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Everything posted by mahmoudelnemr

  1. Site has become not given these rates, the rates now become too low, perhaps only 1 cent per post, Because I noticed that the proof of payment in this forum, not more than $ 1, and this amount is not worth a try there .
  2. I note that the activity of members in this forum depends on the participation of the contests section only , I do not like to rely on contests to get a profit, because I see that it is not worth attention .
  3. Always, I try to be active here first, before to be active in any other forum, Because I always see that this forum brings together most of the benefits that we all want .
  4. Good site that accepts payments by Alrtpay Also, monitoring sites shows paying status now, I do not see a problem with that, but of course the case of payment will not last more than a very few days, this makes sense for this type of sites .
  5. I do not feel comfortable with this site, although the rate of profit in the first plan appears to be stable, but I see that the rate of profit in the second plan is considered high, and the minimum deposit is high, Site needs to be diversity in the means of payment .
  6. When I entered to this site, I found just a joke, Of course this site will not be able to attract anyone, even the beginner, Plus it do not have one other feature encourages adventure .
  7. Good to see that the site accepts payments by 3 banks including Alrtpay, and that the design of the site is not professionally, but it is not bad, through the investment with the first plan I can restore my capital after 50 days , then start to get on the net profit, as I Recovered the initial capital at the end of the investment period, but I think that 90 days is too long.
  8. Site is available in several languages ​​in order to obtain satisfaction of many investors, I think that profit rates are stable, and the site has an acceptable design, but it was better to have a minimum deposit of less than that .
  9. Do admin here, expect that we will invest $ 50 at the site given profit rates starting from 7% daily ?! I do not see any advantage here make me gamble .
  10. I think I will test this site, because I see many good advantages , - The minimum deposit is acceptable, and available to all - The time life of the site only a few hours - the Site accept payment by Alrtpay also .
  11. Appropriate opportunity now for those who love the adventure, especially now that the risk here is low, because the life time of the site is still only a few hours, but for me, I don't prefere sites that make the minimum deposit is high .
  12. I am confident that investment in this site within 60 hours from this moment, does not contain a risk, because the site is still very new, in addition to the minimum deposit is encouraged to test the site easily .
  13. Of course, clear through unreasonable rates provided by this site, that the investing here, contains a significant risk, but I see that the time life of the site is still only a few hours, and I think that now is a good opportunity to get some quick profit
  14. If I see that the minimum deposit is wonderful, but also think that the investment period is too long for me , especially as I do not trust that the site will be able to continue for a long time at these rates provided to the investors
  15. Profit rates here start a stable, but it is not stable at the end, The minimum deposit is wonderful, and encourages everyone to test the site easily, but the site is paid only by the Liberty, I think that this is not enough .
  16. the design of the site is acceptable, but live Chat is offline most of the time, and the minimum deposit is considered high, in addition to the profit rates here also high, and make us doubt the ability of the site to continue .
  17. I see that there is a significant difference between the rates of profit in the plans provided by this site, Each plan offers double the rate of profit in the other plan , Anyway , I do not feel comfortable with this site, despite the fact that the minimum deposit here are encouraged to test the site easily .
  18. Web design does not seem attractive to me, but I think that a reasonable profit rates here, I think the best plan Is the daily plan , but the minimum deposit here is high, especially for newbies .
  19. Strange thing here, that the site offers a low profit rates, although it submitted a short-term profit plan , This is an indication that the site wants to continue for a long time, and it will certainly pay for all, I think it's worth a try, especially as the minimum deposit is available for everyone, especially for newbies .
  20. I note that this type of site , which provides a profit paln every hour, makes a minimum deposit of $ 10, I think the goal is to collect as much money as possible before turning suddenly to scam .
  21. I think I can only use the first plan to invest here, because the investment period in other plans too long for me, the rate of profit in the first plan means I can recovere my capital after almost 50 days, then start to get on the net profit .
  22. Simple design, and not attractive, like a lot of design sites that turned into a scam after a few days, in addition to the minimum deposit is high, so I think it is not encouraging here .
  23. All profit plans here offer high rates, and unstable, in addition to that the design of the site is simple and not attractive , I do not think it's encouraging in order to invest here, even if the minimum deposit is encouraging everyone to invest .
  24. Site gives rates start from 1% per day, I think that these rates are very low, Especially as website that provides short-term profit plans, Anyway I see that these rates make us confident that this site will pay for all indeed .
  25. There is no minimum deposit here, but the rates of profit is unreasonable, I think that the site do so in order to attract the largest number of investors, And thus brings together the largest amount of money, then go away, Anyway, I do not think it's worth a try here
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