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Everything posted by anne

  1. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/18/2011 18:32 Batch: 65767329 From Account: U6242189 (bank) Amount: $0.70 Thanks
  2. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/18/2011 15:42 Batch: 65752745 From Account: U4843316 (Opulentia) Amount: $0.02 Thanks
  3. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/18/2011 15:41 Batch: 65752709 From Account: U1090421 (Safe Deposit...) Amount: $0.16 Thanks
  4. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/18/2011 15:38 Batch: 65752318 From Account: U2676918 (Forex Orbit) Amount: $0.40 Thanks
  5. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/18/2011 15:36 Batch: 65752102 From Account: U0267455 (Top Best Fund) Amount: $0.04 Thanks
  6. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/18/2011 15:31 Batch: 65751659 From Account: U2241981 (E W Fund.com) Amount: $0.02 Thanks
  7. Im in heres my deposit Payment sended via LR Date: 07/18/2011 14:48 Batch: 65747656 From Account: U9267665 (PRINCE BUSIN...) Amount: $5.00 I think they proven well that they are almost stable... Im counting they wont disappear until im finished the plan:)
  8. @bucksreporter The link you provided either its a error right now in the forum or it dosent work. I get 500 internal server error when trying to reach the forum, via the link. But when i went and did a google search the forum came up nicely. so ill wait and sign up later when the forum comes up again via ref links to:)
  9. Logged in now after a few weeks that i hvent been posting at all in this forum. And I notice that there is a lot of spam posts. At least where i use to write in hyip discussion forum. It was a suprise see though i thought this forum was very very carefully moderated. In anyway reported the spam incase someone hasnt.
  10. Great hyip as a differ to the higher paying roi sites. Short professional done. What i dont like is the little faq. There is no words about minimum withdrawal. And what means fully automatic? That after open a account I dont need to make withdrawal request? It comes auto in my payment processor account? I think it would be nice if this program/hyip could write a little better faq. Running days now 16. So its still good time to go in. But i see very little payment proofs from investors posted.
  11. I could have had a lot of use of this topic 2 months ago..... Bought me a new laptop that has been nothing else then problems. I wonder yet if its me who just are a nutcase without brain when it comes to computer using or if its something really serious wrong with my laptop. Just a quick advice for all that is bying one....Always and i mean make 100% sure you get the cd for windows!
  12. For me all is ok, paid now 2 times. With no problems at all. Its not instant/instant but its been almost instant too. And i see payments proofs is showing up in forums too. So people do invest in this little program:) Support for a new program is important i think for it to continue.
  13. This hyip looks really good, with roi ok and ref comission also not to high. The design shows thiis admin/adminia knows what they...doing. Also the monitor button and testimonials. All the right features are there like the forums where they launched the threads... If it will be a long runner is up to admin clearly. In anyway there has been a small amount putted inside the site from admin for to start it up. But with this heavy promotion maybe the money is just arrived back for admin.. I like the hyip its done well with no huge roi so all in alll is ok.
  14. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/17/2011 17:24 Batch: 65689201 From Account: U0267455 (Top Best Fund) Amount: $0.03 Thanks
  15. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/17/2011 17:26 Batch: 65689291 From Account: U9693639 (Liberty Loan) Amount: $0.04 Thanks
  16. Payment recieved via LR Rcb for Earngroups deposit Date: 07/17/2011 13:05 Batch: 65676282 From Account: U1596463 (AllworldHYIP...) Amount: $2.00 Merchant Reference: 1310911537 Memo: RCB400% from allworldhyip.com (Earn Groups)
  17. Heres the deposit made via LR Date: 07/17/2011 12:25 Batch: 65674724 To Account:U0944305 (EarnGroups) Amount: $10.00 Its the fast plan im in for. I think this hyip has more to give, hopefully:) The newsletter and good and bad news is better then np news whatsoever. So im crossing my fingers:)
  18. Were in Deposit made via LR Date: 07/17/2011 12:11 Batch: 65674249 To Account: U5624597 (Safe Deposit...) Amount: $10.00 So this hyip is going to be in my list for 150 days:)
  19. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/17/2011 16:19 Batch: 65685545 From Account: U2185700 (Macbond) Amount: $0.52 Thanks
  20. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/17/2011 08:11 Batch: 65666427 From Account: U3284842 (ForexIntraDa...) Amount: $0.02 Thanks
  21. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/17/2011 03:06 Batch: 65658061 From Account: U7436822 (extremesurfs...) Amount: $0.03 Thanks Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/17/2011 03:04 Batch: 65657992 From Account: U7436822 (extremesurfs...) Amount: $0.15 Thanks
  22. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/16/2011 19:10 Batch: 65647117 From Account: U6412155 (monixa.com) Amount: $0.02 Thanks
  23. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/16/2011 04:43 Batch: 65606209 From Account: U1671966 (iico) Amount: $0.40 Thanks
  24. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/16/2011 18:35 Batch: 65645852 From Account: U7210265 (Macro Trade) Amount: $0.12 Thanks
  25. Payment recieved via LR Date: 07/16/2011 16:29 Batch: 65640144 From Account: U1340462 (Hyper Compou...) Amount: $0.03 Thanks
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