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Posts posted by riddick09

  1. Of course they have realized that it is a slow earning and low rate. Imagine that there were members here from US and Canada and then they will go on for 1 cent only per post that will done with realization. So they are doing because i know that they only used paypal and dont know much of lr. So just which forum do have high traffic that survive paying via paypal only i think it is one in mylot.

  2. Well as far as i see aside that they are now not a ptp forum they are also not have a "big" contest. So i dont think it will be interesting that they will be active in the forum gaming since there is no official threads stating there is payment for the contests and not really promise of having great prizes.

  3. Well as far as i have seen that they are still active posting in that section and that still give them way to have more posts per day. So i think that until they have those active ptp then they will have consistent posting and the other closed threads will not be a problem or affect their posting.

  4. Well not yet guaranteed that admin is really out of funds because they are now checking thoroughly the payment requests and seems we can no longer have many payments and will be limited. Just think that i have several payments here and then they are restricting me to gain more earnings.

  5. Well two payments were "skipped" thats why i doubt it is not accidental ignored but intentional. I think i should start posting in december but not now since im still figuring out of possibly others may encounter of not having payments.

  6. Finally i have made or accumulated 20 posts for today. Really rush in posting since i really dont need to put extra effort since i will not expect high rate here but atleast payments. Well seems i still be active again in the forum that i have started to earn easy 3 dollars before. :D

  7. So, he just lied.. at least you got $1 than nothing.. though i feel very sad for those participants. Well, that's the Admin loss the participants trust him but he just ignore it.. He will not gain the trust of his members anymore for what he did. :)


    Yes, that will be the consequence of his actions. He will not have trusts and loyal members for doing such. I just made that statement after i got paid since i need first to confirm if i will get the payment or not and glad to still receive it.

  8. Yes, it is still in my mind of the confusions and the thoughts why it have not the payments for my other payment request. The only solution for that is admin will going to have a response to my pm or have made a thread of having those ignored or denied payments.

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