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Everything posted by mou3ad15
Hi guys and welcome in my thread I'm sure that all of you use at least one GPT website to make some extra money, today I've brough to you one of the best GPT website, it's why it's one of the best GPT websites ? I'll tell you, this GPT have unlimited number of offers for world wide countries, they add new offers daily with high payout rates and your offers get credited quickly !! they have signup offers, surveys, trials, download, installs etc .... you can cashout your payment once you reach 0.01$ which is really easy to get, so you can join do some offers and cashout in the same day without any problems ! you can get your money on paypal, bitcoins, giftcards (amazon etc ...) and many other ways. they have good script and design and excellent admin who answer your questions quickly ! so what are you waiting for ? join today and make extra bucks now !
the website doesn't open for me , it shows me dns error is it the same for u all ?
some one of my friends told me that this is a scam website even it still new one ! and now i can see why , the minimum payout is too high to reach , the referrals click rates are tooo low , you can't get the minimum payout !! you need at last 200 day !!
the ads number for the normale users is good , but the click rates isn't good at all , btw what are the payment processors and what is the minimum payout ?
wow it look like a great paid to post forum , the rates are not so good but acceptable , but i like the bonus on the guides and on the points !! but on what payment processors it pays ?
when i tried to open your link i got this message "An Error Has Occurred!" please fix your link dear friend the forum is almost empty and there are alot of spam posts , the admin doesn't take care enough and i didn't find any payment proof on the forum !!
so it gives 3 cents per thread and 1 cent per reply , not really good rates , the minimum payout is good but it pay on alertpay only that's not good + the forum doesn't work any more , when i tried to open the link that what i got
is it still under maintenance !? + it is on free domain and free host !! will it be able to pay his member and he doesn't even have money to purchase domain and host ?? i don't trust such forums
I already got paid there about 1.4$ if i remember , the forum is still new and you can make good money there because there are few active posts but i guess that the rates still a little bit low
this is not a paid to post forum, it just give some prize to his members , it doesn't pay them for making posts is still there any bonus on signup ?? i mean the 5 cents
wow !!! did u recieved this payment for just being active or on contests or you are just been lucky ?? congratz dear friend
the rates are a little bit low , not really good , you need 300 reply to cashout !! that's a lot there are only few sections about hyip and investment only !!
this is really new paid to post forum , i didn't like the rates , because they are not fix !! the admin will gives u almost 2 cents per post + there are no payment section so we can't see if the admin pays or not !
i got paid from this forum one time , but after the old admin sold the forum , the new admin didn't paid me and he said that i copy some post from other websites !! i don't work with this website anymore
i tried to signup but i couldn't , it shows me this message ! "Sorry but you cannot register at this time because the administrator has disabled new account registrations." so what can I so ?? i guess that i'll contact the admin
lol i guess that this is the worst rates i ever seen in the paid to post forums !! it gives 1 pts per reply wich is 0.5 cent !! it is really hard to earn from this forum , you can earn 6 times better in the other forums !
i guess that this is not a paid to post forum !! this is a contest forum and it pays only the lucky members lol !! so you can be active the hole month and you earn nothing in the end !! bad idea for me ...
it look like very nice paid to post website , the rates are good enough and the minimum payout is perfect !! i'll register under u tomorrow ...
i am not the admin MIGAHOST.COM How it works: 1. Points are given for complete downloads and non-complete downloads of any file. 2. You receive 15% of each user's profit who signed up with your affiliate links. 3. Once you reach the minimum payout of $1.00 you can withdraw points earned. 4. Payments are made via AlertPay. 5. Payments should be issued with in 7 business days. Migahost .com rates for each 1,000 download of your files Size / Country* A B C 3-50 MB $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 50-100 MB $9.00 $6.00 $3.00 100-512 MB $15.00 $10.00 $5.00 512-1024 MB $21.00 $14.00 $7.00 1024-2000 MB $27.00 $18.00 $9.00 2000-2048 MB $33.00 $22.00 $11.00 * Country Groups: A. United States, Canada B. United Kingdom, France, Germany, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Thailand C. All Others Premium affiliate program You will get 50% of each premium account sale that will be made using your affiliate links. Rules: 1. You must be logged in while uploading to Migahost. 2. Your uploads must honor our terms of service & copyrights. 3. You are disqualified & banned if you try to manipulate your results. 4. Files must be over 3 MB. 5. References of the link clicked must be from the site where the link is placed. 6. Any act of fake downloads and cheating the system for personal benefits will not be tolerated. Any such attempt if found may result in permanent ban of that user,account & ip address. PAYMENT PROOF shown on the website Register at
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i'm not the admin Hello, We are introducing our own file hosting affiliate system. We hope you will join it & will earn money with us. We hope to provide support here for our valuable affiliates. We are introducing high quality rates, with no ranking system. We are offering premium servers to downloaders, which they will enjoy and get you more downloads. Our affiliate system is Pay Per Download or Pay Per Sale, You can change it any time from your "My Account" section. We are paying 75% commission on each premium account sale and up to $30 per 1000 downloads. THERE IS NO LIMIT ON FILE SIZE, YOU CAN UPLOAD ALL SIZES You can get all details here. Code: FileHook - Earn More Money With File Hook URL: Code: FileHook - Earn More Money With File Hook Contact Us: Code: Good Luck
I'm not the admin - Big Upload/Dowload Speed (even for free users is up to 1Mb/s) - Dope embed player - No captcha, No waiting at all - Clean design, only one ad (beside yours) Beside of this dope features, you can also make big money with us. We don't put you chose between earning plans, with us you earn big from the next 2 features on the same time : - Custom AD - Get an AD Code(or Ad Tag) from an ad network(like Google Adsense, Clicksor, Smowtion, etc) and put it in the "Custom Ad" field in "my account". Your ad will appear then on the download pages of your uploaded files. It's like a 50-50 % share of the ad space on the download page! So if you haven't tried it yet, maybe you should. It is the program that guarantees you the most constant earnings! - 50% From Premium Sales - Every time a user purchases a Premium Membership through your links, you will earn 50% of that membership. For example: a single 1 year membership sold will bring you $22! With the both features you can earn much more than with any other file hoster
i'm not the admin Dear Affiliates and Musicians Im happy to announce the launch of - music sharing website. I work for the affiliate department so i would like to introduce our partnership program PROGRAM FEATURES We pay up to 30$ for 10.000 downloads/plays We pay 60% commission on all premium sales We pay All Countries without restriction COUNTRY GROUPS Terms and Conditions: We count 30 unique downloads/plays from one IP address within 24 hours. We pay for both, Downloads and Premium sales generated from your links, on the same plan. No restrictions, no affiliate types We pay weekly, minimum payout is 15$ We pay via Paypal and Alertpay Supported Formats:MP3 For more info please visit our affiliate page: MDJ - Share Music We offer 30 days "Free Premium Account" to all Wjunction members. Please use coupon "WJ" while sign up on our website. Sign up now and start Making Money