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Everything posted by mownabratadey

  1. New unique scripted PTC launched with great rates of clicking, we can earn 0.02$ per click here which's good enough potential.... But disappointed to see that only Alertpay is accepted here as payment.. IT seems to be new trusted site on web..
  2. Their rates are quite reasonable & truth worthy & this HYIP has low min. investment, seems to be sustainable for me... But not sured as it's not working in my chrome...I guess there could be some sever problem.. hope it will come back soon...
  3. Great design with secured connection, so looking professional as well.... I like their every plan as it requires quite lesser amount to test & have sufficient ROI to be profitable... I would like to invest on their 1st hourly plan with 3$.... There is also license script, some forum discussion links available ...
  4. I have talked with their agent by chat she said that if we try to be log in by some other IP even pc or laptop then they are able to ban you for their rules of violation... I think it could have disadvantage as processor... to get back our membership we must convey the truthful documents or proofs to solve the problem... it's quite difficult..
  5. They have cleared their some members' payment request, But still the cash system is not working by logically good, I think admin is not supporting & not interested to do so... It show that he already contacted the programmer or developer but didn't get solved yet...So difficult for me to spend time to post there....
  6. I can't find any plan & even any text script is not there... I am seeing a man's photo of old age of being very tensed by losing intension.... I think admin is already withdrawn our investment & show us the truth of being tensed by losing the money of investors.... it might have done...
  7. 110% will be greater ROI as compared to others.. since the minimum needed amount is 1$ so it's affordable for anyone to test it... I am very satisfied this type of HYIP...
  8. Every plan has the same minimum spending required with 10$ which's quite big amount for me... 105% after day will be good enough & reasonable as HYIP ROI.. thus I am gonna go for it but before join definitely I did a investigation on this topic if there was any complaint or not...
  9. Their secured connection is no longer persisted as well & the withdrawal will be handled by users clicking, will be sent manually within 24 hours...new features are added as AP accepted with great opportunity for us... I didn't find the monitors in paying status...they have just added it to their list... but we can see the site's working with 24 days ...
  10. This PTC is Bux hosted site with one year subscription & upto 0.03$ paying status as well... They launched on 14th February,2011.. it has twitter attachment but somehow I can't find any trust on it as no one still didn't get paid.... and also LR is not accepted hopefully...
  11. Very new one in PTC world.. There is a offer that the 1st 500 members will have free premium membership & referrals contest also is great option for us... But at their proof section I didn't find any payout done yet... SO much confused about it....
  12. Another new PTC with same plans... there is only option for payout via paypal.. till now admin have paid members total of 11$ which's very poor.. so definitely there must be some limit of earing by some required minimum features...
  13. Quite strange to see that routepay,AP,PP,LR,PM is exceptionally available... I think their rates are quite higher than any PTCs... upgrade option is at very high amount for 25$ with only 5 days.. & disappointed to see only payout option via paypal....
  14. Unique design with similar rates of up to 0.02$ per own click.. very professional script with forum support instantly.. COINZER is also on twitter.. But I don't if LR is available or not.. Before joining need some roofs of shots..
  15. Great to see their 0.01$ rates with 15 ads available with 1$ payout through PP & AP... It's protected by refund protection and this ptc is also on FACEBOOK & TWITTER... SO I am excited to join it as soon as possible....
  16. Another bus hosted site with better rates/ click.. we can earn here upto 0.25$ which's very good amount... But disappointed not to have LR payout option.... THis PTC have not paid any buck to their members so waiting for payment proofs..
  17. I like their secured connection & dynamic script, But I am confused not to see their plans on home page, from here it's looking poor profitable with just 1% daily... and 10$ could be quite higher as small earners like me. Hope it will sustain for long time....
  18. IT seems to be great design with license script, but it's taking too time to load on my chrome.. although it has quite less minimum invest by 10$ but I am amazed to see about their ROI of 60% daily... I think 120% after 2 days will not sustainable program....
  19. THis kind of hourly program will not gonna be lasting for long life... and it's also not exceptional... Thus not interested to be investor... But as the min. 1$ will be affordable for someone & they will be definitely profitable at some 1st times.. But after getting enough balance it could have been scam...
  20. The language of this HYIP is in other foreign & difficult to understand for me... But I recover some of their features as minimum investment required 1$ with 7% hourly... But I am not satisfied about the script & seems to be not professional as well... And also need some proofs before joining..
  21. Quite simple design with some flash scripts... already 4000$++ is deposited & 25% amount made to withdraw as well... Their minimum investment is quite sufficient as 10$ of that high ROIs.. although it has enough feedbacks from proofs I have seen but unable to load that 10$ at all..
  22. THis program seems to be hopefully professional with great script also... Good to see that minimum deposit is 1$ at the two plans with 1.75%...which we can easily pay them....An offline bank is available as ALFA bank.. As it's new one so only 21 account has in active deposits.... Need some proof from monitoring services...
  23. 1% is very poor ROI according to many of trusted paying HYIPs, I think this's honest one with twitter founder, we can chat with their agent or admin by YAHOO MESSENGER as well I can see online status.. Their plans are very big time programs...
  24. I think better to go for 5$ share plan..because every plans are going to be about 20 days & even 1 month waiting statuses.. I have spent my 10$ to their 1$ cycler.. But unfortunately peoples are not able to invest on it cause of the higher time requirement.. WAiting for payment...
  25. Great plan in every program I think we should try on their 1$ spending plan after getting feedback we can try for big amount.. But remember not to go for over confident this type of high profitable program can go scam at anytime as they require to be.....
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