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Everything posted by indieover

  1. The activity here is slow once again. But I would admit that I have been slow on posting on the site as well. So I would be trying to post more. So sometimes I am just much motivated to post on the site as there are some other days that I am not motivated to post on the site as well. So I hope that I would be able to maintain my motivation on the site.
  2. It's just hard for me to post here using my tablet. So I am back to using my laptop. And so I was able to complete my ten post faster. So I would try to make another ten post on the site as well. So I would be able to reach my goal before the end of the month as well.
  3. Yeah just focus on enjoying the site so that you won't be disappointed with the low earning on the site as well. So I am just doing just that. I'm just focusing on the enjoying my stay on the site. If I would enjoy the enjoy the site then I would enjoy earning on the site as well.
  4. You quoted such old posts. Anyway it does not matter about the grammar. It has something to do with the content of your posts. So anyway its the admin that would decide if we would get deductions or not. Don't be bothered by the deductions. Just keep on posting on the site.
  5. If you are not having any problem on posting on the site then keep saying that to your self. Don't keep telling me how you don't have problem on the site at all. You don't need to say that to me if you are contented on the site or what. It's your activity and your concern.
  6. I just saw that you have made about 5 post on the ptp section. So I hope that you would be able to increase your post here like 10 post daily as much as possible. Anyway I have just made some replies to your post. But I would not post anymore for now. I would just post actively by tomorrow once again on the other sections specially on the forex section.
  7. I have completed my post on here and so I am just taking my time and I don't want to post too much so that I would be able to maintain the quality of my posts also which is very important for me also. Knowing that the site values quality post because they are paying such a very high post rate on the site.
  8. I think it's not hard to post on the site only that you are too busy with your activity on other forums. So I hope that you would be able to find time daily to post a lot on this site as this is my favorite forum also. Because of the good payments. I am getting payout actually so I am excited to reach payout here again.
  9. I was able to make a lot of post again today so I'm just hoping that I would be able to do that again tomorrow. I am just glad that the activity is doing very well in all sections. So it's not hard to choose where to put my focus on the site as well.
  10. I'm very much interested to post a lot again on the site. Maybe next month I would have lots of time to post again on the site. As I was much busy lately offline. If I am not only busy I would have prioritize the site just like before. I just miss my friends I have on the site.
  11. I'm just sad that I was only able to make few posts for today because of the low activity. So all of the post were mine. So I am just waiting for the other members to do their post. Maybe tomorrow I would see some new posts once again on the site as well.
  12. I'm going to post again here because I have seen some activities onc again. I was wondering actually when I would be able to post here again. So now I just hope that the activity would always be good and that the members would have no problem making consistent post on the site as well.
  13. I'm not able to post here at all lately. So I have to make some time to post again on the site. I do wonder if the admin would increase the post rate once again. So I just hope that the admin would have more advertisers again on the site. So that we would be able to get better post rate once again here.
  14. It's just okay for me if there's still no payment yet. I still am happy and have trust on the site. So I would just continue posting on the site. So we should not think of the pending payment. I am sure you guys would be paid anyway soon.
  15. Yeah it would be great if the site would be paying fast but I think the members would still post here despite the slow payment sometimes although sometimes it's fast. The admin don't think that the members are indeed that satisfied with the site. It's more like a mixed feelings.
  16. Indeed it's paying up to now but I am not surprised at all although I am still not that satisfied with the earning on the site for. Anyway its so hard also to maintain my activity here even before. So it's not actually a big change for me.
  17. Yeah I think it's just too late for you to make some post on the site now. It's just a waste of time to post and visit the site so I think that the admin has not been able to get advertisers for the site. So the admin has just given up on this site. There's no point to support the site when the admin himself has given up on his own site already.
  18. Who cares if I got ban on the site. It is not my priority at all. I was making very few posts when I got. FYI. And I was banned when I informed a member on the post rate of the forum on discussions as he was not aware of the rules and the rate of another forum and that's the cause of my ban. And the mod said it was persistent post chasing just because I informed the member about the post rate. Tell me more about it what do you call that huh. You are just defending it because you don't want to get ban.
  19. I just need ten more posts so I would request by 100 points. So I hope that I would reach it by tomorrow. As I would have to post more on other forums for now. But I have made today 4 post on the site and it's enough for me for now. So I am not that active here but it's just okay.
  20. I have loss interest to post on the site lately. So I don't think I would be able to bring my activity on this site again soon. So I would just focus more on other forums although I don't say that we can't get nice earnings profit on the site. But it's just hard to post here daily.It's just sad that the site has few active members on this that's why I just easily get discouraged here
  21. I don't encourage you to be active on this site unless you enjoy making discussions. I have stopped posting lately on the site as well as I have no time to make some discussions daily. But I would try to post discussions with lots of it daily by next month. As I would still have to save more money on my paypal account.
  22. I'm not tired of posting on the site and I am not tired to promote the site at all. I'm not paid for promoting it but I just am very comfortable on the site and very much confident of the site as stable and would keep on paying the members. So I would like other members to see that as well.
  23. But I am still not consistent on my activity on this site. So I hope that I would be able to maintain my consistent activity on the site. It's not just because I am busy but sometimes I just don't feel like I can way something on the discussions. So I just try to not to post too much or just post less than ten post.
  24. I have no doubt that the admin would keep on paying us. And I am expecting the admin would have some surprise also sometimes. So I would just keep on posting on the site when I have the time to do so. Before I was having some doubts on the admin already but he has proven himself again. So now I am very much comfortable on the site as well.
  25. I'm sure that the mod would check our payment request soon. I would try to request mine later on. I was planning to post a lot but the activity is quite slow lately so I was not able to post more. So I am posting again now you are posting. So I would try to be more active once again.
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