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Everything posted by indieover

  1. i was planning to post here but the site was not loading. but this day it is loading normally once again. so i would try to make some post here since i have lots of forums to post at for now. but i sure want to get active on the site as well. the post rate is just average or acceptable. although i wonder if i would get paypal fees if i withdraw payout already by paypal.
  2. i don't know how much i got here last month. anyway, my plan is just 5 post daily. with that kind of plan i can only earn the maximum of $3 each month. so i don't think i would be earning well on the site. but i still want to maintain few post here daily. as a support to the site and also because i still hope that the site would have better post rate and that our activity would help the site to get more advertisers so that the post rate would increase once again one day.
  3. the approval of payment request seemed to slow down lately. but anyway, i am sure that my payment request would get approved soon. maybe the mods are just busy. anyway, i have already 1000 points. so i can request soon after i have received another payout. so i am just all ready anytime i can make payment request. i just enjoy the site as it is just so easy to post on the site. anyway, i would need to increase my activity on the contest section as well.
  4. but i know there is big time gap in between post. so i don't think that you would be able to earn that much in just one month. $500 is just big amount and also the site is not that fast in loading even on my end. but i just wonder why they disabled my post . others can see their post immediately. i just don't know the reason behind as i have made nice post just like in other forex forums. i am sure there is some reason why my post was not being approved.
  5. indeed it is very hard to earn nicely on the site. but i think that you are earning pretty well in forex forums. so i think you should not focus much here. just make few post when you are not busy. that is much better. but as you have mentioned before, that sometimes they would give warnings on the thread itself and members won't notice the warnings and get ban for doing the same things that they have not read that it is not allowed to do because they have not read the warnig themselves. so just be careful on that also
  6. i have already $13 in my earnings on the forum. So it is quite a good amount for a start. so by next month i hope ican do much better. but i would start trading with that small amount. anyway, i had no problem attaching my account of forex account to my forum account. so i hope that i can receive on the forum early next month. sometimes they would have some delays but i just hope that next month there won't be delay at all.
  7. if i would just have the motivation to post again and the feeling of like sharing my life as my main discussions, i could make a lot of post once again here. but lately i just stay at home and there is nothing new in my life so i have less things to talk about. when there is a lot of things that happen in my life that i tend to make alot of discussions on the site as well.
  8. i am going to reach payout about 20 points or bit less i can reach payout already. anyway, my secret to winning the contest like twice a week is just trying to post daily even just few post daily would be enough to make me win something twice weekly on the contest. as the contest prize is the way to cover for my loss i get on the deductions on my payout request.
  9. i would try to reach $20 at least for this month despite the low motivation i am feeling lately. not only on this site but on my online activities in general. so i hope that i would be able to do much better next time. i think in a few months i would be more comfortable in posting as i am trying to do a lot of demo trading. so that can help me post much better on the site as well.
  10. You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover): Date: 10/27/2012 1:16 AM Batch: 116538193 From Account: U0137115 (ECMF Payout) Amount: $0.10 Memo: Payment for Make 5 Posts Thank you.
  11. I was not able to continue posting on the site. Anyway I just hope that my account won't have any kind of problem on the site so I would be able to keep on posting. I am just so busy with so many things. I would try to post a lot again later on so that I would be able to earn more. Last time I had $10 already. So I would try to post more.
  12. Every time I would post on the site I would receive a message that my post would need to be approved first before it would be posted. It has been like this for a week. I think other members don't have this problem and can see their post immediately. When I have first joined the site and made post I would see my post immediately. Now I can't see my post anymore.
  13. I have not see this new image verification. Anyway I would just post here when I have the time to make some post on the site as well. So I think that there so many members there are discouraged to post on the site. Anyway I think some are just ban from the site so they are not able to post on the site till now.
  14. I'm just amazed with the fast payment on the site so I am very much motivated to continue posting on the site as well. So I would be able to make post here later on. Sometimes I just forget to post although I was planning to make some post on the site as well.
  15. I was planning to make a lot of other post here daily but upon learning how strict the site is, that I have been discouraged to continue posting on but I would still want to post here as much as possible but I am just not going to be as active like last time as I don't want to get banned on the site as some members.
  16. You would need to wait a week at least one year should have requested on 100 posts each time so you would get paid faster and don't need to wait when you have more posts. Anyway the thing here you would get paid for the amount of posts you had when you click the request payment button. You can't choose at what post count you would get paid.
  17. I don't know when the next payment on the site is. Anyway I am just close to another payout. So I think that I have many points already. So I just need a day of post something I can reach my goal on the site as well. So I hope that I would be able to make a lot of post on again but I think with the good activity on the site I would not have problem reaching payout when I am focused on the site.
  18. This is one of the most successful forum because the admin has proven that he can pay really well for the payment request of the members. So I think that the members are very much comfortable posting in the site that's why I have noticed the increase on the activity here lately. So I am just hoping that the activity would keep on increasing.
  19. I would just need two more days before I would request payout on the site. I just don't want to request on small amount. Anyway the admin allows us to request on any minimum amount. Which is why I think the site is one of the good forum. It just shows that the admin is showing that he oqys well and wants to prove always that he can pay fast.
  20. The activity is just slow on the site so I thought it's just time for me to totally forget the site already. I don't have any plans for me to post on the site once again. I have just made my mind and this time I am more decided to forget that site for good.
  21. You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover): Date: 10/22/2012 11:02 AM Batch: 115771119 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $2.50 Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!! Thank you.
  22. I am quite happy as there's about four members that he made post on the ptp section. So I can make another round of post. Last time that the activity is just slow so at least for today the activity is just doing pretty well. So I just hope that the activity would continue to be this way tomorrow
  23. I have to make a lot of post also as I have not been able to post here lately. It's a good idea to bring more active now that I see more activity would I would be able to reach my goal much faster. So I would try to focus on the site now. Maybe making 25 post would be enough for me to earn nicely again on the site as well.
  24. I don't have enough time to make some post on the site lately as I was trying to be more active in forex forums and even on forex trading. But the admin am still interested to earn on the site. If only I would have enough time to post on the site daily. And also I am running out of ideas. So I would try to think more of discussions.
  25. I'm having difficulty posting but I am still trying to make some post. It's just that I feel like I am running of good things to say about the discussions. So I am just so lucky in discussion I would post or make reply at. And so I just hope that I would gain more experience in forex so I can post more here
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