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Everything posted by indieover

  1. I just try to post here when I just feel like to. So I would just post when I have the time and when I do its just a small amount of posts and so I do enjoy my activity here because I didn't pressure myself to reach a goal as I don't have any goal on the site at all. So for me I'm just posting just for fun although I would not expect to reach payout that way with the payout here so high and I just hope a bit more than 100 points
  2. But I don't think it's easy to make 100 posts in just one day. So I wonder if there is some members who can make 100 posts in just one day. But at least it's now allowed to post as much as you would want to. But for me 10 post daily and I would be contented on my activity on this site.
  3. I know that the site is quite strict so I would need to be slow on posting here so I would be able to check well my post so I would make quality post. Anyway I would just be careful so that I would not have some of my posts deleted as some members experience.
  4. I'm enjoying my activity on this site now. The only thing I just find it hard to submit a post when I am using a tablet so I ended up sometimes refreshing the page and submitting it again and so when it gets posted I would refresh the page so as to make sure that it was not posted twice. So I would need to be careful with unintentional double post.
  5. Yeah I have no problem with the activity on the site as well. As there is always new posts daily. That was what I have been expecting before and now I see that nice act as so I am just so much contented on the site. That's why my focus is always on the site. I could depend on the site because of the activity here is doing pretty amazing.
  6. The nice thing about the site is that the admin is not good strict on the post quality and post l ngth. And so that's why I so much comfortable posting on the site before when it had nice post rate bit I would try to make ql of post on the site later on just to be able to support the site sometimes. As I think I should keep helping to bring good activity here.
  7. I think making ten post daily is more than enough as I don't think it's always easy to maintain more posts daily so I thought better make a more easy goal which you can do easily daily. Than making a lot of post on one day and failed to make some post on few days. So I think it's much better option. i think better to just have same amount of post. so that when you are used to it that you won't find it hard to post daily anymore.
  8. Let's keep trying to improve our activity in the site as I will like to make the site my priority also as I would like to reach payout here weekly. Anyway i have noticed that the activity is quite slow. But anyway at least I can still new posts here every time. So I would still be able to reach payout weekly here as well. I am going to request my first payment on the site. So I just hope that I would be approved for full payment my focus and motivation would increase a lot as well.
  9. I'm just hoping that I would be able to get it this time so I hope that I can do better post always on the site. But lately I'm hoping tried to make better post on the specially on the forex section. So I hope that I will be able to post here fast without sacrificing the quality of my posts. So that I would be able to post more in my daily activity on the site as well.
  10. I just don't check the status of my payment request as I know not I would be paid soon. So I hope that I can make $1 for today. It's just so hard for me to do that so many post lately. It's not that easy to make a post on the site because I would need to make longer post just to avoid deductions
  11. Of course you would share paypal account only with members or people you trust. Anyway my average now is 20 cents daily that's because I am not able to make a lot of post on the site. So I hope that I would be able to make a lot of discussions once again today as I would like to earn a lot of money on myLot.
  12. I was not able to make some post yesterday so I would try to start posting again. . my plan is to post daily here for the site for a week. So I hope that I would be able do this as planned. I would be happy to be active here if only I would be able to do it always
  13. I have finally 200 points and skills would request payout now. And also I have won on the contests so I would make request my prize for that also. So I would make two payments request. Anyway I hope I would earn 400 points this week.I know it's not easy to achieve that but if not I would just try whatever amount I can reach weekly
  14. I have checked out the site yesterday but I have not seen any activity yet and I have lost interest to post. Anyway I just noticed that the site is still loading so slow. So I hope that the admin would try to improve on the loading of the site and try to promote the site once again. and we can post now as the forum board is open now
  15. Displayed Username : indieover Amount To Request (DMT points) : 630 Liberty Reserve ID: U7434597 Hope to get approved THanks...........................
  16. yeah i think that the demo account is very beneficial although it requires patience for us to stay on the demo account. for i am sure we are tempted to do live account so that we would be able to get some small earnings. but we have to just focus first on the demo account before you do some live trading. it is easy to lose money in live account. so better focus on practicing here on the demo trading.
  17. i don't know if the admin is indeed earning pretty well on the ads on the site as we don't know how much the advertising space on the site. but the important thing is that the admin is still earning so that he would be able to manage the site as well. anyway, only few active members on the site anyway. so the site is still quite lucky to be able to get some ads or banners on the site .
  18. i am sure that the admin is working hard to manage the payments. i think that the admin does not have any problems in making payments lately. i think that the admin is still paying fast enough at least we don't need to wait a monthly payment just like in other forex forums just to be able to receive the payment on the site. so i think that we should be glad that the payment is quite fast enough then.
  19. do you mean that the admin has introduced the new contest now or just the old contest as before. anyway, i hope that there is new contest now. i would expect a lot of contest if the admin wants this a contest based forum. it is not goind to be good to look at if the forums would just have a very few contest and becalled a contest based forum.
  20. yeah i don't think we should think of making copy and paste of post on the site. it is a strict forum i am sure. so i don't know who are the members who are making copy and paste of their post. it is just a waste of time because i am sure those activity would be caught by the admin. so anyway, so just be hard working and making real or unique post each time.
  21. i am going to make some post on the site later on. i just need 5 post anyway, so definitely i would be able to reach payout on this day. this is not the most active forum we have not because of the low post rate. before the activity was so fast almost the most active forum. but anyway, i am not totally surprised with the admin decreasing the post rate. i know that the admin just gave us a chance to earn well with the 2 cents post rate before he would bring it down to this one cent post rate.
  22. what do you mean by the mod banned in the forum for a month. are you saying you were banned for one month . and what is the reason of your ban. share it with us so that we would be able to avoid getting banned also. so i may have not problem in case i would have the time to make some post on the site. i can see that you are very much active in posting in forex forums as well lately.
  23. I think I would need to check out the site so I would see the development on the site as well. So I would be more excited to wait for the coming updates on the site as well. It seems that the admin is preparing the site for something more than just post rate increase. Maybe he is trying to make the forum loads much faster or look much better.
  24. I just hope that I would not have any problem in verifying my account on the site. Anyway i would just worried about the verification next time I would just focus on getting my activity on this site as well. So I hope that I would be able to have lots of motivation to post on the site as well. So that I would be able to earn a lot of bonus on the site as well. Anyway I just hope that the bonsu could be withdrawn but anyway its just okay I would still post here.
  25. Yes the broker is indeed very fast in sending the payment. Although we have to wait another three days before we would be able to make withdrawal after receiving the payment for our post on our trading account. But still it's just okay asi am still very much glad with the payment system on the site as well. I would try to make some post on the site as well once again.
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