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Everything posted by lecicine
We have sent the 4th FiboForex Newsletter check it in ur inbox or here: FiboForex.Net Team.
We have sent the third FiboForex Newsletter check it in ur inbox or here: Regards. FiboForex.Net Team.
We have added SolidTrustPay as mean of withdraw and deposit. The site have now 153 days and we have sent our second newsletter when LR was in maintenance see it here:
We have e-mailed our first newsletter, you can check it here:
@Pinay: the interest rate is realistic dear, you get a low income but at least we are honest and your money is risk-free from scam or dangerous placements. @Trickster: Our goal is to stay in this market Regards
The Project have reached the first 100 days now
@Trickster Some monitors are lazy to update their payments
We are celebrating our first month online, I hope that we have satisfied all our investors.
@Faceless Yes off course you will get back the principal automatically at the end of the term without any charge. We offer the early withdraw because we think that you have the right to ask for your money at any time you want, and it is not risky dear because we are not a ponzi scheme, you ask for your principal and we ask it from our brokers it is simple.
@Budado you have not understood, the 20% fees is not for the withdrawal fees or interest fees, this 20% fees is applied for investors which want to withdraw their principal deposit before the maturation date of 225 business days. We do not charge any fee for your earnings or withdrawal process, we do not charge any fee when the principal reaches the maturation date. There are 20% fees for the early withdraw of the principal to cover the cost the unexpected close of trades and the transactions between our Brokers and our accounts.
@Macky110 The fee for withdrawing the principal is 20% now , but we are discussing and studying the question to decrease it to 10% for the next week , i will keep you informed about our decision.
@Faceless In general we are buying banners from some popular monitors which have a good alexa traffic rank, not all monitors are scam, i consider that monitors like goldpoll as a honest one but they are too slow to switch from waiting to paying , or from paying to not paying, and in general when a monitor put not paying status it is too late for lot of people. Lot of scamers have soiled the name of HYIP, as it is now considered by overgeneralisation that HYIP=SCAM, and the honest people are put in the same basket. Now it is hard to find a domain name or hosting company which accept to host a hyip, because for them hyips=problems.
@Faceless Sadly it is the reality, but there are worst , some monitors threaten honest companies to rate them Not Paying if they do not pay them advertising costs. Also there are black posters which post bad vote if we do not pay them, or DDOS attackers which threaten us every days to shutdown our site.
@Trickster The following Monitors have Invested with us: ,,,,,,,, Goldpoll rate us waiting because he has not logged in his account since 4 days and have not made any withdrawal request (maybe he forgot about us because he is busy) All the other monitors are just followers or rating us waiting without any investment to make us purchase from them advertising . is rating us waiting because his script system is linked to the rating of goldpoll, then when goldpoll will come to withdraw his balance and rate us paying popularhyip will change it also. Regards.
@Omar-winner , for the funds do not worry we have enough thank you, the site is very simple and it is our goal, what do u want us to put in the site some pictures of dollars and some good cars?, the design is not important in our eyes the most important is the service that we provide , one question dear Egyptian Alexandrian have you seen our site offline at least once since we have started? , and i want to tell you that we have already added 9 monitors , you do not think that our site is promising well it is your opinion and i respect that but in 1 year please repeat your sentence and you will see that you are completely wrong because we are here to work dear not to joke or scam.
@Faceless Even for google chrome work fine with our website , the problem is the resolution , you need a good resolution 1440x900 is a perfect one to use it comfortably without horizontal bar. Try to use a better resolution and you will see a big difference , now even facebook need a resolution of 1280x720 to show all it's plugins fine.
@faceless our site is optimized for firefox 5 or above with screen resolutions above 1280x800(1440x900 advised), if you try to access with less resolution you will get a horizontal defilement bar. Regards.
@MrAAKK we offer a low interest rate because we give a realistic profit which is made by our traders daily , we can not offer more than that to become a ponzi scheme like others. Forex is not a magical way to become rich but we need to be patient to progressively increase our capital, you can seek over the web and see that the best forex traders do not make more than 20% a month continually. In addition you can withdraw your principal at any time you want with a small fee if it do not reach the maturation date. For the SSL and better DDOS protection we will implement it when we will reach more than 1000 active members. Best regards CO-Admin.
@Antthenait @Archu7 as u have advised us. we have changed the picture of our header to better one. For the security, next week we will add the brute force protection and the transaction code for withdrawals. For the investment plans,, next week we have also planed to reduce the Early withdrawal penalty to 10% to give the opportunity for our investors to withdraw their principal before maturation at any time they want. Regards.
@DKAREV yes offcourse we will be here in one year and more, we are honest dear, we will never scam anyone, the small risk that subsist in our project is our forex trading results thats all and as u know all the investment fields involve a small risk of loss and we are taking serious precautions to avoid this loss. As a mark of confidence our team have nothing to hide , I am the technical admin of the program charged in (hosting, html, php.......) you can find me in facebook here: (It is my real facebook not a fake one)
@Trickster Yes you are absolutly true , we are offering these rates because our forex traders can not do better than 15-20% a month this is why we have fixed these rates with a small security margin for bad days + our commissions, and the best is that we give the possibility for our clients to withdraw their principal at any time they want with a small fee of 20% if the plan has not yet reached the maturation. @monyitomon @ForumTech It is possible that our DNS propagation have not yet reached your country, if the problem is not resolved , try to connect with a proxy website or software. Regards.
I am one of the admins of Fibonacci Forex , if you have any question about the way we are earning money or the investment packages that we give i will be happy to answer you can find me in Facebook here: @antthenait: I will change the header as soon as i find a good picture reflecting the activity that we do , we have found this picture in Invest Dealer website and we checked first if Invest dealer own copyrights for this picture , and this picture at the header do not have any copyright free for use but we will change it asap , if you have good headers pictures i will be happy to integrate it @archu7 $1 is very affordable for all , lot of investors do not have enough money to open a managed forex account at zulutrade with diferrent brokers because the minimal amount advised to trade 1 micro lot is $500 , this is why we offer our services also to less favorised people.
myprofitsbox -
lecicine replied to gold-lister's topic in Scam / Closed HYIP's Programs
Paying!!! You have received a payment to your account Uxxxxxxx: Date: 2011-27-07 20:54:30 Batch: 66492278 From Account: U5827165 Amount: $4.00 Memo: Withdraw to thebig1 from Thank you. -
myprofitsbox -
lecicine replied to gold-lister's topic in Scam / Closed HYIP's Programs
Paying!!!! You have received a payment to your account Uxxxxxxx: Date: 2011-26-07 14:41:14 Batch: 66372040 From Account: U5827165 Amount: $4.00 Memo: Withdraw to xxxxx from Thank you. -
myprofitsbox -
lecicine replied to gold-lister's topic in Scam / Closed HYIP's Programs
Paying!!! You have received a payment to your account U8238611: Date: 2011-22-07 10:10:17 Batch: 66066471 From Account: U5827165 Amount: $4.00 Memo: Withdraw to from Thank you.