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Posts posted by riddick09

  1. Actually, so far this month only investorposts paid me the biggest amount maybe that is 50 dollars i guess including the monthly contest. And i really did not expect before that admin will able to pay members everyday when he is online. I am happy that admin made the forum lively and planning to have upgrades and changes. And i also think of having now advertisers since it have now good traffic. :D

  2. Yes, it is not instant posting just like other ptp forums. Today, i just found out that i got paid already for my pending payment request last october 25 and paid october 29. And right now, same to chardyme i still have one pending payment request. I am happy that we have gev forum continuously having good earnings for posters. :D

  3. That will be similar to the previous contest wherein i made many payment requests and got paid to it and made the forum active and also that it worth me to be active in the forum. That will definitely give a big opportunity to earn and of course to have more active members. So the question now, when it will start so we can finally begin the contest. :D

  4. Definitely, if we dont see active members we will not going to make some posts. But if someone is keeping to post in the forum then possibly, we will find other members that will join or participate in the forum activity. So the best way to keep them interested in posting in mtw is by posting of the senior members. :D

  5. Just imagine of having 1000 post in mylot then you will have 10 dollars but if that is in other ptp forums that would be 40 dollars already which means that it is far and not worthy to earn. The only thing good here is that they have knowledgeable posters which dont mind about the rate of mylot. :D

  6. I have tried to have now 30 posts as of this moment but still not able to make some post since i got busy with other ptp forums. All just i need is some time to post here because i want to post a longer post to try something new in gt for my experience also. :D

  7. It is obvious that eezor is not accessible. So we might think that the forum gone already and just made the members paid for their pending payments. But i know there were others that just made a request and not sure what will happen again.

  8. i think they are not become strict, they only do their duties, and some thread that closed because the thread already reach the conclusion and some of them already answered by the member but members keep talk it over and over again, so it is such as repetition


    Well we cannot blame them. Because before i joined there few years ago they are already moderators of GT forum. That is why i respect them and always follow their forum rules and always read it. The only thing i dont like is that it affects somehow the forum activity. :D

  9. Well got received a payment too yesterday and have a pending payment request also. Maybe today i will try to accumulate again new payment request since i have already paid. Well i still only few new threads now but not a big problem because there were many existing threads opened to have replies. :D

  10. the most important things in PTP forum and especially for LOT is good rates per posts and then how fast the payment that admin made for members, if the payment become faster and have good rate, surely it will boost the earning


    LOL. You really want faster payment process which ideally one day processing. But i know that it is possible and will need to somehow be the members power to have those. If admin of LOT will be more satisfied to what the result of having fast payment then they will continue to have it and even make faster or fastest payment ever. :D

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