at GT.


    Nope. They ban members temporarily and permanently. It is called as warnings. For instance they give you 15 days ban because you violate which is minor. So that is why it is not pernament really they give warnings which is fair enough. :D


    Well, I guess that they should still hire another moderators as continuous spamming in their forum will not only reduce their reputation but at the same time stop the activity of several members on their forum. However, their positing rates are huge enough to keep the posters active on their site.

    Nope. They dont need to hire more. Because all of the posts that are spams are checked and deleted when they request payout. So it will save their time to find those spams. And also moderators in MTV are active so i know they can handle the forum. :D


    Well, I do see several tasks available in my country whenever I visit their task section. In fact, they currently have over 20 tasks which are waiting to get completed from my side. You should recheck their tasks section as I can see tasks available at mylot which are offering good rewards too.

    The last time i have checked it there is no available task for me. So it means that my country dont get many tasks from mylot. I hope that they changed this rule as i dont see any good points or features that mylot have in the ptp forums. :D


    Well, I myself regularly keep participating in their contests but haven't yet become lucky to win either of these contests available at EP. Nevertheless, the winnings are paid in a fully randomized manned and I should try to keep participation in their contets before I finally become lucky to win any of those contests available at EP.

    That is the problem in their contests. Our effort are not worthy and therefore we dont get any rewards of it we dont have frequent rewards from the contests they have. If they changed it in the way that members or most of the members will win then that will be have a great forum activity. :D

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