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Posts posted by riddick09

  1. Yes, it do require being expert and also of big investment as well or lets say start from low investment then if we are successful in trading then we might have earnings as well. I dont know if it require the experience of having real trading or it is just okay to have demo trading only. :D

  2. @budado


    Are you trading for real account? Because it seems that you loss a big amount which means that forex trading is not your expertise or you have not enough strategy to get profit. Well in two months i stopped of trading in demo account but then i will going to try to have some trading studies but im searching good resources first from experts. :D

  3. I just think even they have low posting rate i can still make it in my posting which for instance that i have 2 ptp forums posting simultaneously. Well that will be a good to somehow earn in mylot and i think that will be nice it i can reach the minimum for a week only. :D

  4. I really think that admin already lack again in funds and cannot sustain the payment request of the members. From what i noticed that the eezor payment requests are just increase rather than decrease thats why we dont know what will happen in the pending payments again. :D

  5. I received the email of admin raj from LOT and there are certain changes in the forum now. I know everyone got it already and I am just glad to know the rates are not decreased in the forum and it is still the same despite the changes happened.


    I dont received that. But then i have read it in the thread. Although admin will changed something i think for me it does not really affect me because of the 50 post i usually reach as my maximum. Actually the 75 posts is still not easy for one day. So i think it will be just normal to have 50 posts. :D

  6. I still found lately that the forum is still accessible although so difficult to get in the forum because of on and off of the forum. Well as usual i found out that they are stock in paying its members i have seen many payment requests pending again and bulastika is one of them waiting for the payment. :D

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